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【题目】Finishingtheirshoppingatthemall,acouplediscoveredthattheirnewcar 1(steal). Theyfiledareportat thepolicestationandadetectivedrovethem back tothe parkinglottolook 2evidence.Totheir 3(amaze),thecarhadbeen returned.4 therewasanoteinitthatsaid:“Iapologizefor 5 (take)yourcar.Mywifewashavingababy andIhadtorushhertothehospital.Pleaseforgettheinconvenience.Therearetwoticketsfor tonight'sManiaTwainconcert.”Their 6 (faithful)inhumanityrestored.Thecouple attended 7concert.Butwhentheyreturnedhome,they 8 (immediate)found 9 theirhousehadbeenransacked(洗劫).Onthebathroommirrorwas 10 note:“I havetoputmykidthroughcollegesomehow,don'tI?”













1此句acouplediscoveredthattheirnewcar ___1___(steal).意为一对夫妇发现他们的新汽车被偷了。discovered表明此句为过去时,而汽车是被偷,所以要用过去完成时的被动语态,即had been done,故填had been stolen。

2此句adetectivedrovethem back tothe parkinglottolook ___2___evidence.意为一名侦探开车带他们回停车场寻找证据。此处look for 意为寻找,故填for 。

3此句Totheir _____3_____(amaze),thecarhadbeen returned.意为令他们惊奇的是,他们的车被还了回来。此处要填的是amaze的名词形式,即amazement,故填amazement 。

4此句中的thecarhadbeen returned与therewasanoteinit为并列关系,车被还回来并且在车里有张便条,故填and。

5此句Iapologizefor ___5___ (take)yourcar.意为我对于拿走你的汽车道歉。此处的for为介词,介词后面要跟动名词或者名词,故填taking 。

6此句Their ____6____ (faithful)inhumanityrestored.意为他们对人类的信仰得以恢复。their为主语,后面要用一个名词,所以要填faithful的名词形式,即faith,故填faith。

7此句Thecouple attended ___7___concert.意为这对夫妇参加了音乐会。此处的音乐会是指前文提到的ManiaTwainconcert,所以此处是特指,故填the 。

8此句they ____8____ (immediate)found ___9___ theirhousehadbeenransacked.意为他们立刻放心他们的家被洗劫一空。此处的副词修饰动词,所以要用immediate的副词形式,即immediately,故填immediately。

9此句they ____8____ (immediate)found ___9___ their house had been ransacked .为宾语从句从句部分their house had been ransacked不缺任何成分,故填that 。

10此句Onthebathroommirrorwas ___10___ note在浴室的镜子上有另一张便条。前文提到了在车上的便条,所以此处是另一张便条,故填another 。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some exercise.

One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets, I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me 5, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the way to success.”

Mr Grey thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story!” “Well,” answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?”

1How did Mr. Grey get to his office?

A. He went up to work by train.

B. He walked to his office.

C. He went to his office on foot unless it rained.

D. He usually took a train to the station and then walked to his office if the weather was fine.

2Mr. Grey liked walking to his office because ________.

A. he couldn’t afford the buses B. he wanted to save money

C. he wanted to keep in good health D. he could do some exercises on the way

3One morning the stranger recognized Mr. Grey, and_______

A. wanted to return Mr. Grey the money

B. again asked Mr. Grey for money

C. would like to make friends with him

D. told Mr. Grey that he had been successful since then

4In the second paragraph, “…take a chance” means ______.

A. Mr. Gray happened to meet a stranger

B. Mr. Grey had a chance to help a stranger

C. Mr. Grey helped a stranger by chance

D. Mr. Grey took the risk that the stranger would not give back the money which he lent him


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many times we spare no effort at work,1(offer) hours of overtime by ignoring our family life. We spend time with people who we have nothing in common with, and attend social2(activity) we have no interest3. We always find ourselves living our lives in the way that pleases and impresses others instead of being ourselves. In fact, for the majority of people, they only think about 4(they) 99% of the time, and5 (rare) give us a second thought, as a result of 6we often end up unhappy and feeling out of place.

In view of this, it’s time to think about ourselves, our own family, and start creating a future 7(base) on our own likes and dislikes.8, think it over next time when we are required to work overtime. Trying to be a loving parent or good friend9 (be) very likely to give us far more10(please) and a feeling of security, connection and belonging.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







TheInternetisplayingaimportantpartinourdailylife.Onthenet,wecanlearnaboutnewsboth homeandabroadandsomeotherinformationsaswell. Wecanalsomakephonecalls,send messagesbye-mail, gotonetschools,learnforeignlanguagesbyourselves.Beside,wecan watchsportsmatches, andplaythechessorcards while enjoymusic. Thenetevenhelpusdo shopping, haveachatwithothersandmakefriendswiththem.Inword, theInternethasmadeour lifemore easier.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If life is a beach, then a village in Ireland has come back from the dead after the sand returned 33 years later due to a freak tide.

Dooagh beach on Achill Island in the west of Ireland, was washed away in 1984 after storms hit the area, leaving a rocky foreshore.The tourists left, causing the hotels and guesthouses as well as the cafes to close down. But in April this year, the sand returned over a ten-day period caused by an unusually high tide that deposited hundreds of thousands of tons of sand along the 300m beach, bringing the beautiful beach back to its former glory.

Emmet Callaghan from Achill Island Tourist Office told the journalist that the people of the island were excited at the beach’s reappearing. “It’s so nice for the villagers to have their beach back. It is an incredible example of the force and power of nature and how the coast can change in a matter of days. Yesterday we had traffic block here in the village with cars and people coming from all over Ireland and the UK to see our new beach,” he said. “The people here have always spoken about their days on the beach and how they enjoyed it as children. To have it back with their kids is unbelievable. Now locals are hoping that the beach is given the blue flag status. We already have five blue flag beaches and hopefully, if we keep our beach here, we’ll have a sixth.”

Dr Ivan Haigh from the University of Southampton said there were two explanations as to why the beach has reformed. “It could be a change in sediment (沉积物) supply, from further up or down the coast which has brought a fresh amount of sediment to the beach,” he said. “It could also be due to a change in environmental conditions, either a change in the wave climate or a series of tides that have provided the ideal conditions for this beach to reform.”

The tourism office and locals hope the new beach will stay, at least for the summer of this year.

1What can we infer from the article?

A. Dooagh beach was washed away by storms in 1980s.

B. People worldwide showed great interest in the beach.

C. Blue flag beaches are beneficial to children in the village.

D. The locals had wonderful memories about Dooagh beach.

2The people on Achill Island hope the new Dooagh beach will stay because ______.

A. its reforming shows the force and power of nature

B. they will have more beaches to enjoy with families

C. they hope it can help promote the village’s economy

D. it will make the summer of the village amazing

3What might be the reason for the beach’s reforming?

A. The wave climate keeps changing.

B. A series of tides provide the proper conditions.

C. Environmental conditions are getting better.

D. A fresh amount of sediment exists in the sea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Though the facts that too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year are not in argument, we always begin the discussion of "population as global issue" with what most persons mean like this. It was quite right to compare demographic growth to "a long, thin powder fuse(导火线)that bums steadily and hesitatingly until it finally reaches the charge and explodes".

To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population, it is necessary to understand the history of population trends. Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history, we find that populations have been virtually stable or growing very slightly for most of human history. For most of our ancestors, life was hard, often nasty, and very short. There was high fertility(生育)in most places, but this was usually balanced by high mortality. For most of human history, it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty, while infancy and childhood were especially risky periods. Often, societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birthrates. Thus, the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race.

This pattern is important to notice. Not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective, but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden

enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high mortality.

Demographic history can be divided into two major periods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8000 B.C. till approximately 1650 A.D. In the first period of some 9,600 years, the population increased from some 8 million to 500 million in 1650. Between 1650 and 1975, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion. And the population reached 6.2 billion throughout the world by the year 2000, One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable. Between 8000 B.C. and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world's population, At present, this number is added every six hours. The increase is about 800000,000 persons annually.

【1】The underlined word "demographic" in Paragraph l means.

A. extinction of human

B. statistics of human population

C. death rate of human

D. development of human population

【2】 Which of the following demographic growth patterns is most similar to the long thin powder fuse?

A. A slow growth for a long time and then a period of rapid, dramatic increase.

B. Too many people on earth and a few rapid increases in the number added each year.

C. A virtually stable or slightly decreasing period and then a sudden explosion of population.

D. A long period when death rates exceed birthrates and then a short period with higher fertility and lower


【3】During the first period of demographic history, societies were often in danger of extinction because .

A. only one in ten persons could live past 40.

B. our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children

C. there was higher mortality than fertility in most places

D. it was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions

【4】 The author of the passage intends to .

A. warn people against the population explosion in the near future

B. find out the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years

C. present us a brief and clear picture of the demographic growth

D. compare the demographic growth pattern in the past with that after 1650


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University, that is the most famous in the world. He set up a company and researching the computer software. An old saying go, “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs. To meet me curiosity, I read in English stories every day. It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I always did very well in English exam. Interest is the key of success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Anna,

I’m glad to learn that you are looking for a student to be captain of the winter camp.








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:











A survey shows that many students do not have breakfast.________________________________________









