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  Susanne thought Allan’s wish to become a girl was probably from curiosity.

  It was the second morning after Allan’s 10th birthday.The hands of the clock pointed to 7∶20, only 40 minutes from school hours, but Allan was still sound asleep.Susanne tiptoed into her son’s room:the red applied on his lips by his sisters was still there; what surprised her most was that her pinkish undershirt which had long been missing and her eldest daughter’s favorite green mini-skirt were also on the boy.Is this only a childish joke?A scene that had happened on her son’s birthday came to her:when asked about his birthday wish, Allan was silent for a moment and then whispered to her ears, “I wish to make a girl, mum.”

  Susanne went out and rang up to Allan’s teacher asking for a day’s leave.At about 7∶40, Allan ran out of his room, screaming,“Mum, I will be late for school!”Susanne noticed her son had changed into his night-suit with a pattern of little bears.

  “My dear,”said Susanne difficultly,“you needn’t go to school today.I’d like to have a word with you.”Allan’s shining eyes dimmed suddenly.He walked to his mother and sat down, his head drooped.After a moment of silence, Allan raised his head, eyes filled with tears.“Mum, I really want to make a girl.”Susanne stared at her son, tears rolling down her face too.As for a mother with four daughters but one son, you can imagine her breast of the moment.

  Susanne was not an open mother.She didn’t think it was too late to set right Allan:he was only 10, after all.All the day Susanne did one thing-advising Allan give up the idea, while the son was silent all the way, instead of crying or quarrelling like other children.As a result, Allan gave in to mother.He even offered to return all that didn’t belong to him:mother’s shirt, her sisters’ skirt and lipstick.

  In the later days, Allan seemed to come back to normal:playing football with neighboring boys, wearing a boy’s suit, even with a tie….

  On the morning of Feb.12, 2008, however, Susanne found another Allan in his room.He had on a white skirt and a red scarf, which was hanging him on the ceiling.

  On the desk was a note:Mum, I am flying to God, who will change me into a girl.


From what Allan said and acted, we can conclude ________.

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his curiosity led him to the wish to become a girl


he just made a childish joke when acting as a girl


when saying he wished to be a girl he meant what he said


his sisters tried to turn him into a girl but he didn’t wish to


Why did Susanne decide to talk with Allan?

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She realized there was much wrong with Allan.


Allan formed the habit of stealing others’ things.


Allan liked staying up instead of going to school.


Allan had too strong a curiosity about girls.


When Susanne said she wanted to talk with him, Allan ________.

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was puzzled what she would talk about


was aware what she would speak about


would not like to have such a sad talk


was sad that he couldn’t go to school


What happened to Allan in the end?

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He turned into a girl


He returned to normal


He met God for help


He died for his dream

