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  Even though she’s just 5 years old, Cindy Smart speaks five languages.She’s a good reader.She can tell time and do simple math, including multiplication and division.Cindy looks like an average doll, with long, blond hair, baby-blue eyes, and a button nose.But loaded with some devices, Cindy is the first doll that can see, think, and do as she’s told.The eagle-eyed Cindy follows in the path of other breakthrough toys like Sony’s barking Robot Aibo, which was the first to popularize voice command in the late 1990s.Cindy takes Aibo’s innovations(创新)one step beyond:she not only follows instructions but also recognizes shapes, colors and words, and remembers.The effect is a doll that appears to be learning.

  The toy company which produced Cindy Smart spent a decade trying to see how much human nature it could breath into an inanimate(无生命的)object.Its engineers began creating minibots that sense light, sounds, and pressure.However, without the sense of sight, their toys seemed to be lacking in one of the abilities that life-forms use to react to their environment.

  So how do the engineers make a doll actually see?In Cindy’s case, it’s a multistep process.When presented a text like “I love you” and asked “Can you read this?” Cindy identifies it as one of 70 preprogrammed commands.Then the inbuilt digital camera scans a 15-degree radius in search of number-or letter-shaped objects.Buried in her stomach, Cindy’s 16-bit microprocessor compares the text with her database of 700 words.If it’s a match, “ I love you,” she says.


This passage most likely appears in a ________.

[  ]


medical report


classified ad


science journal


music magazine


According to the passage, which of the following statements is true about Robot Aibo?

[  ]


It could recognize shapes and colors.


It could respond to spoken commands


It came onto the market no later than 1990


It was created much later than Cindy Smart


The underlined “ it ” in the third paragraph most likely refers to ________.

[  ]


the process


the object


the doll


the company


According to the passage, how can Cindy “ see ”?

[  ]


She recognizes any text as “I love you”


She is equipped with a camera to search for text


She is instructed by an engineer standing next to her


She makes contact with the shapes of the text with her stomach


科目:高中英语 来源:皇冠优化名题 高中英语 题型:050


  Since 1989,Dave Thomas,who died at age 69,was one of the most recognizable faces on TV.He appeared in more than 800 commercials(商业广告)for the hamburger chain named for his daughter.“As long as it works,”he said in 1991,“I'll continueto do those commercials.”

  Even though he was successful,Thomas remained troubled by his childhood.“He still won't let anyone see his feet,which are out of shape because he never had proper-fitting shoes,”Wendy said in 1993.Born to a single mother,he was adopted(收养)as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan.After Auleva died when he was 5,Thomas spent years on the road as Rex travelled around seeking construction work.“He fed me,”Thomas said,“and if Igot out of line,he'd beat me.”

  Moving out on his own at 15,Thomas worked,first as a waiter,in many restaurants.But he had something much better in mind.“I thought if I owned a restaurant,”he said,“I could eat for free.“A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as the manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that made him a millionaire in 1986.

  In 1969,after breaking with Sanders,Thomas started the first Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers,in Columbus,Ohio,which set itself apart by serving made-to-order burgers.With 6000.restaurants worldwide,the chain nowmakes $ 6 billion ayear in sales.

  Although troubled by his own experience with adoption,Thomas,married since 1954 to Lorraine,66,and with four grown kids besides Wendy,felt it could offer a future for other children.He started the Dave Thomas Foundation(基金会)for Adaption in 1992.

  In 1993,Thomas,who had left school at 15,graduated from Coconut Creek High School in Florida.He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party.The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.

  “The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave,”says friend Pat Williams.“He wasn't a great actor or a great speaker.He was just Joe Everybody.”


What is the article mainly about?

[  ]


The life of Dave Thomas.


The dream of Dave Thomas.


The schooling of Dave Thomas.


The growth of Dave Thomas's business.


What do we know about his childhood?

[  ]


He lived a poor life.


He had caring parents.


He stayed in one place.


He didn't go to school.


Choose the right time order of the following events in Tho-mas's life

a.graduated from high school

b.started his own business

c.became a millionaire

d.started a foundation

e.met Harland Sanders

[  ]










“He was just Joe Everybody.”(in the last paragraph)means ________

[  ]


Dave was famous


Dave was ordinary


Dave was showy


Dave was shy


What is the name of Dave Thomas's business?

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel foundation for outstanding achievements or contributions in five areas. A prize is given in chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money.

    Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be awarded to two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam peace negotiations. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is not outstanding achievement in one of the five areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel peace prize was given.

    Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating and choosing Nobel Prize winners have two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations, of people who might deserve a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

    The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide to give the awards to an individual or to several people in each area. Or the Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

    1. A Nobel Prize is given in the form of ________.

    A. a large sum of money

    B. a diploma and a gold medal

    C. a large amount of money together with a gold medal and a diploma

    D. a prize certificate

    2. The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to ________.

    A. two persons                  B. Henry Kissinger

    C. Le Due Tho                      D. two individuals from different countries

    3. Sometimes no prize is awarded when ________.

    A. there is no remarkable achievement in that area

    B. there is no suitable nomination

    C. there is a war

    D. there is financial shortage

    4. The decision of literature prize winner is made by ________.

    A. the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

    B. the Nobel Foundation

    C. a committee for the Norwegian government

D. the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel foundation for outstanding achievements or contributions in five areas. A prize is given in chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money.

    Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be awarded to two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam peace negotiations. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is not outstanding achievement in one of the five areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel peace prize was given.

    Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating and choosing Nobel Prize winners have two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations, of people who might deserve a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

    The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide to give the awards to an individual or to several people in each area. Or the Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

    1. A Nobel Prize is given in the form of ________.

    A. a large sum of money

    B. a diploma and a gold medal

    C. a large amount of money together with a gold medal and a diploma

    D. a prize certificate

    2. The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to ________.

    A. two persons                  B. Henry Kissinger

    C. Le Due Tho                      D. two individuals from different countries

    3. Sometimes no prize is awarded when ________.

    A. there is no remarkable achievement in that area

    B. there is no suitable nomination

    C. there is a war

    D. there is financial shortage

    4. The decision of literature prize winner is made by ________.

    A. the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

    B. the Nobel Foundation

    C. a committee for the Norwegian government

D. the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


The Nobel Prizes

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation(基金会)for outstanding achievements or contributions in these areas: chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money. Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared, maybe by two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats(外交官)from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations(谈判).It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating(提名,推荐)and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations of people who might deserve(应得)a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy(研究员,学会)of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

1.A Nobel Prize is given in the form of _____________.

A. a large quantity of money             B.a diploma

C.a gold medal                      D.all of the above

2.The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to _____________.

A.Henry Kissinger                   B.Le Duo Tho

C.two persons from one country          D.two individuals from different countries

3.Sometimes a prize is not given because there is _____________.

A.no remarkable achievement in that area

B.no suitable nomination

C.disagreement among committee members


4.The decision of literature prize winner is made by_____________.

A.the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

B.the Nobel Foundation

C.a committee for the Norwegian government

D.the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm

5.We can infer from this passage that_____________.

A.the Nobel Prize is given in six areas

B.the Nobel prizewinners are very carefully chosen

C.sometimes the Nobel Prize is not given

D.the Nobel Prize is international



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


The Nobel Prizes

The prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation(基金会)for outstanding achievements or contributions in these areas: chemistry, physics, medicine or physiology, literature and peace. Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been awarded the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money. Often a prize is awarded to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared, maybe by two or more people who have worked together to reach a goal. Since the Nobel Prizes are international prizes, scientists, inventors, writers, and diplomats(外交官)from all countries may receive a prize. Sometimes, two people from countries with different political views may even share a prize. An example of this is the 1973 Peace Prize, which was awarded to Henry Kissinger of the United States and to Le Due Tho of North Vietnam for the Vietnam(越南)peace negotiations(谈判).It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given. If there is no outstanding achievement in one of these areas, no prize is given in that area. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating(提名,推荐)and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First, nominations, or recommendations of people who might deserve(应得)a Nobel Prize, are made. The nominations in physics and chemistry are made by the Royal Academy(研究员,学会)of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine or physiology are made by the Caroline Medical Institute, which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy, along with the French and Spanish Academies, makes nominations in literature. The peace prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners.

The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominees deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The Foundation may decide not to give a prize at all in any area.

1.A Nobel Prize is given in the form of _____________.

A. a large quantity of money             B.a diploma

C.a gold medal                      D.all of the above

2.The 1973 Peace Prize was awarded to _____________.

A.Henry Kissinger                   B.Le Duo Tho

C.two persons from one country          D.two individuals from different countries

3.Sometimes a prize is not given because there is _____________.

A.no remarkable achievement in that area

B.no suitable nomination

C.disagreement among committee members


4.The decision of literature prize winner is made by_____________.

A.the Swedish Academy and the French and Spanish Academies

B.the Nobel Foundation

C.a committee for the Norwegian government

D.the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm

5.We can infer from this passage that_____________.

A.the Nobel Prize is given in six areas

B.the Nobel prizewinners are very carefully chosen

C.sometimes the Nobel Prize is not given

D.the Nobel Prize is international


