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It is reported that the French ear-maker Citroen has used the photo of the late Chinese leader Moo Zedong in the advertisement. This amused heated discussions among Chinese Internet users.
Two possible versions:
It is reported that the French ear-maker Citroen has used the photo of the late Chinese leader Moo Zedong in the advertisement. This amused heated discussions among Chinese Internet users. According to a recent survey, about 45.3% of the people were against it while 41.6% of the people were for it. Only 13.1% of the people didn't express their opinions.
In my opinion, it is wrong for Citroen to use Chairman Mao's photo to nm their advertisement. As we all know, Chairman Mao was a beloved leader in China. We think this action insulting to Chairman Mao the whole Chinese nation. China is a big auto market for Citroen. If the Chinese people are hurt by the ad, they won't buy Citroen cars in the future. What's more, from the business aspect, it is a violation of the rights of citizens. So this action is both politically and culturally unacceptable.
It is reported that the French car-maker Citroen has used the photo of the late Chinese leader
Mao Zedong in the advertisement. This amused heated discussions among Chinese Internet users. According to a recent survey, about 45.3% of the people were against it while 41.6% of the people were for it. Only 13.1% of the people didn't express their opinions.
In my opinion, it is just a kind of humor that advertisements often use. As far as I know, some other great or historic figures can often be seen in the advertisements. Citroen is not making fun of Chairman Mao, but referring to his revolutionary spirit. Chairman Mao is an international famous . leader, and the ad won't make people think any less of him. So I think we needn't take it very seriously because it is not really disrespectful to Chairman Mao and the Chinese public.
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It is reported that the French ear-maker Citroen has used the photo of the late Chinese leader Moo Zedong in the advertisement. This amused heated discussions among Chinese Internet users.
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