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A diet of high fat, high protein and low fiber foods put us ______ a higher risk for becoming overweight.

       A. of                            B. to                                   C. on                           D. at


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every person needs water and a diet of __36_ foods. These foods should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.

People need energy  37 . They eat different kinds of food which change into _38___. The energy is __39__ in calories. Even when you  40 , you are using energy – about 65 calories an hour.  41__  you are at school, or walking home, your body is burning up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you  42  be using 400 calories an hour. On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all,  43  as much as 650 calories an hour.

The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is  44  in fiber and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many other countries in the world. That is  45  lots of people in China have healthy white teeth.

People in the Western world do not eat  46  healthy foods. They eat  47  fat and sugar  48   don’t take enough  49 . Because of this, they  50  weight very easily. Their diet contains a lot of fat in the  51   of potato crisps, potato chips, __52_, cream and chocolate. They eat a lot of sugar which exist in cakes, soft drinks,  53  and so on. The result is that many of them become fat.  54  some have bad teeth. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten,  55  the age of thirty, has no teeth left.

36.A. healthy   B. health       C. cheap       D. expensive

37. A. for life   B. live       C. to live with   D. for a living

38. A. fat      B. energy       C. power       D. strength

39. A. measuring  B. taken    C. measured   D. measure

40. A. are asleep  B. fall asleep   C. go to sleep      D. go to bed

41. A. While   B. During   C. As    D. If

42. A. must   B. can    C. need    D. might

43. A. surely   B. usually   C. perhaps   D. hardly

44. A. rich   B. poor    C. good    C. bad

45. A. how   B. why    C. what    D. that

46. A. so     B. such    C. quite    D. very

47. A. much too  B. many too   C. too many   D. too much

48. A. and     B. but        C. so       D. because

49. A. exercises  B. food    C. work    D. exercise

50. A. put on   B. gain on   C. get on    D. put up

51. A. type   B. form    C. kind    D. sort

52. A. vegetables  B. tomato  C. butter   D. rice

53. A. sweets   B. sweet    C. candy bar   D. sweet thing

54. A. But   B. Or    C. And    D. So

55. A. at    B. for    C. with    D. by


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Rice is an important part of many people’s diets. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Massachusetts have released a report about rice. It shows that eating white rice increases the risk of type two diabetes. However, eating brown rice reduces the risk of the disease.

The World Health Organization says more than two hundred twenty million people worldwide have diabetes. Type two diabetes results when the body cannot effectively use the sugar it produces.

More than thirty-nine thousand men and one hundred fifty-seven thousand women took part in the study. They were asked about their diet and day-to-day activities, as well as any pre-existing diseases. The study found that the people who ate five or more servings of white rice per week had a seventeen percent increased risk of developing type two diabetes. But those who ate two or more servings of brown rice a week had an eleven percent reduced risk of getting the disease.

Brown rice is the grain in its natural form. White rice results after it has been refined. This involves removing the outer cover, including the husk, bran and germ. Only the inner white kernel is left. White rice is often enriched to replace some nutrients lost during the refining process.

Sun Qi is the lead writer of the report. He says the outer parts of brown rice slow down the work of the body’s digestive enzymes into starch. This means that the release of sugar into the bloodstream is slower after eating brown rice compared to white rice.

A diet of foods that quickly release sugar into the bloodstream has been linked with a greater risk of type two diabetes. The exact reason for this is not known.

Doctor Sun says less refined grains have more nutritional value than refined grains. He says replacing white rice with whole grains like whole wheat or barley could result in a thirty-six percent lower chance of developing type two diabetes. However, brown rice does not last as long as white rice because of the oil-rich layer of bran. This makes it less usable in poor communities.

61. This text is organized in the pattern of_______.

A. time and events

B. comparison and contrast 

C. cause and effect

D. definition and classification

62. The author uses figures in Paragraph 3 to show_______ .

A. the amount of white rice people ate       

B. the amount of brown rice people ate

C. the rapid growth of the risk of diabetes   

D. brown rice can reduce the risk of disease

63. Paragraph 4 is mainly to tell us_______ .

A. what brown rice is like                

B. what is lost during the refining process

C. it’s complex to refine white rice        

D. the difference between brown rice and white rice

64. According to the text, what does the author suggest we should do?

A. Eat two or more servings of brown rice a week. 

B. Eat white rice in poor areas for diabetes.

C. Do research to find the exact reason.

D. Replace white rice with brown rice.

65. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Eating white rice increases the risk of diabetes.

B. Eating brown rice doesn’t develop diabetes.

C. Refining white rice is not good for people’s health.

D. How diabetes results when people eat white rice.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年黑龙江龙东地区高二下学期教学联合体期末英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The Jungle Book
Lost in the jungles of India as a child and adopted into a family of wolves, Mowgli is brought up on a diet of Jungle Law, loyalty, and fresh meat from the kill. Regular adventures with his friends and enemies in the jungles improve this child’s strength and cleverness and stir every reader’s imagination.
Price: $ 7.79
ISBN-13: 978-1613820742
Average Customer Review: ★★★★☆
A Stolen Life
The first work of its kind—Jaycee Dugard’s personal life story, her own story of being kidnapped (绑架) in 1991. When Jaycee was eleven years old, she was kidnapped from a school bus stop. She was missing for more than eighteen years, and gave birth to two daughters during her imprisonment (监禁).
Price: $ 19.79
ISBN-13: 978-1442344983
Average Customer Review:★★★★★
While We’re Far  Apart
Five-time Christy Award winner Lynn Austin is called as “one of the style’s best historical fiction novelists”. Set in Brooklyn, New York, during World War Ⅰ,while a motherless girl longs for her daddy and a young lady hopes for a second chance at love, this tale explores the uncertainty that stays in people.
Price:$ 6.00
ISBN-10: 0764204971
Average Customer Review:★★★★☆
The Fashion Police
The Fashion Police was in the second place in the Chapter One Promotions Novel Competition 2010 and nominated (提名) Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010 by The Romance Reviews. It is a strange comedy-mystery, combining murder and with romance.
Price: $ 12.73
ISBN-13: 978-1451555653
Average Customer Review: ★★★☆☆
【小题1】If you are interested in personal life stories, then you can choose the book _________.

A.A Stolen LifeB.The Jungle Book
C.The Fashion PoliceD.While We’re Far Apart
【小题2】The ISBN of the book that is most popular among the readers is _______.
A.ISBN-13: 978-1613820742B.ISBN-13: 978-1442344983
C.ISBN-10: 0764204971D.ISBN-13: 978-1451555653
【小题3】What makes the book The Fashion Police distinguish itself from others?
A.It wins the award Christy Award five times.
B.It is a great book on violence and family education.
C.It is nominated Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010.
D.It has many elements borrowed from stories of true policemen.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江龙东地区高二下学期教学联合体期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Jungle Book

Lost in the jungles of India as a child and adopted into a family of wolves, Mowgli is brought up on a diet of Jungle Law, loyalty, and fresh meat from the kill. Regular adventures with his friends and enemies in the jungles improve this child’s strength and cleverness and stir every reader’s imagination.

Price: $ 7.79

ISBN-13: 978-1613820742

Average Customer Review: ★★★★☆

A Stolen Life

The first work of its kind—Jaycee Dugard’s personal life story, her own story of being kidnapped (绑架) in 1991. When Jaycee was eleven years old, she was kidnapped from a school bus stop. She was missing for more than eighteen years, and gave birth to two daughters during her imprisonment (监禁).

Price: $ 19.79

ISBN-13: 978-1442344983

Average Customer Review:★★★★★

While We’re Far  Apart

Five-time Christy Award winner Lynn Austin is called as “one of the style’s best historical fiction novelists”. Set in Brooklyn, New York, during World War Ⅰ,while a motherless girl longs for her daddy and a young lady hopes for a second chance at love, this tale explores the uncertainty that stays in people.

Price:$ 6.00

ISBN-10: 0764204971

Average Customer Review:★★★★☆

The Fashion Police

The Fashion Police was in the second place in the Chapter One Promotions Novel Competition 2010 and nominated (提名) Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010 by The Romance Reviews. It is a strange comedy-mystery, combining murder and with romance.

Price: $ 12.73

ISBN-13: 978-1451555653

Average Customer Review: ★★★☆☆

1.If you are interested in personal life stories, then you can choose the book _________.

A.A Stolen Life

B.The Jungle Book

C.The Fashion Police

D.While We’re Far Apart

2.The ISBN of the book that is most popular among the readers is _______.

A.ISBN-13: 978-1613820742

B.ISBN-13: 978-1442344983

C.ISBN-10: 0764204971

D.ISBN-13: 978-1451555653

3.What makes the book The Fashion Police distinguish itself from others?

A.It wins the award Christy Award five times.

B.It is a great book on violence and family education.

C.It is nominated Best Novel with Romantic Elements 2010.

D.It has many elements borrowed from stories of true policemen.



科目:高中英语 来源:广西柳州市2009-2010学年高一下学期第一次阶段考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Vicki Larrieux, a 22-year-old student from Portsmouth, says she is unable to keep a healthy diet because she is frightened of vegetables. She survives on a diet of meat, potatoes, cereals(谷类食品)and apples but refuses even a single slice of carrot on her plate. She suffers from sweating and panics at the slightest sight of a carrot or a pea.

“I have always had a fear of vegetables. Even as a child I used to freak out if some carrots or a few peas were on my plate.” She said. “But as it continued into adult life, I started to think it might not just be a dislike for vegetables but an actual phobia(恐惧症). Every time I see vegetables, not just on my plate, but anywhere, I would get feelings of panic and my heart would beat faster.”

Miss Larrieux’s condition makes trips to the supermarket or eating out at a restaurant with her boyfriend a major problem. It is an unpleasant experience for her to go to the supermarket. Luckily, her boyfriend is very understanding and does his best to comfort her.

A spokesman for phobia charity Anxiety UK says that around 13 percent of British people suffer a phobia of some form, there are treatment available(有效的)including medication and self-help groups for all manner of phobias.

1. Larrieux eats the following as a daily diet EXCEPT______.

A. meat        B. potatoes        C. peas       D. cereals

2. The underlined part “freak out” in Paragraph 2 means “_________”.

A. feel scared       B. get interested

C. feel relaxed      D. get sad

3. According to the passage, Larrieux’s fear for vegetables _____.

A. was found out recently            B. is a kind of phobia

C. makes her famous                   D. makes her hard to get along with

4. What do we know from the passage?

A. Only a few people around the world suffer from phobias

B. Larrieux is not confident about her future

C. Larrieux’s boyfriend doesn’t like meat

D. Phobia can be treated.


