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15.My wife is addicted to shopping on the Internet.(41)Itseems that she can't control herself well,just clicking with the mouse.Let me tell you what happened last night.It was the third times that she(42)had shopped(shop) online for hours.I had already reminded her (43)to think(think) twice before buying anything,(44)butmy wife ignored what I said and replied (45)confidently(confidence),"with the New Year approaching(接近),preparation is necessary.(46)Besides,I haven't bought things on the Internet for a whole week."(47)Hearing(hear )her words,I was really speechless.In most cases,the things she bought aren't good value for money.Maybe she just enjoys the process of buying online.
As(48)faras I know,people are easily attracted by the discount,so(49)howto keep a good state of mind in front of temptation (诱惑) is (50)animportant lesson many people need to learn.

分析 本文写了妻子网购成瘾,但是买来的东西并不是值那些付出的钱,于是告知人们要在打折的诱惑面前保持清醒的头脑很重要.

解答 41.答案是It.考查句型,根据句意"她好像不能很好地控制自己","It seems that"是固定句型"好像",所以答案是it.
 42.答案是had shopped.考查固定句型,在句型"It is/was+the+序数词+times+that从句"中,如果前面用的是is,从句就用现在完成时;如果前面用的是was,从句就用过去完成时,所以答案是had shopped.
  43.答案是to think.考查固定搭配,remind sb to do sth是英语的固定搭配"提醒某人做某事",根据句意"我提醒她在购买之前三思",所以答案是to think.
 48.答案是far.考查固定结构,根据句意"据我所知"as far as I know,是英语的固定短语"据我所知",所以答案是far.            

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Cars are necessary in our daily life.In modern society we even can't go without cars.Therefore,car servicing becomes something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year.The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done methodically (有条理地) according to your car maker.Consider this:Your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程) figures indicate that you need to have it serviced.Certainly,this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay that servicing bill every 6months?
Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learn quickly and easily save some good money.
If you have never serviced your car before personally,here're:Servicing basics
Car servicing essentially means inspecting the ear thoroughly for any damaged components,and replacing some parts regularly that wear out over time.If you review carefully it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself,as below:
You will need a complete set of tools as provided by your car maker when you purchased the vehicle.This will usually consist of all the spanners (扳手) that you might need.
Completely servicing your car will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money.Besides,it's fun too and a lot of learning.

60.What is the best way to service your car?D
A.To service your car by yourself.
B.To turn to other ear owners for help.
C.To send your car back to the car maker.
D.To have your car serviced at the service station.
61.Why does the author suggest servicing your car by yourself?.A
A.It is money-saving and easy to learn. B.It is a simple way to save energy.
C.It is convenient and challenging.     D.It is done more efficiently.
62.What is included in the set of tools provided by the ear maker for self-servicing?D
A.Spare parts.      B.Cleaning brushes.
C.Measuring meters. D.All kinds of spanners.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante,one of great singers.When (61)asked(ask)to be a part of a show for some old World WarⅡsoldiers,he told them he was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes,(62)but he would come if they wouldn't mind his singing one short song and immediately leaving for his next appointment.Of course,the show's director agreed (63)happily (happy).
But when Jimmy got on stage,something surprising happened.He went through a short song and then stayed.The applause grew louder and louder and he kept (64)staying (stay).Pretty soon,he had been on stage (65)forfifteen,twenty,and then thirty minutes.One of his(66)assistants(assist) behind the stage stopped him and said,"I thought you had to go after a few minutes.What happened?"
Jimmy answered,"I did have to go,but I can show you(67)the reason why I stayed.You can see for (68)yourself (you) if you look at the front row."In the front row were two men,both of (69)whom had lost an arm in the war.One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left.Together,they were able to clap,and that was exactly what they(70)were doing (do),loudly and cheerfully.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Although he likes playing tennis,he is ________ but a good tennis player.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Though job applicants used to put salary in the first place,they now focus more on _____ they can achieve full potential in their new jobs.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.London was a new world to me and I was        find out more about it.(  )
A.leading toB.dying toC.connected withD.curious about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.It was Darwin's fortune that allowed him to do his research without worrying about ______ he would have bread and cheese.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.How do predators (猎食动物) affect populations of the prey (猎物) animals?The answer is not as simple as might be thought.The Moose(麋鹿) reached Isle Royale in Lake Superior by crossing over winter ice and bred freely there in isolation without predators.When wolves later reached the island,naturalists widely assumed that the wolves would play a key role in controlling the moose population.Careful studies have demonstrated,however,that this is not the case.The wolves eat mostly old or diseased animals that would not survive long anyway.In general,the moose population is controlled by food availability,disease and other factors rather than by wolves.
When experimental populations are set up under simple laboratory conditions,the predator often wipes out its prey and then becomes extinct itself.However,if safe areas like those prey animals have in the wild are provided,the prey population drops to low level but not extinction.Low prey population levels then provide inadequate food for the predators,causing the predator population to decrease.When this occurs,the prey population can rebound.In this situation the predator and prey population may continue in this cyclical pattern for some time.
Population cycles are characteristic of small mammals,and they sometimes appear to be brought about by predators.Ecologists studying hare populations have found that the North American snowshoe hare follows a roughly ten-year cycle.Its numbers fall tenfold to thirty in a typical cycle,and a hundredfold change can occur.Two factors appear to be generating the cycle:food plants and predators.
The preferred foods of snowshoe hares are tender willow branches.As the hare population increases,the quantity of these branches decreases,forcing the hares to feed on low-quality high-fiber food.Lower birth rates and low growth rates follow,so there is a corresponding decline in hare abundance.Once the hare population has declined,it takes two to three year for the quantity of branches to recover.
A key predator of the snowshoe hare is the Canada lynx.The Canada lynx shows a ten-year cycle of abundance(大量) that parallels the abundance cycle of hares.As hare numbers fall,so do lynx numbers,as their food supply decreased.
Predators are an essential factor in maintaining communities that are rich and diverse in species.Without predators,the species that is the best competitor for food,shelter,and other environmental resources tends to dominate and exclude the species with which it competes.This phenomenon is known as"competitor exclusion".However,if the community contains a predator of the strongest competitor species,then the population of that competitor is controlled.Thus even the less competitive species are able to survive.From the stand point of diversity(多样性),it is usually a mistake to eliminate a major predator from a community.

73.The author uses the example of the moose and wolves on Isle Royale toB.
A.provide evidence that predators influence prey populations
B.question the belief in the effect of predators on prey populations
C.demonstrate predator population grows faster than that of the prey
D.prove that studies of isolated populations tend to be useful
74.The word"rebound"in the passage is closest in meaning toD.
75.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Laboratory results can't explain the changes in predator and prey populations of the wild.
B.The growth of hare population may lead to a corresponding increase in its birth rates.
C.The experimental environments can promote the growth of predator and prey populations.
D.The existence of a major predator in a community is a threat to the diversity of species.
76.What can we conclude from the passage about the cycle of the Canada lynx?C
A.When hare numbers decrease,lynx numbers increase.
B.It has a great effect on the number of snowshoe hare.
C.It closely follows the cycle of the snowshoe hare.
D.It is not directly related to the availability of lynx food.
77.What is the best title of this passage?B
A.What role predators play in keeping competitor species.
B.Whether predators have an impact on prey populations.
C.A study of the populations of the predator and prey animals.
D.Contributing factors of the changes in animal populations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.工作人员为那些家园被毁的幸存者盖起了避难所.(用定语从句翻译)Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

