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—I telephoned himtwice and I couldn’t get through to his home.

—I think that theline might have been out of order, ________ ?

  1. A.
    don’t you
  2. B.
    do you
  3. C.
    wasn’t it
  4. D.
    hadn’t it
题干是宾语从句,前面陈述部分是I think/suppose/believe等时要与从句谓语动词和主语保持一致,从句中有might等情态动词时,要与情态动词后的成分保持一致。

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:022

Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词)

If I had known your number, I ______ (telephone)you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人).With these words I began to_36__the problem, the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people_37___, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep,I__38__to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed__39___, just a quick chat.

 Gradually though, the __40___got worse. Soon it was__41___use,until,finally,addiction. And it began to affect my__42___.During the work day, I would disappear for a quick 43 . If I couldn't make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more__44___,in the end, I would ring someone, then someone else,__45___myself just one more call. I was phoning people and__46___messages to make sure__47___calls would see me through the day.

I used to arrive at friends homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the___48___"Is it OK if I just use the phone...?"At work, I became__49___when my fellow workers tried to__50___me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone). Finally the police caught me___51___a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was__52___to see a psychiatrist(心理医生). I haven't__53__a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days__54___I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV because there are__55___people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

36.A.face            B.find         C.accept      D.notice

A.now and then    B.all the time    C.at home     D.at work

A.tried           B.asked         C.waited      D.invited

A.polite          B.important      C.fine        D.special

A.condition       B.situation        C.result      D.effect

A.frequent        B.regular         C.unusual    D.particular

A.friends         B.study           C.family     D.work

A. a call         B. a secret         C. an accident    D. a reply

A.hopeful        B.delighted        C.frightened     D.anxious

A.forcing         B.telling         C.giving    D.limiting

A.sending        B.taking         C.passing    D.recording

A.long          B.immediate      C.enough    D.surprising

A.saying          B.demands       C.with    D.words

A.careful        B.mad       C.determined    D.helpless

A.save           B.reduce      C.protect      D.stop

A.destroying      B.using        C.stealing      D.emptying

A.offered        B.guided       C.ordered      D.reminded

A.missed        B.had          C.accepted    D.fixed

A.as            B.when        C.if      D.since

A.always        B.just      C.more      D.different 


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江齐齐哈尔实验中学高三三模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many years ago, I pulled a family out of a burning car somewhere in Wyoming. Last week I received a telephone call from a woman who could not stop crying as she told me that one of my stories had saved her son from committing suicide. In closing she called me a hero.

That got me thinking about what a hero is. Was I a hero because I pulled a family from a burning car? If so, how could I be a hero just because I wrote a story that saved someone’s life?

Today I looked up the word “hero” in the dictionary to see exactly what it meant. It read “a person who does something brave” and also “a person who is good and noble”.

That statement impressed me more than the part about being brave. So I thought about something very important. And I remembered what happened to me years ago.

After my marriage of twenty years ended, I was in such a condition. I was within hours trying to get up enough courage to end the pain and misery. When I returned home, someone had sent me a card in the mail which told me how much they would appreciate me as a friend. That wonderful card probably saved my life. That person, without even knowing it, saved a life and became a hero.

The many stories I kept writing in the following years saved the life of a teenage boy. In turn that makes the person who sent me the card a double hero. I suppose that is why I fight so hard to help the children now living in orphanages (孤儿院). Most children come out of these institutions with a very hard and bitter attitude against the world. The gifts we send them let them know that they have not been forgotten. Hopefully, most of them will never hurt anyone because of the kindness shown to them by those of us who cared. If it works, we will also become "heroes".

1.The main idea of the passage is _______________.

A.why the writer should be a hero            B.that everyone is a hero

C.whether the writer is a hero               D.what a hero exactly is

2.Why did the woman call the writer a hero at the end of the call?

A.Because he asked her son not to kill himself.

B.Because he saved a family from a burning car.

C.Because his story saved her son’s life.

D.Because he was cute and kind to everybody.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in the last sentence of Paragraph 5 refer to?

A.The fact that the sender helped the writer.

B.The action of sending the card.

C.The wonderful card the writer received.

D.The fact that the sender was a friend of the writer.

4.According to the writer, who can be considered as a hero?

A.A person who is brave.

B.A person who helps someone in trouble.

C.A person who can hold a door for others.

D.A person who writes wonderful stories.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁省丹东市高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister. On this occasion, the task was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend. I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children and the younger children would do a wonderful job of accompanying the older ones. Later, I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.

I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out. I called home with this happy news. But instead of hearing his cheerful, grateful voice on the other end of the line, all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.

It was, I should point out, after 10 p.m., when the two younger children should have been in bed, and when the two older children should have been answering the phone. “I’ll give him a lesson,” I said. I decided they must be outside. Why they might be outside at 10:30 on a wintry night I had no idea, but it was the only explanation I could come up with.

Finally, in desperation, I called his girlfriend’s house. After what seemed like countless rings, his girlfriend answered. “Yes,” she said brightly, “He’s right here.”

He came on the phone. I was not my usual calm, rational self. After all, one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can’t trust modern teenagers. “Where are the children?” I said. He said they were with him. They had done nothing wrong. My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend’s house just for ice cream and cake. This was too favorable to be believed. Well, it turned out that I shouldn’t have believed it. It was only part of the truth.

The following Saturday evening we were at my parents’ home, celebrating my birthday. My oldest son gave me the children’s gifts. Mounted(裱装) and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children, dressed in their best clothes, and wearing their most wonderful expressions. They are pictures to treasure a lifetime, all taken by the father of my son’s girlfriend.

That was the most precious gift of all.

1.Shortly after the author left home one evening, she discovered that ____.

A.her son had brought his girlfriend home

B.the father of her son’s girlfriend had come to her home to take photos of the children

C.she shouldn’t have completely trusted her son

D.she should have taken the children along with her

2.According to Paragraph 3, “it” means ____.

A.the two younger children have been in bed

B.the older children have been answering the phone

C.the author will give her older son a lesson

D.the older son has gone outside with his girlfriend

3.The sentence “It was only part of the truth.” (Para. 5) implies that the children not only enjoyed ice-cream but also ____.

A.had a birthday party                     B.framed some photographs

C.had their pictures taken                  D.showed off their best clothes

4.Which of the following possible titles best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A.Puppy Love                            B.Brotherhood

C.Mother and Children                     D.A Precious Birthday Gift



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Never ____ at home when I telephone.

A.you are B. do you C. are you D. have you

