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  Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy.They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for-its stadium(露天大型运动场)and theatres, its shops and restaurants.The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii's people.They do not see them because Pompeii has no people.No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2000 years.Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22000 people.It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano.Mount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe.But they were not.

  In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted.The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air.Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii.When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes.Almost all of its people were dead.

  For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash.Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii.Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug.The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79.There were streets and fountains(喷泉), houses and shops.There was a stadium with 20 000 seats.Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii.Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine.They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in every bakery.In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread ― a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today.Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye makeup.

  Ginseppe has died, but his work continues.One-fourth has not been uncovered yet.Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.


Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?

[  ]


To visit the volcano


To shop and eat there


To watch sports and plays


To watch how Pompeiians lived


Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?

[  ]


The city nearby offered all kinds of fun.


The area produced the finest wine in Italy.


Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.


The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass.


Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?

[  ]


Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.


Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.


Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.


Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.


What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2000 years ago?

[  ]


They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.


They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.


They enjoyed a good life with drinking and eating.


They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

       Mike Wilson worked as a low rank official in the War Office during     the Second World War.1 he didn't hold an important position, he 2     almost everybody, and was trusted by most of his leaders.


       One day, Wilson arrived at his office in an expensive car.3,he     appeared to have got a lot of money to spend. He bought an expensive     house and gave parties one after another. At one of the parties he met     a beautiful woman and 4 her. When he was asked by his girlfriend one     evening how he had suddenly got 5 money to spend, Wilson explained     that he had a very rich uncle who 6 and posted him money nearly every     month. But his story could nod cheat the policewoman 7 him closely,     because 8 had noticed that he often stayed behind in the evening and     usually 9 person to leave the War Office.


       His "girlfriend"and three other policemen entered his house when     he was out and discovered copies of the government secret papers and     a radio transmitter (发报机) 10 a piano.After Wilson was caught,     it was learned that his name was Jack Brown, and that he had been     hired(雇用) as a spy for the Germans.




A. Because


B. Though



C. In spite of


D.Because of


[  ]




A. get about very well with


B. get on very well for



C. get along very well with


D. get away very well to


[  ]




A. As his salary was small


B. Fewer as his salary was



C. As his salary was fewer


D. Small as his salary was


[  ]




A. fell in love with


B. felt in love for



C. fall in love to


D. fell in loving by


[  ]




A. so many


B. too many



C.so much


D. too much


[  ]




A. living abroad


B.lived abroad



C. living in abroad


D. lived in abroad


[  ]




A. who had been sent to look at


B. who had sent to see

            C. who had been sending to observe   

D. who had been sent to watch



                      [  ]           



A. the army officers


B. the police



C. his uncle


D. his wife


[  ]




A. the first


B. latest



C. the last


D. the final


[  ]




A. hiding inside


B. hidden outside



C. hiding outside


D. hidden inside


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



   Nancy Johnson was a good friend with all the boys and girls in her class. She had a nice face and __1__ eyes. She spoke __2__ than the other girls, but she __3__ basket-ball better than most of them. Nancy __4__ everything at school, and she never thought she was __5__ from the other pupils __6__ she was a Negro girl.

 Miss Dietrich, Nancy's __7__ teacher, taught her drawing. She taught Nancy __8__ take an idea and make a __9__ out of it. Your picture must be your idea, a part of __10__ , Miss Dietrich said. She __11__ Nancy that it is __12__ to draw a good picture. Your picture must not __13__ look nice, Miss Dietrich said. You must work at it __14__ the picture begins to live, until it is not __15__ any other picture in the world.

   Nancy __16__ Miss Dietrich, and she was always happy when she began to __17__ a new idea, Nancy had a secret that only Miss Dietrich __18__. She wanted to go to the City Art School when she finished __19__. She knew, of course, that __20__ didn't have enough money to __21__ her there. But every year there was a schoolchildren's __22__ competition at the Art School. The __23__ could go to the school and did not __24__ to pay for the first year. Miss Dietrich and Nancy wanted to sent Nancy's __25__ pictures to the Art School competition.


(1)  A.    broad








[  ]


(2)  A.    more








[  ]


(3)  A.    played the 








[  ]


(4)  A.    learned




Ctook    part in




[  ]


(5)  A.    far








[  ]


(6)  A.    thanks to


Bbut    for


Con    condition that




[  ]


(7)  A.    old




Cmost    famous




[  ]


(8)  A.    to


Bhow    to


Cwhere    to




[  ]


(9)  A.    house








[  ]


(10) A.    the world






Dyour    home


[  ]


(11) A.    explained








[  ]


(12) A.    wonderful








[  ]


(13) A.    a little


Ba    bit






[  ]


(14) A.    on






Dif    only


[  ]


(15) A.    dawn








[  ]


(16) A.    believed




Cdepended    on




[  ]


(17) A.    think of








[  ]


(18) A.    disclosed


Blet    out






[  ]


(19) A.    learning








[  ]


(20) A.    she


Bher    teacher


Cher    father


Dher    school


[  ]


(21) A.    offer




C encourage


D send


[  ]


(22) A speaking


B drawing


C sports


D singing


[  ]


(23) A girl


B runner


C player


D winner


[  ]


(24) A have


B want


C like


D require


[  ]


(25) A best


B. famous


C. favourite


D. largest


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



What actually happens when we read? Some people think that we read one word   1   ,

understand it and then go on to the next. Other people think that our eyes smoothly   2   over each line from left to right, then back to the beginning of the    3    line, and so on. In fact, the physical action of reading usually doesn’t work in    4    of those ways.

   5    you do this experiment with a friend. Get hold of a book with a large page

  6   and with lines that go right   7    the page.    8    your friend to    9    the book up and to read it with the top of the book just    10     his eyes level. This   11    that you can watch the movement of his eyes as he read the page.   12    you do this, you will see that your friend’s eyes do not make a continuous forward sweep.   13    they progress(前移) by little “jumps”, moving, then stopping, as they progress along the line.

   14    to be this starting and stopping movement    15    the eye can see only when it is not moving. Every time the eye    16     it sees a phrase or even a sentence, then jumps to the next part of the line, and so on.

There is another interesting fact about eye movement. You will notice that,    17    , the reader goes back and looks again at something he    18     before, in other words, he returns to an earlier part of the text probably because he    19    he is not understanding it properly. Then he comes back to    20     he stopped and continues reading.

1.A.at a time                       B.at one time

C.at time                         D.at times

2.A.turn                           B.fly

C.move                         D.flee

3.A.above                         B.next

C.same                              D.second

4.A.either                             B.neither

C.all                           D.both

5.A.Think                         B.Guess

C.Suppose                        D.Suggest

6.A.number                        B.quantity

C.space                          D.size

7.A.off                           B.across

C.up                           D.down

8.A.Have                           B.To have

C.Get                           D.To get

9.A.hold                            B.pick

C.put                            D.set

10.A.below                         B.in

C.beside                          D.on

11.A.shows                        B.means

C.expresses                       D.proves

12.A.Unless                        B.If

C.Because                       D.Although

13.A.Howe’ver                     B.Altogether

C.Therefore                         D.Instead

14.A.It has                         B.It is

C.There has                         D.There is

15.A.if                           B.unless

C.although                        D.because

16.A.jumps                         B.moves

C.pauses                         D.turns

17.A.from time to time                 B.at the same time

C.on time                         D.in no time

18.A.read                              B.has read

C.was reading                     D.had read

19.A.wonders                       B.knows

C.realizes                        D.fears

20.A.what                          B.which

C.that                           D.where



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



What actually happens when we read? Some people think that we read one word   1   ,

understand it and then go on to the next. Other people think that our eyes smoothly   2   over each line from left to right, then back to the beginning of the    3    line, and so on. In fact, the physical action of reading usually doesn’t work in    4    of those ways.

   5    you do this experiment with a friend. Get hold of a book with a large page

  6   and with lines that go right   7    the page.    8    your friend to    9    the book up and to read it with the top of the book just    10     his eyes level. This   11    that you can watch the movement of his eyes as he read the page.   12    you do this, you will see that your friend’s eyes do not make a continuous forward sweep.   13    they progress(前移) by little “jumps”, moving, then stopping, as they progress along the line.

   14    to be this starting and stopping movement    15    the eye can see only when it is not moving. Every time the eye    16     it sees a phrase or even a sentence, then jumps to the next part of the line, and so on.

There is another interesting fact about eye movement. You will notice that,    17    , the reader goes back and looks again at something he    18     before, in other words, he returns to an earlier part of the text probably because he    19    he is not understanding it properly. Then he comes back to    20     he stopped and continues reading.

1.A.at a time                       B.at one time

C.at time                         D.at times

2.A.turn                           B.fly

C.move                         D.flee

3.A.above                         B.next

C.same                              D.second

4.A.either                             B.neither

C.all                           D.both

5.A.Think                   ?;        B.Guess

C.Suppose                        D.Suggest

6.A.number                        B.quantity

C.space                          D.size

7.A.off                           B.across

C.up                           D.down

8.A.Have                           B.To have

C.Get                           D.To get

9.A.hold                            B.pick

C.put                            D.set

10.A.below                         B.in

C.beside                          D.on

11.A.shows                        B.means

C.expresses                       D.proves

12.A.Unless                        B.If

C.Because                       D.Although

13.A.Howe’ver                     B.Altogether

C.Therefore                         D.Instead

14.A.It has                         B.It is

C.There has                         D.There is

15.A.if                           B.unless

C.although                        D.because

16.A.jumps                         B.moves

C.pauses                         D.turns

17.A.from time to time                 B.at the same time

C.on time                         D.in no time

18.A.read                              B.has read

C.was reading                     D.had read

19.A.wonders                       B.knows

C.realizes                        D.fears

20.A.what                          B.which

C.that                           D.where



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



This was one of my experiences    1   .When I was in my 30s,I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the   2   department.

The company had a training center which was just outside London. Different courses were held there throughout    3    and I    4    go on one training course a year. These usually started    5    a Sunday evening and lasted six days.

Once I was    6    a week’s training course with about forty    7    sales people. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was    8    behind the bar asked me a curious question.“I hope you don’t    9   my asking,” she said, “but I’ve been     10    about it all week. Have you got a sister   11     Mary?” The woman’s name was June. And she used to do various jobs at the training center’s worked in the office, she organized all the food and drink for the center and she worked in the bar at lunch time and in the evening.

My answer    12    June’s question was “Yes”,and June said,“I thought    13   .I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At that time, my sister was working for   14    company but in a different part of the country. That was    15    she came to be at the training center.
      16    surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister. Three things made it even more   17    .First, she had met my sister six months before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the training center’s about one thousand five hundred people had    18    the center in those six months. And    19   ,my sister is married, so she doesn’t have the same family name as me.

We’re not    20    ,but I guess we must look quite like each other.

1. A.in work                            B.out of work

C.at work                            D.about work

2. A.selling                             B.sales

C.sale                              D.sold

3. A.the year                            B.the month

C.the week                           D.the day

4. A.used to                           B.once

C.get used to                          D.was used to

5. A.at         &Unbsp;                       B.in

C.during                            D.on

6. A.on                                B.in

C.during                            D.over

7. A.other                             B.another

C.the other                           D.one other

8. A.hearing                            B.waiting

C.serving                           D.seeing

9. A.matter                            B.care for

C.remind of                          D.mind

10. A.understanding                       B.wondering

C.discovering                         D.worrying

11. A.called                            B.calling

C.calling on                          D.calling up

12. A.of                               B.about

C.to                               D.for

13. A.that                                 B.it

C.such                             D.so

14. A.the same                          B.a different

C.another                           D.the other

15. A.where                           B.when

C.what                             D.how

16. A.All                              B.What

C.That                &Unbsp;            D.It

17. A.surprising                          B.surprised

C.strange                           D.puzzled

18. A.passed through                      B.passed away

C.left                             D.passed by

19. A.finally                           B.at the end

C.at last                           D.later

20. A.friends                            B.relatives

C.twins                            D.brother and sister


