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10.When Americans in the manufacturing sector (制造业) cried out,"The Chinese are coming,"some years ago,they expressed a restless concern and warning about a possible loss of job opportunities.Now Americans in the tourism industry issued the same cry on June 17-but this time,it was a welcome call to greet the first organized group of Chinese tourists to the United States.U.S.tourism officials have high expectations that well-off Chinese visitors,who are ready and willing to spend loads of yuan,will give a big help to their industry.
"We're very excited,"said Helen N.Marano,Director of the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries under the U.S.Department of Commerce.Before she talked to Beijing Review on June 17,Marano and her colleagues had been waiting for more than two hours at Washington Dulles International Airport to give a warm welcome to the first organized group of Chinese tourists to visit the United States.
The first group consisted of 250 tourists,who left from Beijing,Shanghai and Guangdong on June 17,the day when newly appointed Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and U.S.Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson started the fourth round of the China-U.S.Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) in Annapolis,Maryland.Each was backed by a big group of heavyweight ministerial officials.
Coincidence (巧合) could not provide a satisfactory explanation to the two events taking place on the same day.As a perfect example of one of the concrete results of the high-level dialogue between the two countries started by Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S.President George W.Bush in 2006,the first Chinese tourist group's arrival in the United States was widely reported by the Chinese media.
At the previous SED meeting last December,Chairman of the Chinese National Tourism Administration Shao Qiwei and U.S.Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez signed an agreement between China and the United States to advance tourist group travel from China to the United States.Under this agreement,China agreed to give an"approved destination status"to the United States,allowing Chinese travel agencies to market tourism to American destinations and permitting U.S.destinations to advertise directly to the Chinese public.
The agreement"is estimated to bring up to 100 million Chinese travelers to the United States over the next 15 years,"Paulson said.
But what people in the U.S.tourism industry care more about is how they can get a big slice of the pie.
"I'm getting calls already from people saying things like,‘How do we get to do this?'and‘How do we attract Chinese tourists to our area?'"Marano told Beijing Review.Marano said she had been waiting for this market to be open for more than five years and that she was so excited now to see it finally happen.

63.When,a few years ago,some Americans shouted"the Chinese are coming",they 
A.were worried that the Chinese language would take the place of English
B.were concerned that the number of the Chinese tourists would be bigger than the locals 
C.wanted to warn that the U.S.economy would suffer heavy losses
D.feared that large numbers of Chinese moving into the U.S.would make many Americans jobless
64.Helen N.Marano was excited becauseB.
A.large numbers of Chinese touring the U.S.would tip her and her colleagues
B.the Chinese touring in the U.S.would help improve its industry
C.the Chinese are usually well organized when travelling
D.Wang Qishan and Henry Paulson started the fourth round of the China-U.S.SED
65.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.Chinese tourist agencies could organize groups of Chinese to go to the U.S.without the agreement 
B.Marano and her colleagues waited at the airport to see how well organized the Chinese were
C.many Americans take a positive attitude toward Chinese tourists
D.about 100 million Americans will travel to China in the next 15 years
66.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A
A.The Chinese are coming
B.The fourth-round China-U.S.SED
C.More Chinese,more job opportunities
D.How can we attract more Chinese to our area.

分析 文章主要讲了随着中美间各项协议的达成,越来越多的中国游客未来会到美国旅游,为美国旅游业的发展带来各种好处,因此文章的一个主要内容就是中国人将越来越多地前往美国.

解答 63:D细节题.由第一段第一句"they expressed a restless concern and warning about a possible loss of job opportunities."可知正确答案为D.
64:B细节题.由第一段最后一句"but this time,it was a welcome call to greet the first organized group of Chinese tourists to the United States.U.S.tourism officials have high expectations that well-off Chinese visitors,who are ready and willing to spend loads of yuan,will give a big help to their industry."可知 Marano 激动的原因是中国游客的到来能促进旅游业的发展,故正确答案为B.
65:C细节题.由第二段第一句"'We're very excited,'said Helen N.Marano,"和第五段"'The agreement is estimated to bring up to 100 million Chinese travelers to the United States over the next 15 years,'Paulson said."等内容可知许多人都欢迎中国游客的到来,所以C项正确.而A、B、D项在文中均没有相关内容,所以A、B、D项错误.故正确答案为C.
66:A推断题.文章主要讲了随着中美间各项协议的达成,越来越多的中国游客未来会到美国旅游,为美国旅游业的发展带来各种好处,因此文章的一个主要内容就是中国人将越来越多地前往美国,由此可知A项符合文意.而B、C、D项均没有谈到中国游客将大量赴美,只是讲到第四轮 China-U.S.SED、中国人越多工作机会越多或者如何吸引中国人,所以B、C、D项错误.故正确答案为A.

点评 本文讲述了随着中美间各项协议的达成,越来越多的中国游客未来会到美国旅游,为美国旅游业的发展带来各种好处,因此文章的一个主要内容就是中国人将越来越多地前往美国的一个故事,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.A recent survey has shown that the number of people in the United Kingdom who do not intend to get internet access has risen.These people,who are known as'net refuseniks',make up 44% of UK households,or 11.2million people in total.
The research also showed that more than 70percent of these people said that they were not interested in getting connected to the internet.This number has risen from just over 50% in 2005,with most giving lack of computer skills as a reason for not getting internet access,though some also said it was because of the cost.
More and more people are getting broadband and high speed net is available almost everywhere in the UK,but there are still a significant number of people who refuse to take the first step.
The cost of getting online is going down and internet speeds are increasing,so many see the main challenge to be explaining the relevance of the internet to this group.This would encourage them to get connected before they are left too far behind.The gap between those who have access to and use the internet is the digital divide,and if the gap continues to widen,those without access will get left behind and miss out on many opportunities,especially in their careers.

1.Which is not the reason why more people do not intend to get internet access than before?B
A.Because they are not interested in getting connected to the internet.
B.Because they can not get internet access.
C.Because of the cost.
D.Because of lack of computer skills.
2.Which of the statement is true?B
A.Not having access to the internet will only affect people's careers.
B.Not having access to the internet will affect people in many aspects.
C.Not having access to the internet will not affect people's life.
D.No people refuse to get connected to the internet.
3.The best title of the passage should beA.
A.The Digital Divide in the UK.
B.High Speed Net in the UK
C.The increasing internet access in the UK
D.The cost of the Net in the UK.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1._____she want to go somewhere; she has to wait her father to drive her.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Does money buy happiness?Not!Ah,but would a little more money make us a little happier?Many of us smirk(傻笑,假笑) and nod.There is,we believe,some connection between financial fitness and emotional fulfillment.Three in four American college students-nearly double the 1970 proportion-now consider it"very important"or"essential"that they become"very well off financially".Money matters.
But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life's necessities,increasing wealth matters surprisingly little.The connection between income and happiness is"surprisingly weak,"observed University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart in one 16-nation study of 170,000people.Once comfortable,more money provides diminishing returns(报酬递减).The second piece of pie,or the second﹩100,000,never tastes as good as the first.Even lottery winners and the Forbes'100 wealthiest Americans surveyed by University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American.Making it big brings temporary joy.But in the long run wealth is like health:its complete absence can create suffering,but having it doesn't guarantee happiness.Happiness seems less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.
Has our happiness,however,floated upward with the rising economic tide?Are we happier today than in 1940s,when two out of five homes lacked a shower or tub?Actually,we are not.Since 1957,the number of Americans who say they are"very happy"has declined from 35 to 32 percent.Meanwhile,the divorce rate has doubled,the teen suicide(自杀) rate has increased nearly three times,the violent crime rate has gone up nearly four times,and depression has mushroomed.Economic growth has provided no boost to human morale.When it comes to psychological well being,it is not the economy.
I call this soaring wealth and shrinking spirit"the American paradox."More than ever,we have big houses and broken homes,high incomes and low confidence,secured rights and reduced civility.We are good at making a living but often fail at making a life.We celebrate our prosperity(繁荣) but long for a purpose.We treasure our freedoms but long for connection.In an age of plenty,we feel spiritual hunger.

63.Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?C
A.The more money we earn,the less returns we have.
B.The more money we earn,the happier we would be.
C.In the long run,money cannot guarantee happiness.
D.In the long run,happiness grows with economy.
64."The second﹩100,000 never tastes as good as the first"becauseD.
A.it is not so fresh as the first﹩100,000
B.it is not so important as the first﹩100,000
C.profit brought by it is less than that from the first﹩100,000
D.happiness brought by it is less than that from the first﹩100,000
65.According to the passage,people do well in making a living but don'tC.
A.have any primary aim
B.know how to spend money
C.know how to enjoy life 
D.keep in touch with other people
66.The things that happened after 1957are given to show thatA.
A.people's spiritual needs cannot be fulfilled by wealth
B.family problems become more and more serious
C.young people are not happy about their life
D.social crimes have increased significantly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.While applying to college may seem easy,getting in can be tough!When you apply for college,you will have to be honest with yourself and do a bit of research to find the right fit.Here are three steps to take when applying to colleges for the best chances at getting into the best college for you.
     Step l:Making A List Of Colleges To Apply To
     With over 6,000 colleges in the United States,the
first step in applying to college is to do some research
and make a college list.This process will be different for
everyone.The number of colleges you apply to can vary,
from applying  to 1 school (not recommended) to 30
schools (not recommended),each applicant can choose
how many colleges they apply to.Many limit the number because applications are accompanied by a fee..
     Step2:Splitting The List Into Target,Reach and Safety Schools                    
     In general,students will want to apply to three types of schools:Target,Reach and Safety schools.It is up to you how many applications you send,but a good mix would be more target than reach,and at least one safety.You will need to take your list,and now decide which are your top picks,which are attainable for you academically,which are affordable for you only with aid,and refine your broad list into a group of schools that gives you the best chance for success.Talk to an admissions counselor at your high school if you have questions about this.
     Step 3:Completing and Sending Applications to Colleges
     Once your list is complete you are ready to apply to college by completing and sending in applications!College applications take time to complete-you have to write essays,ask for recommendations and get test scores sent to schools-so stay organized!All colleges will require these types of application materials,so start thinking about these items well before October or December.Once you complete and send them,then you have successfully applied to college.
66.It can be learned from the first paragraph thatA.
A.you should be cautious to pick up the right college
B.you don't have to think twice before applying to college
C.once you apply to a college,you'll be admitted to it easily
D.each applicant should choose the best college for their ideal
67.To make a list of colleges,youB.
A.should consider more Safety schools
B.had better take your academy into account
C.are supposed to choose merely one most fit
D.are required to pick out more than 30 colleges
68.Which of the following statements is WRONG?C
A.One should clarify the list according to one's abilities.
B.Refer to admissions counselor at high school if necessary.
C.One doesn't have to send his test scores to the intended college.
D.Teachers'recommendations are included in application materials.
69.We can conclude from the text thatC.
A.each applicant has the right to apply to any colleges for free
B.the more college one chooses,the more successful he will be
C.applicants should send required materials before the deadline
D.safety schools are those that don't have so many requirements
70.The text is mainly aboutB.
A.how to succeed in life
B.how to apply to college
C.how to ask for information
D.how to do a research in college.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.There are many talented writers waiting_________.(  )
A..to discoverB.discovered
C..to be discoveredD..being discovered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Don't invite crime-take basic,sensible precautions.Your house and possession are valuable and must be properly protected.When you buy a lock,you buy time.The best prevention is delay and noise which could mean discovery.
When you leave it-lock it!
First of all,fit security locks to all doors and windows and a safety chain on the front door.Secondly,use them!
If you have any ladders or tools,don't leave them lying about in the garden,lock them away.
"Safe"or"secret"places for keys and valuables are not reliable-nine times out of ten,they are the first place a thief will look.
When you move house…
When you move into a new home even if it is fitted with security locks,change them.You don't know who else may have keys.
Never let strangers into your house.An official-looking cap is not enough,ask for proof of identity and look at it carefully-if you are still not satisfied,don't let the person in.
Valuables need special protection
Valuables should really be given special protection-preferably by leaving them with your bank.A small security safe works too,but not to the most determined burglar.It is also important to keep an up-to-date list of valuables and their descriptions.In the case of fine art,paintings,or jewelry,color photographs can sometimes be of assistance to the police if you are unfortunate enough to have them stolen.Enter the details on the back of the pictures.But don't keep such documents in your house,keep them at the bank or with your insurance company.
Going on holiday?
Don't talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public.Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back.
Operate a"Good Neighbor"program to ensure that mail is taken in,the house is checked regularly and that lights are put on.
Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away.Make sure that they know how to contact you in case of trouble.
Don't leave cash or valuables in the house-take them with you or put them in the bank.
55.When moving into a new house,you are supposed toB.
A.buy a safe
B.change the locks
C.visit your neighbors
D.stay away from strangers
56.Which is the safest way to protect your valuables?B
A.Taking pictures of your valuables.
B.Keeping your valuables at the bank.
C.Putting your valuables in your safe.
D.Giving a list of your valuables to the police.
57.When you are away for holidays,youC.
A.should cancel your mail
B.shouldn't leave your keys to your neighbors
C.shouldn't make it known that your home is empty
D.should ask the police to check your house regularly
58.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To inform people of safety standards.
B.To introduce the advantages of banks.
C.To prove the importance of security locks.
D.To educate people on prevention of burglars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Faced with fog and haze(雾霾),Chinese experts______ how to solve the problem recently,but it may take a long time.(  )
C.will discussD.have been discussing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Thank you for trusting me.I enjoy exchanging my ideas with yours
The first thing I want to tell you is that if the boys are calling you names it is their fault,not yours.Boys,at your age,are different from girls.They are trying to prove that they are manly and then often do this by picking on someone who can't really fight back.This is,of course,wrong but it happens.In general,the boys know they are bigger and stronger than you are,so they can make fun of you and make you cry and then laugh about it.If you let them see that they are hurting you,they will only do it more.It isn't that they want to hurt you; they simply want to make themselves feel superior(优越的).It's stupid,but it is common.
In English we say"sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."Canadian children learn this from their mothers because the same thing that is happening to you in China also happens here.The best ways of getting the boys to stop calling your names is to simply ignore them,knowing that the names can't hurt you and that the boys are being stupid.If you can laugh at them they will get tired of trying to make you cry and they'll give up.It won't be easy,but,trust me,it will work.There is also something else working in your favor and that is that you are growing up and the boys are beginning to notice you as a young woman.I suspect some of them actually like you and are making fun of you just to get your attention.Again,it's stupid but it happens.In reality,you can control this situation by not letting them see you getting hurt.Laugh at them,tell them they're acting like children and they should grow up and then walk away with your head held high.
One more thing,Nancy.It is very important that you stop hurting yourself.If someone else hurts you,it is bad enough but you should't make it worse by then hurting yourself.Even sticking a pen into your finger can cause an infection and give you a lot of trouble and besides,it hurts.The next time you are disturbed by a group of stupid boys,write to me.You and I can talk about anything you like; about China,about Canada,about travel,anything.Having a conversation with me is better than sticking holes in your fingers,at least I hope it is.

68.It can be learned from the passage that the writer isA.
A.a Canadian    B.an Englishman    C.Nancy's schoolmate   D.Nancy's father
69.Nancy hurt herself because sheB.
A.couldn't prevent the boys taking interest in her
B.felt it her own fault to be called names by boys
C.found herself more stupid than the boys
D.wanted the boys to see her hurt by herself
70.We can learn that the boys call Nancy names mainly because theyA.
A.want to prove manly           B.are bigger and stronger
C.mean to hurt Nancy            D.actually like Nancy
71.The best way for Nancy to stop being called names is toC.
A.talk to the writer                   B.cry and hurt herself
C.fight back and ignore them           D.stick holes in her fingers.

