20.Chinese consumers'crazy appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable,with just 2percent of the Chinese population responsible for one-third of the world's luxury items.
As China's economic miracle develops,the market opportunities for all sorts of luxury goods and services are increasing.Luxury consumption in China now extends ways beyond well-known car,clothing and jewelry brands.For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world,even outstripping that of the United States,with a market share of 25percent.This trend appears to continue,with 20to 30percent growth expected in China,compared with only 2to 3percent in the US.But more importantly,China's luxury jet market growth represents a major development in the private consumption of luxury items.
China's high-quality red wine market also provides evidence of the growth in private consumption of luxury goods.In 2013,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with 1.86billion bottles consumed in China last year.Over the past five years,China's red wine consumption has grown 136percent.
According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing,public consumption of such expensive global luxury brands such as Prada and Armani is easily explained by the desire to"gain face"and publicly display social climbing through material possessions.On the other hand,it is"self-reward"that lies behind consumer motivation in this area.Chinese consumers who have experienced rapid financial and economic gains appear particularly prone to the need to reward themselves for their success.But this has little to do with"gaining face"and impressing others and much more to do with the need for personal contentment.
Finally,the growth in private luxury consumption in China is set to continue in part due to the maturity of the Chinese consumer and advancement of Chinese consumer culture generally.
28.What do you think the author would most probably be?C
A.A news reporter.
B.An accountant.
C.A professor.
D.A conductor.
29.The underlined word"outstripping"in Paragraph 2probably means"C".
A.falling far behind of
B.going out of
C.going far ahead of
D.keeping pace with
30.What can we learn from Paragraph 2and 3?B
A.China's luxury jet market growth is only 2% to 3%.
B.France was once the largest market for red wine in the world before 2013.
C.The luxury jet market in the US shares 25% of the jet consumption in the world.
D.China's red wine consumption has increased to 1.86billion bottles since 2013.
31.What can be the best title for the passage?B
A.Future Private Luxury Consumption in China
B.Chinese Appetite for Luxury Goods and Services
C.The Potential Luxury Jet Market in China
D.The Maturity of the Chinese Consumers.
分析 本文主要讲述了中国人对奢侈品的消费很大,百分之二的中国消费者购买了全世界三分之一的奢侈品,中国有望成为全球最大的奢侈品市场.而中国私人奢侈品消费的增长将继续在一定程度上由于中国消费者的成熟和进步的中国消费文化.
解答 28.答案:C.推理判断题.根据第四段第一句中的"According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing"可推知,作者有可能是一名大学教授,故选C.
29.答案:C.词义猜测题.根据第二段中的"For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world"和"This trend appears to continue,with 20 to 30 percent growth expected in China,compared with only 2 to 3 percent in the US"可推知,outstripping意为遥遥领先的.故选C.
30.答案:B.推理判断题.根据第三段的第二句"In 2013,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with 1.86 billion bottles consumed in China last year"可推知,2013年以前法国是世界上红酒的最大消费市场.故选B.
点评 本文是一篇议论文,题目涉及推理判断题,词义猜测题,标题判断题,做题时应结合文章上下文内容并根据所给选项的含义进行分析,从而得出正确答案.切记胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.