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  Fei Xiang, whose English name is Kris Phillips, is a Chinese-American. He is nearly two metres, with blue eyes, looking like an Asian. Though he was born in Taiwan, he grew up speaking Chinese to his mother and English to his father and became a student at Standford University in California. Later he returned from abroad to Taiwan and became a singer.

  In 1986, Fei Xiang visited the mainland and turned into a big pop star there. He was well known among the young people and his songs were widely accepted, such as“Fire in the Winter”,“Clouds of My Hometown”and so on.

  He left the mainland for New York four years later. There he worked as a lowly member. He led a quiet life in New York, for only a few people knew his name.

  Now Phillips is planning to end his six-year stay in the USA and return to the mainland and his recording career. His new project is to introduce the mainland to the music of the Broadway stage(百老汇戏剧艺术), including the song“Maria”from“West Side Story.”

1.Kris Phillips’ mother is ________ and his father is ________.

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2.Mr Kris Phillips became as a big pop star ________.

[  ]

A.in the United States

B.in the place where he was born

C.in the mainland

D.at Stanford University

3.What is the order in which Phillips did the following things?

a.made a decision to return to PRC

b.learned Chinese from his mother and English from his father

c.was widely welcomed by the young people

d.sang Miss Saigon as a lowly member

e.became a student at Stanford University

[  ]

A.b, e, c, d, a
B.e, b, d, c, a
C.d, e, b, a, c
D.c, a, b, e, d

4.Fei Xiang is the best known in China for ________.

[  ]

A.his plan to introduce the mainland to the music of Broadway stage

B.West Side Story

C.his performance

D.his special nationality

5.Which of the following is true?

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A.Fei Xiang’s parents are both teachers.

B.Fei Xiang lived in the mainland for four years.

C.Fei Xiang is considered as a big pop star both in America and in China.

D.Fei Xiang returned to the mainland in 1986.


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  Newly from its second manned spaceship, China’s space program wants to be able to put a man on the moon and build a space station in 15 years, an official said Sunday.

  “I think in about 10 to 15 years, we will have the ability to build our own space station and to carry out a manned moon landing,”said Hu Shixiang, deputy commander of China’s manned spaceship program.

  But the plan depends on the money getting from the government, Hu said, explaining that the space program must fit in the larger plan of the country’s overall development.

  Hu was in Hong Kong with the two astronauts who piloted China’s second successful manned spaceship in October.He spoke during a television talk with executives from various television stations and newspapers.

  Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong circled Earth for five days aboard the Shenzhou 6 capsule(太空舱),traveling 2 million miles in 115 hours, 32 minutes.China’s first manned spaceship was in 2003, when astronaut Yang Liwei stayed for 21 1/2 hours.

  China wants to master(精通)the technology for a space walk in space by 2012, Hu said.He said China was developing its space program at its own pace,not in competition with the United States.“It’s not the competition of the Cold War era,”he said.

  Hu stressed China’s intention to use space exploration for peaceful ends, saying the government“is willing to work hard with people around the world for the peaceful use of space.”

  He said Chinese space officials want to study the possibility of making rockets with the capacity to carry spacecraft weighing 27.5 tons-three times the capacity of their existing rockets-but the government hasn’t approved the funding.

  Hu dismissed suggestions the space program is too costly for a country that, despite rapid economic growth, is still struggling to put an end to rural poverty.He noted the recent space ship cost $111.4 million, compared to the $23.5 billion that China spent on fighting against pollution last year.


The largest difficulty for the moon landing plan comes from ________.

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China’s plan to land on moon aims to ________.

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use the space peacefully


compete with the USA


continue the Cold War


look for a new living place for people


What is NOT true about the Shenzhou 6 spaceship?

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It carried two astronauts.


It stayed much longer in space than the Shenzhou 5.


It weighs about 27.5 tons.


It was China’s second spaceship to travel in space.


According to Hu Shixiang, the suggestions that the space program is too costly for our country is ________.

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The passage would be published in a newspaper, please choose a title for it.The best one would be ________.

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Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong get warm welcome in Hongkong.


China aims to send man to the moon in 15 years.


The moon landing plan is more important than the fight against pollution.


Chinese government supports the moon landing plan.


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  Super Girl is Time Magazine Hero

  “Super Girl” winner Li Yuchun, with her tomboy style hair and a shy smile, appears on the cover of the latest edition of Time Asia Magazine, issued on Monday, as one of the 25 Asia Heroes of 2005.

  Six people from China were on the Asia Hero list, including actress Zhang Jingchu who played the heroine in the Silver Bear Award winning movie “Peacock” at this year’s Berlin Film Festival and Taiwan dance artist Lin Hwai-min who founded the Cloud Gate Dance Theater.

  The other Asia Heroes are from Japan, India, Thailand, Malaysia and South Korea, including volunteers who helped search for missing people in last year’s havoc(浩劫)caused by tsunami.

  Time said the 21-year-old Li, a pop singing major at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, has become a new pop icon for her boyish charm and unconventional personality.

  Li polled more than 3.5 million votes via cell phone text messages at the finals of “Super Girl”, the Chinese version of “American Idol”.

  The gala finale attracted about 400 million viewers, nearly one-third of China’s population.

  According to the magazine, the influence brought by the “Li Yuchun phenomenon” goes far beyond her voice in China.Her “attitude, originality and a proud androgyny(雌雄同体)” are challenging the country’s traditional customs.

  Time said actress Zhang, “with her taste for traditionally inspired dress and her reverence(尊敬)for ancient Chinese aphorisms(格言)”, may be a perfect ambassador for China.

  Described by Time as “Asia’s synthesizing(综合的)dance genius, ” dancer Lin’s outdoor performance in Taipei could attract an audience of more than 60 000.

  It is the fourth continuous year the magazine has elected Asia Heroes.

  The listed heroes are considered brave, courageous, persistent and can encourage locals.

  Last year, Athens Olympics champion Liu Xiang and prima ballerina Tan Yuanyuan from China were on the list.


What does the underlined word “unconventional” probably mean?

[  ]


not personal


not professional


not international


not traditional


According to Time Asia Magazine, the person who can stand for the image of China is _______.

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Li Yuchun


Zhang Jingchu


Lin Hwai-min


Liu Xiang


All of the following facts can show that Li Yuchun is a “Super Girl” except that _______.

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she has appeared on the cover of Time Asia Magazine


she is a pop singer at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music


millions of people voted for her using cell phones


about 400 million viewers were eager to know the result


Who is likely to appear on the cover of Time Asia Magazine?

[  ]


Zhang Li, who has won the title of Miss China.


Li Fei, who is fluent in several foreign languages.


Zhao Dan, who started a primary school offering free education.


Sun Gang, who caught a murderer armed with a gun by himself.


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:050


  The Shanxi Province Department of Education decides, starting from 2007, the project of“Exercise in the sun”will be carried out in the whole province.It is to ensure 10 hours to sleep for pupils in primary schools and 9 hours at least for middle school students every day.It is also to guarantee students an hour physical time in every school day.

  At present, as many schools place emphasis on the proportion of the graduates who are admitted to colleges, school physical education and sports activities are difficult to be ensured that students’ health are coming down obviously, which at the same time results the high rate of bad sight, overload and fat.

  Therefore, Shanxi Province plans to make 85% schools to put into effect“Student Body Constitution Health Standards”, making 85% students be able to take an hour exercise every day, mastering at least two skills.

  The Shanxi Province department of education also asks, every school student’s written report in physical education should be made into his or her student file, as one of the important basis guarantees in entering the higher school.No school is allowed to take the physical time away with any reason.Sports activities will be brought into the education system as a principle.


As a middle school student, Wang Fei can sleep ________ every night in 2007.

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from 9 p.m.to 7 a.m.


from 8 p.m.to 6 a.m.


from 9 p.m.to 6 a.m.


from 8 p.m.to 7 a.m.


The purpose of carrying out the“Exercise in the sun”project is to ________.

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place emphasis on school physical education


reduce the proportion of the graduates who are admitted to colleges


guarantee students an hour physical time in every school day


ensure students’ health in the way of exercising


Which of the following is true about the process of carrying out the project?

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Every school student’s written report in physical education should be made into his or her student file.


The result of the physical education will be accepted as one of the important basis guarantees in entering the higher school.


Sports activities will be brought into the education system as a principle.


All above.


科目:高中英语 来源:高考英语名校试题汇编3 题型:050


  Beijing(AFP)Oct.17, 2005-China’s second manned space mission returned safely to Earth early Monday after a successful five –day flight, in the latest chapter in China’s ambitious drive to become a global space power.

  Astronauts Fei Junling and Nie Haisheng were given a clean bill of health after the re-entry capsule(返回舱)of their Shenzhou VI spacecraft landed on Earth on a parachute, ending up in Inner Mongolia, Xinhua news agency said.

  “Our journey in space was very smooth.The living and working conditions inside the cabin were very good, and our health is okay.Thanks,” Fei said on state television, with a smile.

  Appearing from the capsule, television pictures showed the two took a few seconds to adjust to the Earth’s gravity, before begin presented with flowers and waving to gathered recovery teams and ground control staff.

  Mission control declared the 115-hour space flight a success, Xinhua reported.

  A member of one of the recovery teams reported that the capsule landed upright after touching down at 4∶32 am(20∶32 GMT Sunday), just one kilometer(1,100 yards)from the intended landing site, it added.

  The flight was China’s second-ever manned space mission following the historic Shenzhou V, which in October 2003 made China the third nation after the former Soviet Union and the United States to put a man into space.

  During his 21-hour first flight in 2003, astronaut Yang Liwei never left his seat in the re-entry capsule nor took off his space suit.In contrast, Fei and Nie’s flight saw them leave the re-entry capsule and enter the orbital capsule(轨道舱), taking off their heavy suits and putting on ordinary work clothes so they could move around easily.

  To remove worries that China could use space for military purposes, Premier Wen Jiabao said the purpose of the mission was to conduct experiments “entirely for peaceful purposes.”

  The Chinese government also hopes to use the manned space program to inspire patriotism(爱国精神)and instill a curiosity in science and technology among Chinese population.


Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

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China is much lack of patriotism.


China is the third country in the world to send men into space.


Not all the people have the great interest in science and technology.


China has successfully launched manned spacecrafts into space twice.


What can you infer from the passage?

[  ]


It took Fei Junling and Nie Haisheng only two years to get prepared for the space trip.


Astronauts have to wear large and heavy space suits in pace all the time.


China wants to catch up with the United States and Russia in the field of space and controls the profitable field.


China must have had a good mastery of space technology by now.


Which of the descriptions about the astronaut(s)is TRUE?

[  ]


Yang Liwei’s health was not good enough to stay in space for more than one day.


Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng felt a little uneasy but soon got all right shortly after landing.


Yang Liwei occasionally left his seat in the re-entry capsule and took off his space suit.


Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng found the work clothes not so comfortable as their comparatively better-equipped space suits.


The report of the passage is ________.

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The best title for the news is ________.

[  ]


Competitive Taikonauts into Space


Chinese Victory on Oct.12, 2005


The Safe Return of Shenzhou VI


China Marching towards Space

