精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】“Who can ever have imagined someone like me would make it this far?” asked Chad Wood last week during his high school graduation speech as the best student. Chad offered ____ to his fellow classmates to never give up---and the words _____much more to himself. That’s because Chad is deaf, and he told the story of the serious troubles he______to graduate first in his class at Harrison High school in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Chad didn’t start to______until he was 5, according to his mother, Pam Wood. Although her son was at a(an) ______, she was determined not to treat him __. “I’ve expected him to do everything every other kid does, and I saw no ____ why he couldn’t,” she told ABC News. “And if he______ the first time, we just tried again.”

Chad, 17, worked hard throughout school, ______ no special treatment but sitting at the front of the class and using a special audio system so he could hear the teacher. All his hard work _____. He received full school fare to Vanderbilt University. “Deafness had taught me a lesson to never _____,” he said in the speech. “Not when the experts tell you it cannot be done. Not when you have ____ so far behind that escaping seems the only way _____. Not when achieving your dreams seems an entire ____ .”

Chad spoke for about four minutes, after which he received a standing applause from the class and______ messages from family, friends and strangers. “They’ve been sending me messages on Facebook, email, they’ve been talking to me in person telling me how it had a ____on their lives and how they’re really ____ by it,” Chad told ABC News. “It feels _____. Seeing that my words ______have a power on someone and that they want to work harder because of my words makes me feel ____ .”

1A. description B. advice C. warning D. information

2A. meant B. recognized C. analysed D. described

3A. needed B. forecast C. consisted D. faced

4A. cry B. hear C. smell D. laugh

5A. loss B. advantage C. disadvantage D. distance

6A. differently B. cruelly C. kindly D. similarly

7A. reason B. trouble C. harm D. conclusion

8A. succeeded B. organized C. failed D. blamed

9A. appealing B. operating C. possessing D. receiving

10A. set off B. paid off C. took off D. dropped off

11A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away

12A. waited B. walked C. fallen D. left

13A. out B. off C. up D. away

14A. victory B. failure C. impossibility D. chance

15A. supportive B. negative C. doubtful D. awkward

16A. insight B. detail C. reward D. power

17A. depressed B. inspired C. exposed D. puzzled

18A. unwilling B. shocking C. amazing D. embarrassing

19A. merely B. extremely C. strangely D. actually

20A. astonished B. wonderful C. confused D. cautious
























1考查名词。A. description描述;B. advice建议;C. warning警告;D. information信息。根据Chad offered ___1___ to his fellow classmates to never give up---and the words ___2___much more to himself.可知,Chad给他的同学们建议,不要放弃——这句话对他自己来说意义更重大。故选B。

2考查动词。 A. meant意味,打算;B. recognized认出;C. analysed分析;D. described描述。根据Chad offered ___1___ to his fellow classmates to never give up---and the words ___2___much more to himself.可知,Chad给他的同学们建议,不要放弃——这句话对他自己来说意义更重大。故选A。

3考查动词。A. needed需要;B. forecast预测;C. consisted---组成; D. faced面对。根据That’s because Chad is deaf, and he told the story of the serious troubles he___3___to graduate first in his class at Harrison High school in Kennesaw, Georgia.可知,这是因为Chad是聋的,他讲述了他在Harrison High school in Kennesaw, Georgia.第一次毕业时面临的严重问题。故选D。

4考查动词。 A. cry哭;B. hear听见;C. smell闻;D. laugh大笑。根据Chad didn’t start to___4___until he was 5, according to his mother, Pam Wood.可知,据他的母亲Pam Wood说,直到5岁时,才开始听到他的声音。故选B。

5考查名词。A. loss损失;B. advantage优势;C. disadvantage劣势; D. distance距离。根据Although her son was at a(an) ___5___, she was determined not to treat him ___6___.可知,虽然她的儿子处于不利地位,但她决心不以不同的方式对待他。故选C。

6考查副词。A. differently不相同地;B. cruelly残酷地;C. kindly ;D. similarly相似地。根据Although her son was at a(an) ___5___, she was determined not to treat him ___6___.可知,虽然她的儿子处于不利地位,但她决心不以不同的方式对待他。故选A。

7考查名词。A. reason理由;B. trouble麻烦;C. harm伤害;D. conclusion结论。根据I’ve expected him to do everything every other kid does, and I saw no ___7___ why he couldn’t可知,我希望他能做所有其他孩子做的事,我没有看到他不能做的理由。故选A。

8考查动词。A. succeeded成功;B. organized组织;C. failed失败;D. blamed责备。根据if he___8___ the first time, we just tried again.可知,如果他第一次失败了,我们只是再试一次。故选C。

9考查动词。A. appealing吸引;B. operating动手术;C. possessing拥有; D. receiving接收。根据Chad, 17, worked hard throughout school, ___9___ no special treatment but sitting at the front of the class and using a special audio system so he could hear the teacher.可知,17岁的Chad在学校里努力工作,没有接受任何特殊待遇,而是坐在教室的前面,使用一个特殊的音响系统,这样他就能听到老师的声音。故选D。

10考查动词词组。A. set off出发,开始;B. paid off得到回报;C. took off脱下,飞机起飞;D. dropped off减弱,下降。根据All his hard work ___10___.可知,他所有的努力都得到了回报。故选B。

11考查动词词组。A. give in屈服;B. give up放弃;C. give out分发,发出;D. give away赠送,泄密。根据“Deafness had taught me a lesson to never ___11___,” he said in the speech.可知,他在演讲中说:耳聋给了我一个永不放弃的教训。故选B。

12考查动词。A. waited等待;B. walked散步;C. fallen落下;D. left离开。根据Not when you have ___12___ so far behind that escaping seems the only way ___13___.可知,当你远远落后的时候,逃跑似乎是唯一的出路。故选C。

13考查副词。A. out在外;B. off离开;C. up向上;D. away离去。根据Not when you have ___12___ so far behind that escaping seems the only way ___13___.可知,当你远远落后的时候,逃跑似乎是唯一的出路。故选A。

14考查名词。A. victory胜利;B. failure失败;C. impossibility不可能; D. chance机会。根据Not when achieving your dreams seems an entire ___14___ .可知,不是当你实现梦想的时候,似乎这是不可能的(只有当你实现梦想的时候,才知道这是可能的)故选C。

15考查形容词。A. supportive支持的;B. negative消极的;C. doubtful怀疑的;D. awkward笨拙的。根据Chad poke for about four minutes, after which he received a standing applause from the class and___15___ messages from family, friends and strangers.可知,Chad说了大约四分钟,之后他得到了全班同学的起立鼓掌和来自家人、朋友和陌生人的支持。故选A。

16考查名词。A. insight洞察力;B. detail细节;C. reward报酬;D. power力量。根据“They’ve been sending me messages on Facebook, email, they’ve been talking to me in person telling me how it had a ___16___on their lives and how they’re really ___17___ by it,”可知,他们一直在给我发送Facebook上的信息,电子邮件,他们一直在和我交谈,告诉我它是如何在他们的生活中拥有一种力量的,以及他们是如何受到启发的。故选D。

17考查动词。A. depressed使沮丧;B. inspired鼓舞;C. exposed暴露; D. puzzled使疑惑。根据“They’ve been sending me messages on Facebook, email, they’ve been talking to me in person telling me how it had a ___16___on their lives and how they’re really ___17___ by it,”可知,他们一直在给我发送Facebook上的信息,电子邮件,他们一直在和我交谈,告诉我它是如何在他们的生活中拥有一种力量的,以及他们是如何受到启发的。故选B。

18考查形容词。A. unwilling不愿意的;B. shocking令人震惊的;C. amazing令人惊异的;D. embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据It feels ___18___.可知,Chad对上文内容感觉不可思议。故选C。

19考查副词。A. merely仅仅;B. extremely极其;C. strangely奇怪地; D. actually事实上。根据Seeing that my words ___19___have a power on someone and that they want to work harder because of my words makes me feel ___20___ .可知,看到因为我的话语对某人有一种力量,并且他们想要更努力地工作,这使我感觉很好。故选D。

20考查形容词。A. astonished吃惊的;B. wonderful精彩的;C. confused困惑的;D. cautious谨慎的。根据Seeing that my words ___19___have a power on someone and that they want to work harder because of my words makes me feel ___20___ .看到因为我的话语对某人有一种力量,并且他们想要更努力地工作,这使我感觉很好。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Finding time for yourself

Few people, these days would disagree with the theory that it’s vital to take time for yourself. Creating some space for enjoyment and restoration each day or at least every week, is a win-win proposition. It’ll make you both happier and more effective in fulfilling your responsibilities at work and home. 1. Here are some useful suggestions.

Don’t wait until it feels right. 2, so you want to tell yourself that you’ll only relax once everything is under control. But since both work and family life generate an infinite number of to-dos, that strategy is doomed (注定要失败的). As time-management writer Laura Vanderkam points out, it’s far more useful to learn to tolerate the discomfort of knowing your email inbox is filling up, or that the living room is still a pigsty.

3. It’s all too easy to fill ‘me time’ with things you think you should enjoy, above all exercise. If you genuinely love such activities, they’re perfect. But if the truth is that you don’t, you’ll only get angry. 4, even when the person doing the telling is ourselves. Make sure at least a small part of your week is spent doing something you can honestly say you enjoy for itself.

Pay attention to good feelings. Once you do get some restorative time, borrow a Buddhist technique for making it count: when you realize you’re enjoying yourself, spend half a minute consciously paying attention to the feelings of pleasure. 5.

A. Choose true enjoyment

B. We hate being told what to do

C. Make commitments in advance

D. It’s unpleasant to have unfinished tasks bother you

E. So, you’ll often find that those feelings increase as a result

F. Making a plan in advance can create the space you need for your own happiness

G. Making sure you actually get a moment to yourself requires a shift in perspective


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When did the woman really start to like football?

A. When she came to London.

B. When she returned to Montreal.

C. When she came to New Jersey.

2How long has the man been in London?

A. One year. B. Two years C. Three years

3What does the man think of soccer?

A. It is a confusing sport. B. It’s not interesting. C. It’s not violent enough.

4What does the woman say about Euro 2012 football tournament?

A. There are a lot of goals.

B. She has watched every game.

C. She likes the style of playing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover, means you should not guess the worth or value of something based on how it looks. That message was clear at a recent event called the Human Library Project. The event took place at the Northern Virginia, or NoVa, Community College, outside of Washington. D. C.

The Human Library began 19 years ago in Denmark. It grew from a youth organization called “Stop the Violence”. Today, it is a worldwide movement. At the NoVa event, students got the chance to learn from a person—a “human book”—instead of a library book.

Patricia Cooper organized the event. She said that human books celebrate variety by telling their life stories in an easy-going setting. “The goal of the human library is to talk to people in your community who you may otherwise not speak to because you have your own prejudices (偏见) and hopefully to break down some of these barriers.”

This is the third year that NoVa has held such an event. The collection of human books included a civil rights activist, a scientist from the American space agency NASA, and an opera singer.

Artist Brian Dailey was a human book. He spoke about his travels to 113 countries in seven years. Dailey said that, during his travels, he asked people whom he took pictures of for a one-word answer to a series of other words—such as love, freedom and war. He discovered that people in different countries often had very different reactions to the same word.

When Dailey asked people in Africa about the word “war” they used words like justice, liberation and peace. When he asked the same question to people in Syrian refugee camps, the answer was: “tears, hunger, fear, destruction”.

1Why was the human library organized?

A.To replace the traditional library

B.To offer a lot more information to readers.

C.To make people communicate with each other

D.To improve the living conditions of neighbors.

2What do we learn from the human book of Brian Dailey?

A.His struggle for human rights.

B.His reactions to different cultures.

C.His great achievements in science.

D.His international travel experiences.

3What was the attitude of African people towards war?



4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Prefer a Human Book rather Than a Real Book

B.Talk With a Fellow Human from This Library

C.Treat Each Other Kindly to Avoid the Violence

D.Enjoy Reading with the Help of Others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,是光明中学的一名高三学生。你在网上看到你市历史博物馆中国文化遗产展厅招募英语解说员,你想申请加入。请你给该馆负责人Mr. Chen写一封英语自荐信,内容包括:

1. 写信意图;

2. 自身的优势;

3. 希望被录用。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:解说员 commentator;文化遗产 Cultural Heritage



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】______ his homework made his father lost in temper.

A.The boy’s not having doneB.The boy not having done

C.The boy’s having not doneD.The boy having not done


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How did the man rob the bank with a cell phone?

A. By threatening to kill a girl.

B. By breaking into its computer system.

C. Through his partner working in the bank.

2What happened at the weekend in Stevens Bay?

A. Large amounts of fish appeared.

B. Fishermen saved two baby whales.

C. Some fishing boats were trapped.

3What do we know about the motorcycle show on Friday night?

A. Dangerous tricks will be forbidden.

B. The show will be delayed.

C. Medical workers will be ready for help.

4Why were people concerned about safety this time?

A. Because a rider was badly injured last month.

B. Because a rider was killed last month.

C. Because an audience got a heart attack.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When did Jordan go to college?

A. In 1981. B. In 1984. C. In 1990.

2Where did Jordan win his first Olympic gold medal?

A. In Chicago. B. In Barcelona. C. In Los Angeles.

3What did Jordan do in 1993?

A. He joined the NBA. B. He retired from basketball. C. He returned to the Bulls.

4How long did Jordan play professional baseball for?

A. About two years. B. About five years. C. About six years.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?

Finding: A full 3% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day

Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes at least twice a day.

2. How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

Finding: Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day—half of the number doctors recommend.

Step: We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day—often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most importantly, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

Finding: Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

Step: Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

1What is found out about American seniors?

A. Most of them have good habits.

B. Nearly 30% of them bathe three days a week.

C. All of them are fighting germs better than expected.

D. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.

2Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands ________.

A. twice a day B. eight times a day C. four times a day D. three times a day

3Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. We should keep from touching our faces.

B. A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.

C. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth

D. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle

4The text probably comes from ________.

A. a popular magazine B. a book review

C. a guide book D. an official document

