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14.It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.

分析 他花了好长时间才从重感冒中恢复健康.

解答 答案:recover 考查首字母填空.根据句意及句子结构,要填入动词,recover 意为"恢复(健康,精神,体力)",因前有不定式符号to,用动词原形recover.

点评 考查首字母填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示写出单词,完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People is America's No.1 magazine about fascinating people.It's a guide to who and what's hot in the arts,science,business,politics,television,movies,books,music and sports.It is published weekly.
Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company
Cover Price:211.47
Our Price:117.00
Lucky is the shopping magazine with the best buys,and the fashion tips you'll need before you hit the stores.What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.
Publisher:Conde Nast Publications Inc.
Cover Price:35.40
Our Price:15.00
This is the most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart,loving and self-confident children.Each issue has age-specific child-development guidance,advice on your child's health and safety,and the best ways to encourage your child's learning.
Publisher:Meredith Corporation
Cover Price:42.00
Our Price:9.97
This magazine covers movies,television,music,Broad-way stage productions,books,and popular culture.Unlike celebrity-focused magazines like People,its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews.It's popular with more common readers.
Cover Price:199.50
Our Price:38.95
21.People probably focus onD.
A.political events                       
B.festivals and celebrations
C.television programs                    
D.hot events and famous stars  
22.According to the passage,what makes Lucky so special?C
A.The access it provides to bargains         
B.Its pictures of fashion stores
C.Its latest information related to shopping     
D.Its competitive price
23.Which of the following are common readers fond of?A
A.Entertainment.    B.Lucky.        C.Parents.           D.People.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Read the advertisements,and then choose the right answer.
Driver Wanted
(1)Clean driving license.
(2)Must be of smart appearance.
(3)Aged over 25.
Apply to:Capes Taxi,17Palace Road,Boston.
Air Hostesses for International Flights Wanted
(1)Applicants must be between 20and 33years old.
(2)Height 1.6m to 1.75m.
(3)Education to GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)standard.
(4)Two languages.Must be able to swim.
Apply to:Recruitment office,Southern Airline,Heathrow Airport West.HR37KK.
Teachers Needed
For private language school.Teaching experience unnecessary.
Apply to:The Director of Studies.Instant Language Ltd,279Canal street,Boston.
25.What prevents Jack,an experienced taxi driver,working for Capes Taxis?B
A.Fond of beer and wine.
B.Punished for speeding and wrong parking.
C.Unable to speak a foreign language.
D.Not having college education.
26.Ben,aged 22,fond of swimming and driving,has just graduated from a college.Which job might be given to him?C
A.Driving for Capes Taxis.
B.Working for Southern Airlines.
C.Teaching at Instant Language Ltd.
D.None of the three.
27.What prevents Mary,aged 25,becoming an air hostess?D
A.She once broke a traffic law and was fined.
B.She can't speak Japanese very well.
C.She has never worked as an airhostess before.
D.She doesn't feel like working long hours flying abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.It can be hard to decide which food to buy in an American grocery store these days.The information on many products makes (51)C claims.
The label"organic (有机的)"(52)B that the United States Department of Agriculture recognized the product was grown under special conditions.The department says foods that meet requirements of it National Organic Programme can use an official label.It shows the words"USDA Organic"inside a(n) (53)A.USDA organic food does not contain genes that have been
(54)A changed.The food is grown without chemical treatment against insects or diseases.It is grown without chemical fertilizers.Before a product can be (55)D"organic,"a(n)C(56)C visits the farm where the food is produced to make sure the farm meets USDA standards.Organic meat,poultry,eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics (抗生素),must be fed organic food and have (57)Bto the outdoors.
No conclusive(58)Dshows that organic food is more nutritious than traditionally grown food.And the USDA-even if it proves organic food-doesn't claim that these products are safer or more nutritious.Organic foods meet the same quality and safety standards as traditional foods.The difference (59)A how the food is produced,processed and handled.Some people buy organic food for (60)D reasons.Organic food is produced by farmers who (61)
C the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance quality for future generations.The prices between most organic food and traditional food products (62)A.Higher prices are due to more expensive farming practices and tighter government regulations.
The new USDA's national organic programme for labeling are aimed at enabling consumers to make a(n) (63)D choice among the foods they purchase and also include the safeguard of fines for
(64)B.People who sell or label a product"organic"when they know it does not meet USDA standards can be(65)C up to﹩11,000for each violation.

59.A.lies inB.consists ofC.turns downD.holds back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

9.Even if you really enjoy your job,it's still possible to battle boredom as you work.You may not be able to make big changes-or change your job-but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem,well,a little less routine.
    1.Switch Your Seat
Change your outlook at the office by changing your desk.Ask your supervisor to help you find a new desk.Even switching desks with a neighboring coworker can offer a fresh atmosphere.
If it's not possible to change your location,see if you can change your desk's direction.A new view can be just as refreshing as a new location.
Start and end your day in a different way.Consider a new mode of transportation,if it's possible. Take a subway.Ride a bike on sunny days.Carpool with a coworker.Use a new route to get to your job. You needn't change it for ever-just long enough to help you escape the boredom.
3.Find a New Work Style
Sick of attending that long-standing Monday morning meeting?Try to change it to the afternoon.If you find yourself feeling most bored in the afternoons,fay to arrange to do your favorite tasks then and tackle less desirable projects in the mornings.
If you usually communicate with coworkers via email and instant messaging,start dealing with people face to face.Increased communication with coworker may help improve your mood.
4.Get and Set a Goal
If your work is short of objectives,it's no wonder that work has become boring.Identify a goal and set an"achieve by"date for it.
Your goal needn't be lofty as long as you have sufficient enthusiasm for it.Perhaps you want to make a new project.Maybe you'd like to pursue a promotion.Or you may even set a goal of finding a new job altogether.Whatever it is,actively move toward an objective.
76.What is the purpose of the passage?(no more than 15 words)
To give some advice on how to battle boredom as you work. 
77.Please complete the following statement with proper words according to the underlined sentence in the passage.(no more than 4 words)
    You will feel bored when you are workingIf your work is short of objectives,it's no wonder that work has become boring..
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 8 words)
Change the way to go to work.
79.List three more methods of escaping from boredom in your daily life.(no more than5 words for each)
①Enjoying music
②Playing basketball with friends
③Change to another subject
80.What does the underlined word"it"in the last paragraph refer to?(no more than3 words)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaker explained what was happening in Hongkong ________,which clearly showed China's firm attitude.(  )
A.all in allB.at the first sight
C.in detailD.for further details


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Lack of good education prevents him to handle such a situation as arises in his business.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I like getting up early in the morning.You know the morning air is so good _____.(  )
A.to be breathedB.to breathC.breathingD.being breathed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.David:Have you made up your mind(61)whereto go for your holiday,Jane?
Jane:We(62)are going(go) to Florida.
David:Great!Florida has always been one of the world's most popular tourist(63)attractions(attract).Oh,by the way,how long are you going to stay there?
Jane:One week.
David:Have you got any friends there?
Jane:No.I have always wanted to go,(64)butI've been too busy to afford the time.Now I've got a week's holiday,and I can enjoy Christmas special prices.My dream will come true.
David:Lovely!I guess you will (65)certainly(certain) go to Disneyland.
Jane:You are right.You have been there,right?
David:Yes,I went there last year.And I'm looking forward (66)togoing there a second time.
Jane:Tell me something about it,will you?
David:The park,(67)whichis often called a"Magic Kingdom",(68)is made(make) up of several main sections.They are named Main Street,Frontier Land,Fantasy Land,Tomorrow land and Adventure Land.There are so many things (69)to see(see) in the park.
Jane:It must have been (70)anunforgettable experience for you.
David:That's true.I'm sure you'll enjoy your visit.
Jane:Thank you.I believe so.

