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Dear John,

    Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on a low-carbon lifestyle. Here are our main ideas about it.


   We all believe that if everyone does a little for our society it will become more and more beautiful.

Best wishes,

                                                  Yours sincerely

                                                   Li Ping

Dear John,

   Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on a low-carbon lifestyle. Here are our main ideas about it.

All of us think we can do a lot in our daily life to live a low-carbon life. First, we advocate saving water and power. For example, turn off lights and electrical appliances if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Don¡¯t have water running all the time while cleaning our teeth, face, clothes, and so on. Second, we should sort out the rubbish and recycle as much as possible. Besides, we suggest saving and recycling all kinds of paper as well as using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more forests from being destroyed. More importantly, when going out, we had better walk, ride bikes or take buses as often as possible.

In my opinion, we should also plant as many trees and flowers as we can in our school, around our houses, along side of streets and roads, etc. It can not only satisfy our eyes and minds but clean the air and reduce noises.

We all believe that if everyone does a little for our society it will become more and more beautiful.

 Best wishes,

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                 Li Ping




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5.²½ÐС¢Æï×ÔÐгµ»ò³Ë¹«½»³µ³öÐÐ 6.ÄãµÄ¸öÈ˹۵ã------



Dear John,

    Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on a low-carbon lifestyle. Here are our main ideas about it.


   We all believe that if everyone does a little for our society it will become more and more beautiful.

Best wishes,

                                                  Yours sincerely

                                                   Li Ping


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Dear Li Ping,

Glad to write to you! These days I am attending some training courses for being a volunteer . In order to be a good volunteer, we should learn about body language as well as foreign languages. I find it interesting. I¡¯d like to share it with you.


So much for these, I must stop now. Looking forward to your letter.


                                                                  Wang Ming




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2. ´ÊÊý100´Ê×óÓÒ (ÎÄÕ¿ªÍ·ºÍ½áβÒѸø, ²»¼ÆÈë´ÊÊý)
Dear Li Ping,
Glad to write to you! These days I am attending some training courses for being a volunteer . In order to be a good volunteer, we should learn about body language as well as foreign languages. I find it interesting. I¡¯d like to share it with you.
So much for these, I must stop now. Looking forward to your letter.
Wang Ming

