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It is recommended that one of the effective ways to make your English writing skills improved should be keeping a diary.

1. (compare) with other form of writing, it takes 2.(little) time as well as being shorter. It is 3. (general) recognized that you will get to learn how to express yourself in English if you insist on practising. Apparently you may meet with 4. good many difficulties at times. The trouble is 5. you can not find appropriate words and phrases to give expression to your mind. In addition, there are lots of idiomatic ways of Chinese appearing in your diary.

6. my point of view, a piece of good advice is that there should be no 7. way more suitable than keeping a notebook and an English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something 8. (beat) you, put 9. down and then consult the dictionary. Certainly you can get help from your English teacher if necessary. I’m sure it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the 10. (improve) of writing abilities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea.

Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women.

1.Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? ______

A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school.

B. She decided to further her education in Paris.

C. A serious eye problem stopped her.

D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States.

2.How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?_____

A. Eight years. B. Ten years.

C. Nineteen years. D. Thirty-six years.

3.According to the passage, all of the following are "firsts" in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell EXCEPT that she ______.

A. became the first woman physician

B. was the first woman doctor

C. and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children

D. set up the first medical school for women


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市高三上第六次诊断考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—You speak very good French!

—Thanks. I ________ French in Sichuan University for four years.

A. studied B. study

C. was studying D. had studied


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市高三上第六次诊断考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The New York Times’ Room for Debate blog has a panel (专门小组) considering the pluses and minuses of summer homework. This has been the subject of debate in our house. Our 11th-grade daughter’s summer assignments were very challenging, to the point where I sometimes wondered if more of her time would have been better spent just riding a bicycle or swimming around a pool.

Here are some opinions from the panel:

Harris Cooper, psychologist, Duke University: “The long summer vacation disrupts the rhythm of instruction, leads to forgetting and requires time be spent reviewing old material when students return to school in the fall. My advice? Teachers, you need to be careful about what and how much summer homework you assign. Summer homework shouldn’t be expected to overcome a student’s learning deficits; that’s what summer school is for. Parents, if the assignments are clear and reasonable, support the teachers.”

Nancy Kalish, co-author of the Case Against Homework: “Schools should rethink summer homework, and not just because it stresses out kids (and parents). The truth is, homework doesn’t accomplish what we assume it does. According to a Duke University review of more than 175 studies, there is little or no connection between homework and standardized test score or long-term achievement in primary school.”

Mark Bauerlein, professor of English at Emory University: “To the general question of whether or not schools should assign summer homework, the answer is ‘Yes.’ The reason comes not only from the brain drain of summer. It relates also to an attitude young people take toward education. They tie knowledge to the syllabus, not to themselves. They read and study to write the paper and score highly in the test, not to furnish their minds. In a word, they regard learning as a classroom thing. That’s all.”

It seems to me that summer homework is a good idea to keep the brain cells moving, but like everything else it should be given in moderation.

1.Harris Cooper seems to believe that ________.

A. more summer homework causes students’ learning difficulties

B. students should go to summer school if they have no homework

C. teachers should give careful consideration to summer homework

D. parents should tell teachers how much homework their kids need

2.In the 4th paragraph, Nancy Kalish explains her idea by________.

A. making comparisons B. giving research findings

C. raising questions D. telling stories

3.Mark Bauerlein might agree that summer homework ________.

A. should be based on the school’s teaching program

B. has no direct connection to students’ higher grades

C. brings more pressure to both students and their parents

D. helps students develop the right attitude toward learning


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南衡阳八中高二上第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I’ve often wondered how exactly sleep, or lack of it, can have such an awful effect on our bodies and, guess what, how much we sleep switches good genes(基因) on and had genes off.

In the first half of 2013, the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes. Every cell in our bodies carries genetic instructions in our DNA that act as a kind of operating handbook. However, each cell only “reads” the part of this handbook it needs at any given moment.

Can sleep affect how a gene reads instructions? It’s a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey. He set up an experiment and asked his volunteers to spend a week sleeping around seven and a half hours to eight hours a night and the next sleeping six and a half to seven hours.

Blood samples were taken each week to compare which genes in blood cells were being used during the long and short nights. The results were rather surprising. Several hundred genes changed in the amount they were being used, including some that are linked to heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Genes to do with cell repair and replacement were used much less.

Sleep restriction(six and a half to seven hours a night) changed 380 genes. Of these, 220 genes were down regulated (their power was increased). Those affected included body-clock genes which are linked to diabetes(糖尿病). One of the most downgraded genes is that which has a role in controlling insulin(胰岛素) and is linked to diabetes and insomnia(失眠). The most upgraded gene is linked to heart disease.

So changing sleep by tiny amounts can upgrade or downgrade genes that can influence our health and the diseases we suffer from when we sleep too little.

The important message is that getting close to eight hours of sleep a night can make a dramatic difference to our health in just a few days through the way it looks after our genes.

1.What kind of relation is directly discussed in the passage?

A. Sleeping hours and changes of genes.

B. Sleeping hours and diseases.

C. Changes of genes and diseases.

D. Genes and health.

2.What can we learn about Professor Derk-Jan Kijk’s experiment?

A. The experiment was carried out to find the answer to how genes affect sleep.

B. The experiment took a period of more than two weeks to reach a conclusion.

C. His volunteers were divided into two groups with two different sleeping patterns.

D. Blood samples of the volunteers were checked afterwards to decide how many genes changed in sleeping.

3.Which of the following may be concluded from the passage?

A. The experiment was performed at the University of Surrey in early 2013.

B. Body-clock genes are associated with heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes.

C. Sleep restrictions may contribute to disease like diabetes, insomnia, and heart disease.

D. 7.5-8 hours’ sleep pattern makes little difference compared with 6.5-7 hours’ sleep pattern.

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the findings of the sleep research?

A. When there is a sleep restriction, genes to do with cell repair and replacement function less.

B. In a sleep, several hundred genes change in the amount. The more changes, the worse results.

C. When genes are up regulated, they do good to health; when genes are down regulated , they do harm to health.

D. Eight hours of sleep a day can be beneficial to our health in that it looks after our genes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南衡阳八中高二第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Bangkok has become the world’s top tourist destination, with 15.98 million visitors projected to visit Thailand’s capital city this year, according to the third annual Global Destination Cities Index released by MasterCard on Monday. Based on data MasterCard collected from governments, central banks, related public agencies and airlines so far this year, the projection for the entire year says Bangkok is surpassing (超过) London, the previous holder of the top place, by a very narrow margin.

Monday’s report marked the first time an Asian city has been projected to be the top-ranked tourist destination. London came in second, with 15.96 million visitors expected in 2013, and Paris, third, with 13.92 million visitors. MasterCard looked at 132 cities.

Other Asian cities that made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in 2013 include Singapore at number four, with 11.75 million visitors; Kuala Lumpur at number eight, with 9.2 million visitors; Hong Kong at number nine, with 8.72 million visitors; Seoul at number 11, with 8.19 million visitors; Shanghai at number 14, with 6.5 million visitors, Tokyo at number 16, with 5.8 million visitors, and Taipei, with 5.19 million visitors.

The study found that Bangkok is experiencing a large increase in its number of tourists in 2013, up 9.8% from 2009. That compares to New York’s increase at 5.0% and London’s at 3.8%. Paris, meanwhile, saw a small dip in its number of tourists (negative 0.7%).

Caroline Lledo, who was visiting Bangkok from France, said Thailand has many offerings. “We like culture and the people are so nice. We also love shopping here,” Ms. Lledo said. MasterCard Worldwide’s global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited (引用) overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive. That is true for Thailand overall as well.

1.From the passage we can know that ________.

A. Bangkok defeated London by a wide margin

B. there are 15.96 million visitors visiting London in 2013

C. Paris is experiencing an increase in its number of tourists

D. London topped List of World’s Tourist Destinations in 2012

2.How many Asian cities have made it to the Top-20 Global Destination Cities in 2013?

A. Seven. B. Eight.

C. Nine. D. Ten.

3.What attracts visitors to Thailand?

A. People and buildings.

B. Shopping and environment.

C. Culture, people and shopping.

D. Culture and natural scenery.

4.What can we know about MasterCard?

A. MasterCard surveyed 131 cities.

B. Caroline Lledo was MasterCard’s adviser.

C. MasterCard collected data from private agencies.

D. It is the third time that MasterCard has released the Index.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Hong Kong, a city of seven million—and growing fast. By the year 2050 Hong Kong’s population will almost double. Where will these people live?

There’s only one place to go—up. Fast forward 50 years.This is the tallest man-made structure on the planet. Its name:Millennium Tower. It would stand twice as tall as anything built before. Over 60 thousand people would live or work here. Millennium’s designers think it represents the best solution for the coming population explosion.

It would cost ten billion dollars and consume more building materials than any single nation could produce. David Nelson, one of Millennium’s key designers, said:“It would be a massive project and a world project. But to actually realize it, resources would have to come from all over the globe. The challenge and the motivation for doing it would be to realize one of the world’s largest and most complex construction projects.”

Millennium would be more complex than anything ever built. So its builders won’t know for sure the building is safe until it’s up, and they can’t afford to make an error. Massive earthquakes have brought down entire cities in this part of the world. Can Millennium’s designers make it immune to these quakes of the earth?

For Millennium, like all the other buildings, safety is just one concern among many. It will need to be a home, one that welcomes people in. Getting people into the building and making sure they have a great experience well be what makes Millennium successful, but how to do it? For the design team, the secret was to bring all the elements of city life within. Cafes and restaurants, theatres and stores would provide entertainment. Health clubs, even schools and medical clinics would also serve the towers’ residents.

Millennium’s designers have proven something. Things that seem impossible today, might just become reality tomorrow. The engineering problems have, for the most part, already been solved. Our achievements are limited only by our imaginations.

1.Why did the designers decide to build Millennium?

A.Because they wanted to build the world’s most complex building.

B.Because Hong Kong’s population will greatly increase.

C.Because Hong Kong is developing fast as an international city.

D.Because it can bring huge profit after it is put to use.

2.What is TRUE about the project?

A.It will be completed in the year 2050.

B.It can accommodate all the residents in Hong Kong.

C.It is designed by designers from all over the globe.

D.It has to be strong enough to stand earthquakes.

3.The success of Millennium mainly relies on _______.

A.how many resources will be used

B.how many nations will work together

C.whether people can enjoy their life in it

D.whether it is safe for people to live in

4.How does the writer develop this passage?

A.By providing descriptions. B.By using figures.

C.By giving examples. D.By analyzing causes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

At present,we have come to sense that creativity is _____ it takes to keep a nation highly competitive.

A.what B.why

C.how D.that


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南省高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


For the question of how to set goals, we have a very simple process that you can go through to set your personal goals. 1.

Identify your personal values and task statements. 2. If you can identity your personal values, your personal goal will not go wrong. The starting point of all achievements is desire.

3. After you know your personal values, find out what you really want to achieve in every life aspect. Life has many aspects and in order to lead a happy life, you should set goals in every aspect.

Write your goals down. Please pay attention to this. 4. If not, they will only become dreams. You should limit your goals to between 5 and 6 at any one time. To achieve your goals you have to focus your efforts and energy. As you progress and complete your goals, you may add new goals.

Develop a personal action plan. You need to make a detailed schedule according to your goals. Develop a personal action plan and follow it.

Review your progress and update your goals accordingly. 5. If not, analyze why the goal is not being met. Find a coach or friend to help you if you have trouble. Realize your goals step by step. Find out more of monitoring the process of goal setting.

A. Make sure you are making progress.

B. Your personal value is the big direction.

C. Figure out the goals you want to achieve.

D. It’s true that goal setting is a lifelong process.

E. If you want to succeed, you need prepare well.

F. You must write your goals down on a piece of paper.

G. These steps can help you achieve your goals more easily.

