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Ask any student to say one thing they know about Charles Dickens, and it is very likely they will say Oliver Twist. His classic tale of a poor orphan boy strikes at the heart of all those who have ever wanted "more", as Oliver did.

And now, Dickens' classic scenes of the lives of the Victorian British poor will appear in a big screen movie, "Oliver Twist," an adaptation of his classic tale directed by Roman Polanski.

The new film is not meant for younger viewers, and is meant for children over 13. For those old enough to enjoy it, however, the film shows just how long people have been enjoying Dickens' remarkable literature. His short stories and essays began appearing in magazines in 1833. "Oliver Twist" was published in 1837 - more than 165 years ago.

"Oliver Twist" tells the story of an orphan forced to live in a workhouse headed by the awful Mr Bumble, who cheats the boys who work there out of their already low pay. Oliver decides to escape to the streets of London, where he meets a thief called Fagin, played by Sir Ben Kingsley, who leads him into a world of crime. Several of Dickens' books have been made into films and television series, including 2002's "Nicholas Nickleby" and 2000's "David Copperfield." And several versions of "A Christmas Carol" have entertained audiences for years.

In his novels, Dickens wrote about several important issues. He talked about the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1824 in "Oliver Twist"; the French Revolution in "A Tale of Two Cities"; and helping the poor in "Hard Times.” One of Dickens' best-known books is the first Christmas book he wrote - "A Christmas Carol" (1843), about a mean man.

We thought this would be a good time to take a look at the man behind the words and see what kind of experiences helped shape and affect one of the best — known writers of all time.

1.The “workhouse” in paragraph 4 should be ___

A. a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed

B. a place where dancing is taught or trained for international performance

C. a building where very poor people were sent to live and given work to do

D. a place where films are made or music is recorded

2.How many works are mentioned in the passage?

A. 3 B. 4 C 5 D. 6

3.The passage show many things about Oliver except that____

A. he is forced to live in a workhouse by Roman Polanski

B. he meets a thief, Fagin, in the streets of London

C. he lives a hard life in his childhood

D. Fagin trains and forces Oliver to do some crimes

4.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us ___

A. Dickens’s birth and schooling

B. Dickens’s work experience

C. Dickens’s works and themes

D. Dickens’s influence and contribution







1."Oliver Twist" tells the story of an orphan forced to live in a workhouse headed by the awful Mr Bumble, who cheats the boys who work there out of their already low pay.可以推测出workhouse为“贫民院”。故C正确。

2.Oliver Twist,Nicholas Nickleby,David Copperfield,A Tale of Two Cities,Hard Times,A Christmas Carol这6部作品。故D正确。

3."Oliver Twist" tells the story of an orphan forced to live in a workhouse headed by the awful Mr Bumble, who cheats the boys who work there out of their already low pay.可知A项表述错误,故A正确。




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建闽清高级中学等四校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.你的任务是把词语更换一下让句子有意义。(make sense)

2.这些行为与他的原则是一致的。(be consistent with)

3.我当众表达意见十分谨慎。(be cautious about)

4..她总是对一切很乐观,哪怕身处逆境。(be optimistic about)

5.彼得失业已经半年了,因此他想在这家公司申请一份工作。(apply for)


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽宿州市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I found some old pictures at the back of my drawer which _____ memories of my childhood.

A.called in B. called up

C. called back D. called off


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽怀宁中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There is no doubt ________all this new technology is changing the way ________we work and offering many other ways of working.

A.whether;that B.that;/

C.if;in which D.what;that


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽怀宁中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Contrary ________popular belief ,Australia is not a ________place at all for people wanting culture.

A.with;bored B.to;boring

C.against;boring D.on;boring


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽合肥第一六八中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Once upon a time there lived a poor man named Malcolm who hunted for his food. One warm spring day, Malcolm had been for many hours, and he was hot and tired and hungry. He hadn’t even a mouse. When he came upon a big tree, he sat down under its to rest. Suddenly he found a big ostrich (鸵鸟) egg beside the tree. He the egg and carried it back to his hut (小屋).

The egg was so white and round, pure and beautiful that he couldn’t eating it. So he put the egg on the table and went to sleep.

The next morning when he woke up, he was to find bread and soup on his table. He was so hungry, so he tore off a piece and ate it. “I’ve never anything so delicious,” he said aloud. Then he heard a voice answer, “It’s bread and soup I’ve made for you.”

He turned to find a beautiful woman standing beside the ostrich egg, was cracked wide open. “Malcolm, you are a kind and generous man, and I will make you for the rest of your life. me and I will always make delicious food for you.”

“How can this be? An ostrich egg’s cannot speak or cook or marry me,” he said.

“I will make you happy, Malcolm,” she said, “You must only this: you will never call me the daughter of an ostrich egg.”

“I promise,” Malcolm said.

And so they got married. For many years they lived great happiness. His wife brought him , goats and made him a chief. But one day, Malcolm got so that he was not with what he had. He quarreled with his . He said his wife was the daughter of an ostrich egg… And he was alone again, living in his hut, his old clothes. There were no cattle, no goats and no wife.

He understood that he had been to let greed (贪婪) and anger get the better of him and to break his promise to his wife.

1.A. boating B. fishing C. hunting D. swimming

2.A. caught B. removed C. bitten D. held

3.A. way B. fur C. poster D. shade

4.A. took up B. picked up C. put up D. added up

5.A. wait B. help C. imagine D. expect

6.A. exciting B. secure C. amazed D. lively

7.A. smelt B. looked C. sounded D. tasted

8.A. which B. whose C. who D. that

9.A. intelligent B. happy C. attractive D. popular

10.A. Follow B. Accept C. Admit D. Marry

11.A. sister B. daughter C. mother D. son

12.A. doubt B. respond C. select D. promise

13.A. in B. at C. under D. beyond

14.A. sheep B. pigs C. cattle D. chicken

15.A. puzzled B. greedy C. magical D. upset

16.A. satisfied B. surprised C. popular D. certain

17.A. daughter B. mother C. wife D. grandfather

18.A. in peace B. in a flash C. in danger D. in a way

19.A. wearing B. having C. preparing D. replacing

20.A. informal B. artificial C. severe D. mistaken


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽合肥第一六八中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Mr. Smith has returned home from China?

—We really miss him! He _______ in our university for 8 years.

A. works B. has worked

C. worked D. had worked


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山西朔州平鲁李林中学高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Born into a family with three brothers and two sisters, Peter was to value the sense of sharing.

A. brought up B. turned down

C. looked after D. held back


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江磐安第二中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many people agree that ___ knowledge of English is a must in ____ international trade today.

A. a, 不填 B. the, an

C. the, the D. 不填,the

