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  Atoms are all around us. They are the bricks of which every thing is made. Many millions of atoms of atoms are contained in just one grain of sand, but despite their small size they are very important. The way in which an everyday object behaves depends on what kinds of atoms are in it and how they act.

  For instance, you know that most solid objects melt if they get hot enough. Why is this? It is the effect of the heat on the objects' atoms. All atoms move constantly. When they are hot, they move faster.

  Usually the atoms in an object hold together and give the object its shape. But if the object grows hot, its atoms move so fast that they break the force that usually holds them together. They move out of their usual places so that the object loses its shape. Then we say that the object is melting.

(1)The way in which an object behaves depends on the ______. 

[    ]

Akids of atoms in it    Bnumber of atoms in it

Cway its atoms behave   Dboth a and C

(2)Atoms in an object move ______.

[    ]

Aat all times

Bonly when the object is heated

Cwhenever they grow hot

Dunless the object has melted

(3)Heating an object will affect 

[    ]

Athe movements of its atoms

Bthe speed of its atoms

Cthe shape of its atoms

Dboth A and B

(4)An object holds its shape because its atoms ______. 

[    ]

Ausually hold together

Bmove very fast

Care very hot

Dare not moving

(5)When its atoms leave their usual places we say that an object is ______.

[    ]

Ashrinking       Bexpanding

Cchanging places   Dmelting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to stealSuch a person is not really a thiefThey are sick and cannot help themselvesAll small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actionsPeople with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to themWith medical help they may become normal citizens againThe things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great valueThey often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them

1What is the topic of the text?

[    ]

AYoung thieves

BAn unusual illness

CReasons for stealing

DA normal child’s actions

2From the text we learn that small children ______

[    ]

Ahave little control of themselves

Busually steal things but grow up honest

Care usually kleptomaniacs

Dlike to give things away

3Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that ______ . 

[    ]

Aare valuable

Bare unimportant

Ctheir friends like

Dthey themselves need

4Which of the following words can best replace (替代) the word desire in the first sentence?

[    ]






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053



   It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps,but everyone needs some rest to stay alive.That’s what all doctors thought,until they heard about AL Herpin.Al Herpin,it was said,never slept.Could this be true?The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.

   Al Hereupon was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey.They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind.So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made.But they were surprised.Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day,they never saw Herpin sleeping.In fact,he did not even own a bed.He never needed one.

   The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers.The doctors were puzzled by this strange continous sleeplessness.They asked him many questions,hoping to find an answer.They found only one answer that might explain his condition.Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born.But that was all.Was this the real reason?No one could be sure.

   Herpin died at the age of 94.

(1)The main idea of this passage is that ______.

[  ]

Alarge numbers of people do not need sleep

Ba person who actually didn’t need any sleep was found

Ceveryone needs some sleep to stay alive

Dpeople can live longer by trying not to sleep

(2)The doctors came to visit Herpin,expecting ______.

[  ]

Ato cure him of his sleeplessness

Bto find that his sleeplessness was not really true

Cto find out why some old people didn’t need any sleep

Dto find a way to free people from the need of sleeping

(3)After watching him closely,the doctors came to believe that A1 Herpin ______.

[  ]

Aneeded some kind of sleep

Bwas too old to need any sleep

Cneeded no sleep at all

Doften slept in a chair

(4)One reason that might explain Herpin’s sleeplessness was ___.

[  ]

AHis mother’s injury before he was born

Bthat the had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit

Chis magnificent physical condition

Dthat he hadn’t got a bed

(5)A1 Herpin’s condition could be regarded as ______.

[  ]

Aa common one

Bone that could be cured

Cvery healthy

Da rare one



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  When a tornado (龙卷风) destroys a house, it doesn't blow it down the way a hurricane (十二级台风) does. It makes the house explode. Why does the house explode?

  The air that surrounds a house presses against it all the time. It usually has a force of about fifteen pounds per square inch. The air inside the house presses out against the walls just as hard. When a tornado passes over a house, it suddenly sucks away the air outside the house. The air inside the house still pushes out against the walls, but now there is nothing pushing back. So the walls are pushed out in an explosion.

  Pieces of the house are sucked up into the tornado and carried away. There is little left where the house once stood.

1A tornado makes a house ______.

[  ]

Aexplode   Bblow away   Cfall down   Dcatch fire

2The walls of a house stay up when ______.

[  ]

Aair pushes from the outside

Bair pushes from the inside

Cthere is no pressure on them

Dair pushes from both the outside and the inside

3In paragraph 2, the sentence “The air inside the house presses out against the walls just as hard.” means ______,

Athe air in side the house presses out more greatly than the air outside

Bthe air pressure outside the house is usually the same as the pressure inside

Cthe air pressure inside the house is usually less than the pressure outside

Dthe air pressure inside the house is just as difficult as the pressure outside

4A house’s walls are pushed out when ______.

[  ]

Athe air outside is taken away

Bthe air inside is taken away

Ctoo much air is pushing outside

Dthey are in very poor conditions

5A house destroyed by a tornado would look ______.

[  ]

Aas if a hurricane had hit it

Bas if there had been a fire

Clike a pile of wood

Das if a bomb had exploded in it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks (恶作剧) on othersIf one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too

  One April 1st, a country bus was going along a winding roadWhen it slowed down and stopped, the driver anxiously turned the switches but nothing happenedThen he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, “This poor bus is getting old and it isn’t going as well as it used toThere’s one thing to do if we want to get home todayI shall count three, and on the word ‘three’ I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you canThat should get the bus started again, but if it doesn’t I am afraid there is nothing I can doNow, all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready

  The passengers all obeyed and waited anxiouslyThen the driver turned to his front and asked whether they were readyThe passengers hardly had enough breath to answer, “Yes

  “One! Two! Three!” counted the driverThe passengers all swung forward suddenly and the bus started up at a great speed

  The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief(宽慰)But their smiles turned to surprise and then delighted laughter when the driver merrily cried, “April Fool

1On April 1st ______ in some countries

[  ]

Aone cannot fool anybody

Bpeople can fool each other

Cpeople say “April Fool” to each other wherever they meet

Done who has been tricked says “April Fool”

2The sentence “The passengers hardly had enough breath to answer ‘Yes’ means ______

[  ]

Athey were quite out of breath

Bthey would not answer ‘Yes’

Cthey were a bit nervous

Dthere was not enough air in the bus

3The bus started up because ______

[  ]

Aall the passengers had swung forward suddenly

Bthe driver had counted “One! Two! Three!”

Cthe driver had got rid of its trouble

Dnothing was wrong with it

4When the driver cried “ April Fool” , the passengers ______

[  ]

Arealized that they had been fooled and got angry

Bfelt surprised and did not know what was the matter

Cfelt surprised at first and then realized that they had been tricked

Dbegan to smile with relief

