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A series of four free or low-cost Community Education classes will be offered in April on the Weirton campus of West Virginia Northern Community College£® "Art for People Who Can't Draw"has a 30 tuition£¨Ñ§·Ñ£© and 5 materials fee and will be conducted from 6£º00-8£º00 p£®m£®on Mondays and Wednesdays£¬April 11£¬13£¬18£¬20 and 25£¬in Room 209-B£®This class is for people who want to explore art production but have no experience with drawing£®Students will have the opportunity to make several pieces of art£®The instructor£¬Margaret Pearson£¬says£¬"I believe that art is possible for everyone so come£¬have some fun and set your inner artist free£®" "Aerobics for Seniors"is a free class that will be held from 6£º00-7£º30 p£®m£¬on Tuesdays and Thursdays£¬April 12£¬14£¬19£¬21£¬26 and 28£¬in Room 243£®Senior aerobics is a class designed for older men and women£®This is a class with an emphasis on stretching and simple movements to music£®Participants should wear loose or stretchy clothing and athletic shoes and bring a bottle of water£® "Basic Gardening"has tuition of 25 and will be taught from 6£º00-8£º00 p£®m£®on Tuesdays£¬April 12£¬19 and 26£¬in Room 115£®Come to this course if you are a seasoned gardener looking for new information and want to share your gardening knowledge£®Topics include spring preparation£¬vegetable and fruit gardening and getting rid of pests organically£®There will be"a couple of fun£¬hands-on projects"£¬the instructor Ann Bailey£¬a certified master gardener£¬said£® "Introduction to T'ai Chi"will be held from 9£º00-10£º00 a£®m£®on Fridays£¬April 15£¬22 and 29£¬in Room 243£®Cost is 15£®Participants will explore the workout£¬defensive techniques and health benefits of T'ai Chi£®This form of Chinese martial arts has developed throughout the years as a way of reducing anxiety and stress£®Be free to move£ºwear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes£® For more information£¬call the campus at 304-723-2210£® |
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