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The song sounds ___ .doesn’t it?

A. sweet   B. well  C. moved   D. beautifully


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Two Chinese farmers who became an overnight sensation(轰动)when their heart-rending version of a famous pop song appeared on the Internet took to the stage in front of thousands of fans in Shanghai last Saturday.

Wang Xu, 44,and Liu Gang, 29, sang “In the Spring" alongside the song's star composer Wang Feng, in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium.

The audience buzzed with excitement and let out deafening cheers, the moment as they were introduced on the stage and then when Liu started the first sentence of their parts of the song.

The two migrant workers became stars after singing the tearjerker(催人泪下的)song during an evening drinking session in a 6-square-meter rented room in a late August evening. A friend recorded the performance on a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.

“If someday I am dead, please bury me in the spring," they sing. Wang's penetrating chorus, delivered with his eyes closed, has moved thousands to tears.

Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of lower-class groups like themselves. "With no credit card, no girlfriend, or a home with hot water, but only a guitar, I am singing happily, on streets, under bridges or in wild country, though nobody pays attention to the music," they sing.

To support his wife and two sons, Wang came to Beijing in 2000 from the countryside and has worked as a boiler man, and street peddler, before becoming a medical warehouse keeper, with a monthly pay of around 1,500 yuan. Little is left after he pays 600 yuan for rent and buys food.

Liu came to Beijing in 2002. “I wanted to try my luck in the big city,,,he said. He had worked as a guard, roadside peddler, and porter, but never had a stable job. Street performing was his main income, even after he married and became a father three years ago.

Wang and Liu are still uncertain where their fame will lead. Wang has started learning to use a computer. They even have a microblog(微博)account to communicate with fans.

Wang Xu and Liu Gang first became nationally known after______.

A.  they sang the song “In the Spring" with a star composer Wang Feng

B.  the video of them singing “In the Spring" was posted on the Internet

C.  they sang on streets and under bridges

D.  they started their microblog

People like Wang and Liu's version of “In the Spring" because ______ .

A.  they sang the song better than other singers

B.  they were introduced to the public by the song writer himself

C.  it was specially composed for them two

D.  it is a heartfelt expression of the two singers as migrant workers

It can be inferred from the passage that  ______.

A.  migrant workers' conditions will be improved soon

B.  they will learn to write songs on computers

C.  a song showing people's real life and feelings is more likely to be accepted

D.  singers for migrant workers are more likely to become popular

The best possible title for the passage is______.

A.  Internet Farmer Stars Make Stage Appearance

B.  “In the Spring"—A Touching Song

C.  A Successful Internet Performance

D.  No Pains, No Gains


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年度辽宁省庄河六高中高二下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Two Chinese farmers who became an overnight sensation(轰动)when their heart-rendingversion of a famous pop song appeared on the Internet took to the stage in front of thousands offans in Shanghai last Saturday.
Wang Xu, 44,and Liu Gang, 29, sang “In the Spring" alongside the song's star composerWang Feng, in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium.
The audience buzzed with excitement and let out deafening cheers, the moment as theywere introduced on the stage and then when Liu started the first sentence of their parts of thesong.
The two migrant workers became stars after singing the tearjerker(催人泪下的)songduring an evening drinking session in a 6-square-meter rented room in a late August evening. Afriend recorded the performance on a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.
“If someday I am dead, please bury me in the spring," they sing. Wang's penetrating chorus,delivered with his eyes closed, has moved thousands to tears.
Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of lower-class groups like themselves."With no credit card, no girlfriend, or a home with hot water, but only a guitar, I am singinghappily, on streets, under bridges or in wild country, though nobody pays attention to themusic," they sing.
To support his wife and two sons, Wang came to Beijing in 2000 from the countryside andhas worked as a boiler man, and street peddler, before becoming a medical warehouse keeper,with a monthly pay of around 1,500 yuan. Little is left after he pays 600 yuan for rent and buysfood.
Liu came to Beijing in 2002. “I wanted to try my luck in the big city,,,he said. He hadworked as a guard, roadside peddler, and porter, but never had a stable job. Street performingwas his main income, even after he married and became a father three years ago.
Wang and Liu are still uncertain where their fame will lead. Wang has started learning touse a computer. They even have a microblog(微博)account to communicate with fans.
【小题1】Wang Xu and Liu Gang first became nationally known after______.

A.they sang the song “In the Spring" with a star composer Wang Feng
B.the video of them singing “In the Spring" was posted on the Internet
C.they sang on streets and under bridges
D.they started their microblog
【小题2】People like Wang and Liu's version of “In the Spring" because ______ .
A.they sang the song better than other singers
B.they were introduced to the public by the song writer himself
C.it was specially composed for them two
D.it is a heartfelt expression of the two singers as migrant workers
【小题3】It can be inferred from the passage that   ______.
A.migrant workers' conditions will be improved soon
B.they will learn to write songs on computers
C.a song showing people's real life and feelings is more likely to be accepted
D.singers for migrant workers are more likely to become popular
【小题4】The best possible title for the passage is______.
A.Internet Farmer Stars Make Stage Appearance
B.“In the Spring"—A Touching Song
C.A Successful Internet Performance
D.No Pains, No Gains


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省成都市毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

"Gangnam Style" by singer Psy from Korea, is a popular song, but its extraordinary global success is really the result of its music video, which is a great piece of genius. On September 22nd, Guinness World Records listed "Gangnam Style" as the most-liked video in the history of YouTube. It's been performed at West Point (West-Point Style), and Google's CEO, has done the "Gangnam Style" horse dance at the company's office in Seoul. Even Samsung is trying to make Psy the new model for the latest type of fridge.

     The song's global popularity is such that the vast majority of people who enjoy it don't speak Korean, and have no idea what it is about. That's fine --- part of what makes "Gangnam Style" so fun is, like international pop music, the difficulty in understanding it. When we sing along, "Hey, sexy lady", we don't really know what we're singing about.

     The joy of incomprehensibleness is familiar to anyone who loves pop music from elsewhere. Anthony Lane, in his 2010 review of the Eurovision Song Contest, Only Mr. God Knows Why, used "Eurovision English" as one of its chief pleasures. It's "a complex tongue, spoken nowhere else, which raises the heartfelt poetry (???) but absolute nonsense to a level of what sci-fi writers could only have dreamed. " In similar ways, "Gangnam Style" is just an over-the-top video where a fat man does a funny dance and sings repetitive words that don't make sense to most of us.

     But on the other, the magic of the song also lies in its funny dance, which reflects not just cultural morals specific to Korea, but cultural values easily recognizable to western viewers. This song's words may be in Korean, but its scenes are in clear American. The dance moves are simple enough to copy.

     Nonsense, in other words, forces us to let down our guards. It makes us relax, and asks us to let in all sorts of feelings from which, otherwise, we might distance ourselves. "Gangnam Style" happens to be so interesting because of its incomprehensibleness.

1.Some complex languages are used in pop music because _______.

A. singers regard it as one of the chief pleasures at the concert

B. they make the music hard to understand but poetic and attractive

C. the music can sound more pleasant and beautiful to the audience

D. people like listening to the music which makes special sense to them

2.What is true about the popularity of "Gangnam Style"?

A. It was considered as the most popular video on the Internet.

B. It makes people amused and removes their emotional guards.

C. Its dance only reflects cultural and morals specific to Korea.

D. Psy, its singer, has been the new model for Samsung         .

3.What does the underlined word "incomprehensibleness" mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Being interesting to listen to.       B. Being simple enough to copy.

C. Being complex and repetitive.       D. Being difficult to understand.

4.The text is mainly about ________.

A. how "Gangnam Style" becomes popular among the youths

B. why "Gangnam Style" is popular even if few people understand it

C. how Psy gains worldwide success through his talent and hard work

D. what emotions and cultural morals Psy wants to convey with his song



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年北师大版高中英语选修一Unit5练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

  Kevin DuBmw,the lead singer of the popular 1980s US heavy metal band Quiet Riot,has been found dead from unknown causes at his home in Los Vegas.

The body of DuBrow was discovered on Sunday afternoon,a spokeswoman for the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.An examination of his body conducted on Monday didn’t lead to a result and more related tests were scheduled to establish a cause of his death.Police proved that DuBrow’S body was found at his home after they were called together by friends and neighbors who could not find the rocker.

A Las Vegas police spokeswoman refused to say whether there were signs of violence. “I can’t even find the words to say,”Quiet Riot drummer Frankie Banali said on his Web site. “Please respect my privacy as I mourn the passing and honor the memory of my dearest friend,Kevin DuBrow.”

Founded in Los Angeles in the mid-1970s,Quiet Riot shot to the top of the Billboard charts with their 1983 album “Metal Health”.It sold more than 6 million copies and is considered by many to be the first heavy metal record to top the pop charts.The album’s sales were improved by the quartet’s monster hit “Cum Oil Feel the Noize,” featuring DuBrow’s powerhouse vocals , and the song’s video.which was played in heavy rotation on MTV.

Quiet Riot’s following albums did not sell nearly as well and DuBrow was fired from the band among the following feeling of hatred.DuBrow regrouped Quiet Riot in the 1990s and the band has played occasionally,last releasing an album in October 2006.

1. DuBrow’s body was found _________

A.on the date of his death

B.on Sunday morning

C.by his relatives

D.at his home

2. Frankie Banali’s words suggest ________ .

A.he Was amazed at DuBrow’s death

B.he wasn’t good at expressing himself

C.he felt very sad at the moment

D.he was recalling what had happened

3. What can we learn from the passage ?

A.Quiet Riot became popular in 1970s.       B.”Metal Health”was well received in 1983.

C.Quiet Riot’s conditions became worse because of DuBrow.

D.Quiet Riot has been performing in the USA.

4. What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Quiet Riot’s Lead Singer Was Found Dead in Las Vegas.

B.DuBrow’s Death Shocked the Public.

C.Quiet Riot—a Famous Band.

D.Police Looked for DuBrow’s Death.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度辽宁省高二下学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Two Chinese farmers who became an overnight sensation(轰动)when their heart-rending version of a famous pop song appeared on the Internet took to the stage in front of thousands of fans in Shanghai last Saturday.

Wang Xu, 44,and Liu Gang, 29, sang “In the Spring" alongside the song's star composer Wang Feng, in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium.

The audience buzzed with excitement and let out deafening cheers, the moment as they were introduced on the stage and then when Liu started the first sentence of their parts of the song.

The two migrant workers became stars after singing the tearjerker(催人泪下的)song during an evening drinking session in a 6-square-meter rented room in a late August evening. A friend recorded the performance on a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.

“If someday I am dead, please bury me in the spring," they sing. Wang's penetrating chorus, delivered with his eyes closed, has moved thousands to tears.

Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of lower-class groups like themselves. "With no credit card, no girlfriend, or a home with hot water, but only a guitar, I am singing happily, on streets, under bridges or in wild country, though nobody pays attention to the music," they sing.

To support his wife and two sons, Wang came to Beijing in 2000 from the countryside and has worked as a boiler man, and street peddler, before becoming a medical warehouse keeper, with a monthly pay of around 1,500 yuan. Little is left after he pays 600 yuan for rent and buys food.

Liu came to Beijing in 2002. “I wanted to try my luck in the big city,,,he said. He had worked as a guard, roadside peddler, and porter, but never had a stable job. Street performing was his main income, even after he married and became a father three years ago.

Wang and Liu are still uncertain where their fame will lead. Wang has started learning to use a computer. They even have a microblog(微博)account to communicate with fans.

1. Wang Xu and Liu Gang first became nationally known after______.

A. they sang the song “In the Spring" with a star composer Wang Feng

B. the video of them singing “In the Spring" was posted on the Internet

C. they sang on streets and under bridges

D. they started their microblog

2. People like Wang and Liu's version of “In the Spring" because ______ .

A. they sang the song better than other singers

B. they were introduced to the public by the song writer himself

C. it was specially composed for them two

D. it is a heartfelt expression of the two singers as migrant workers

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. migrant workers' conditions will be improved soon

B. they will learn to write songs on computers

C. a song showing people's real life and feelings is more likely to be accepted

D. singers for migrant workers are more likely to become popular

4. The best possible title for the passage is______.

A. Internet Farmer Stars Make Stage Appearance

B. “In the Spring"—A Touching Song

C. A Successful Internet Performance

D. No Pains, No Gains



