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    London stands on the River Thames. From 1831 (76) 1925,London was the biggest city in the world but now there are many cities which are much (77) .

    London is famous for many things. People come from all over the world to (78)  its historical buildings,such as Buckingham Palace,where the queen(女王) lives,and the Houses of Parliament,where they can see and (79) the famous clock,Big Ben. They also come to visit (80) theaters,museums and shops.And of course they want to ride on the London Eye next to the river!

    Like many other big cities,London has (81) with traffic and pollution. Over 1 000 000 people a day use the London Underground (伦敦地铁) . People who want to (82) into the city center need to pay £8 a day,but there are (83) too many cars on the streets. The air isn’t clean,(84) it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago.

    For me,the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city center. But my children’s (85) place is Hamleys,which is probably the biggest toy(玩具) shop in the world.

76. until   77. bigger   78. visit   79. hear   

80. its   81. problems   82. drive   83. still   

84. but   85. favorite 

题目来源:2016年英语周报八年级新目标 > 第42期 英语周报八年级新目标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    Alex is a writer and Safah is a teacher. They had good jobs and an apartment in Iowa City. However,one day they decided to build a new home for themselves. Most people would probably look locally(在本地)——perhaps in the neighborhood. But they planned to find a dream place to create their home.

    For Alex,it was quite easy to choose an island (岛) with everything he wanted. As an excellent traveler,Alex first visited the Palau group of islands years ago. He continued to go back there from time to time. The islands are about 7,500 kilometers west of Hawaii so they are difficult to reach. However,they have beautiful green forests with interesting plants and animals. In the end,Alex and Sarah chose one island — Angaur.

    Angaur is only thirteen kilometers around. About 150 people live on it. After knowing about their plan,the head of the island,an 83-year-old woman,was very happy. She said, “Angaur welcomes you."

    Then the real work began. Alex and Sarah ? didn’t want to pay for a construction company(建筑公司) so they taught themselves a lot about building. They also had a lot of friends in Iowa. They came out to help and in return(作为回报) got a free holiday by the beach of Angaur. The local people of Anguar also worked for Alex and Sarah and after many months of hard work,their dream house was ready.


56. Where does the writer think most people would build a new home?  

57. Are the Palau group of islands difficult to reach?

58. How many people live on Angaur?

59. Who is the head of Angaur?

60. What did Alex’s and Sarah’s friends get in return for helping? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 49. If the rain,we won’t be able to climb the mountain.

   A. continues   B. beats

   C. stops   D. dies


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 22. it was so cold,Helen went out without wearing a coat.

   A. Since   B. After

    C. If   D. Although 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

71. Kate was sweeping the floor when I came.


 Kate the floor when you came?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 24. —Will you go to London next week?

一Yes. I’m  making preparations for the these days.

   A. show   B. accident

C. training   D. journey


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 31. In order to save the man’s life,the doctor had to his left leg.

   A. turn down   B. get into

   C. give away   D. cut off 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

73. 起初,比尔很害羞,不怎么说话。

, Bill was very shy and hardly spoke.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


() 21. Alice and her classmates plan to raise money for poor this Sunday.

   A. a   B. an   C. the   D. 不填

