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 to know the result of rescue, the relatives of the miners gathered at the door of the boss.

   A. Interested        B. Curious      C. Dying            D. Attracted



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be,   36   that the building was   37  .

After the unforeseeable shock, he   38   the promise he had made to his son: “No matter   39  , I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to   40   his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins , it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his   41  to his son. He rushed there and started   42   through the ruins.

As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived,   43  : “It’s too late! They’re all dead!

  44  , face the reality, there’s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with   45  : “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.

Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know   46  : “Is my boy   47   or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in   48  hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son’s   49  . He creamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad! It’s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you’d   50  me and   51  you saved me, they’d he saved. You promised, ‘No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it, Dad!”

“What’s going on in there?” the father asked.

“There are 14 of us   52     53   33, Dad. We’re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you’re here.  When the building collapsed, it made   54  , and it saved us.”

“Come, out, boy!”

“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first,   55   I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!”

A.only discovering                      B.only to discover      

            C.only realizing                        D.only to realize

A.as flat as a pancake                   B.as high as a mountain

            C.as strong as an ox                      D.as weak as a kitten

A.memorized    B.forgot               C.kept            D.remembered

A.what          B.what happen         C.which           D.who

A.fill            B.fill in               C.come           D.burst

A.picture        B.promise             C.present         D.encourage

A.digging        B.digging through       C.digging out      D.digging into

A.to say         B.said                C.and saying      D.saying

A.Come out      B.Come again          C.Come on       D.Come off

A.one word      B.one sound         C.one row        D.one line

A.for himself    B.of himself           C.by himself      D.to himself

A.live               B.living               C.alive            D.lively

A.38            B.the 38               C.38 th         D.the 38 th

A.sound         B.voice               C.noise           D.tone

A.will save       B.would save           C.save            D.would have saved

A.when          B.because             C.even if          D.thought

A.remained       B.missing             C.left            D.gone

A.for            B.behind              C.out of           D.over

A.a promise      B.space             C.room          D.a triangle

A.because        B.though              C.when           D.even though


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁省大连市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



    Sailing and fishing in summer season. Beautifully situated houses with sights of sea and mountains, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby.


     Coach trips of Italy with 21 days to visit five Italian cities. Start from London 1st May, 1st September. The trips are guided by Professor Martin Davis, head of Italian Studies, London University. See the arts and culture of historic Italy.


Working holidays on a kibbutz (co-operative farm)in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work with kibbutz members. Rooms, food and trips to historic sights all provided free—you pay only for the special low-cost return flight.


Two-week holidays in the Hotel Splendid, on a lovely beach with golden sands, warm sunshine and deep-blue sea. Tennis, golf, sailing and all water sports, trips around the island. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment—dancing.

1 st November—31 st March    £720 per person

1 st April—30 th October      £850 per person

 Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying.

Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on little money, and would like to get to know a country by working there for three months with other young people.

   Michael, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He would like to go somewhere warmer and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.

1. The best holiday for Jack and Mary would be_________ .

A. the 21-day coach trip of Italy

B. the 2- week stay in the Hotel Splendid

C. the 14-day trip around a Caribbean island

D. 1-3months’ holidays on a kibbutz in Israel

2.The most suitable place where Peter and Maria can enjoy their holiday would be_____.

A. an Italian city                     B. a kibbutz in Israel

C. a Caribbean island                 D. a port in Mallorca

3.Michael would most probably go to ________ for his holiday.

A. Italy          B. Israel            C. Mallorca        D. a Caribbean island

4.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ?

A. In Italy, one can travel with a guide.

B. In Israel, one can work with others.

C. In Caribbean, one needs to pay £720 in summer.

D. In Mallorca , one can hire a car for sightseeing.



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省0910学年高一年级下学期期末考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

COURSE: Introduction to American History

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Jane Klammer

OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall

OFFICE HOURS: 11: 15~12: 30 M W F (Monday Wednesday Friday)

CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3: 35~5: 00 T Th (Tuesday Thursday); 10: 10~ 11: 00 M W F; Other time by appointment

TELEPHONE: 255 4786

TEXTBOOK: The American Tradition: A History of the United States (written by Green& Robert. Published by Ohio State University Press, 1973), which is bought at the College Bookstore.

Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other materials that I choose to add to the course. The exams will cover all this information. Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible. If you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

Your homework assignments are listed on the next page. If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce them in class.

You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class. This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures. Be prepared when you come to class.

The term paper is 40% of your final grade. It should not be more than fifteen pages(Another thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages). Before the midterm exam you will choose the topic for your paper.

72. If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, ______.

A. Prof. Klammer announces them in class

B. he(she)reads the list on the next page

C. Pro. Klammer gives a list every week in class

D. he(she)goes to the professor’s office

73. If a student cannot see Prof. Klammer during her office hours, he ______.

A. sees her after class              B. calls her at home

C. makes an appointment with her     D. asks another student

74. According to the passage, which of the following is probably TRUE?

A. The textbook is written by Dr Klammer.

B. If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof. Klammer.

C. The students can buy “Introduction to American History” at the College Bookstore.

D. Prof. Klammer encourages his students to take notes in her class.

75. It can be judged that ______.

A. before the final exam, you will choose the topic for you paper

B. the students who will take the course had better attend the lectures as much as possible

C. your term paper should be more than fifteen pages

D. you will have a class at 11:15~12:30 on Sunday



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

COURSE: Introduction to American History

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Jane Klammer

OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall

OFFICE HOURS: 11: 15~12: 30 M W F (Monday Wednesday Friday)

CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3: 35~5: 00 T Th (Tuesday Thursday); 10: 10~ 11: 00 M W F; Other time by appointment

TELEPHONE: 255 4786

TEXTBOOK: The American Tradition: A History of the United States (written by Green& Robert. Published by Ohio State University Press, 1973), which is bought at the College Bookstore.

Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other materials that I choose to add to the course. The exams will cover all this information. Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible. If you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

Your homework assignments are listed on the next page. If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce them in class.

You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class. This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures. Be prepared when you come to class.

The term paper is 40% of your final grade. It should not be more than fifteen pages(Another thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages). Before the midterm exam you will choose the topic for your paper.

72. If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, ______.

   A. Prof. Klammer announces them in class

   B. he(she)reads the list on the next page

   C. Pro. Klammer gives a list every week in class

   D. he(she)goes to the professor’s office

73. If a student cannot see Prof. Klammer during her office hours, he ______.

   A. sees her after class               B. calls her at home

   C. makes an appointment with her     D. asks another student

74. According to the passage, which of the following is probably TRUE?

   A. The textbook is written by Dr Klammer.

   B. If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof. Klammer.

   C. The students can buy “Introduction to American History” at the College Bookstore.

   D. Prof. Klammer encourages his students to take notes in her class.

75. It can be judged that ______.

   A. before the final exam, you will choose the topic for you paper

   B. the students who will take the course had better attend the lectures as much as possible

   C. your term paper should be more than fifteen pages

   D. you will have a class at 11:15~12:30 on Sunday


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


COURSE: Introduction to American History

INSTRUCTOR: Dr Jane Klammer

OFFICE: 305 Marshall Hall

OFFICE HOURS: 11: 15~12: 30 M W F (Monday Wednesday Friday)

CLASS: 363 Marshall Hall 3: 35~5: 00 T Th (Tuesday Thursday); 10: 10~ 11: 00 M W F; Other time by appointment

TELEPHONE: 255 4786

TEXTBOOK: The American Tradition: A History of the United States (written by Green& Robert. Published by Ohio State University Press, 1973), which is bought at the College Bookstore.

Attendance is not required, but you are responsible for all the information given in the class lectures. In the lectures I will talk about the chapters in the textbook and other materials that I choose to add to the course. The exams will cover all this information. Therefore, I advise you to come to the class as much as possible. If you have to miss a class, be sure to get the class notes from another student.

Your homework assignments are listed on the next page. If there are any changes in the assigned homework reading, I will announce them in class.

You are supposed to read the chapter about which I will be lecturing before you come to class. This is to make sure that you understand as much as possible while taking notes in my lectures. Be prepared when you come to class.

The term paper is 40% of your final grade. It should not be more than fifteen pages(Another thinking of majoring in history may write twenty-five pages). Before the midterm exam you will choose the topic for your paper.

72. If a student wants to know what the homework assignments are, ______.

   A. Prof. Klammer announces them in class

   B. he(she)reads the list on the next page

   C. Pro. Klammer gives a list every week in class

   D. he(she)goes to the professor’s office

73. If a student cannot see Prof. Klammer during her office hours, he ______.

   A. sees her after class               B. calls her at home

   C. makes an appointment with her     D. asks another student

74. According to the passage, which of the following is probably TRUE?

   A. The textbook is written by Dr Klammer.

   B. If you have to miss a class, be sure to say sorry to Prof. Klammer.

   C. The students can buy “Introduction to American History” at the College Bookstore.

   D. Prof. Klammer encourages his students to take notes in her class.

75. It can be judged that ______.

   A. before the final exam, you will choose the topic for you paper

   B. the students who will take the course had better attend the lectures as much as possible

   C. your term paper should be more than fifteen pages

   D. you will have a class at 11:15~12:30 on Sunday

