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A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world. Weboholism, a twentieth century disease, affects people from different ages. They surf the net, use email and speak in chat rooms. They spend many hours on the computer, and it becomes a compulsive habit. They cannot stop, and it affects their lives.
Ten years ago, no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users. This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students. They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.
They become hooked on computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation. They spend all free time surfing and don't concentrate on homework, so this addiction influences their grades and success at school. Because they can find everything on the websites, they hang out there. Moreover, this addiction to websites influences their social life.
They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends. The relation with their friends changes. The virtual life becomes more important than their real life. They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.
Because of the change in their behavior, they begin to isolate themselves from the society and live with their virtual friends. They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life. Although they feel confident on the computer, they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life. It is a problem for the future. This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world.
(1)According to the author, Weboholism is ________.
A.a disease that appears among the youth
B.an obsessive behavior that focuses on the virtual world
C.a kind of compulsive habit that does good to people’s life
D.a compulsive habit which focuses on the real life
(2)The underlined phrase in the third paragraph means “________”.
A.be addicted to
B.be interested in
C.be curious about
D.be eager for
(3)From paragraph 3 to 5, students hooked on computers usually ________.
①have poor performance in class
②are willing to talk with their families
③are confident enough with their close friends
④prefer to spend long hours in the chat rooms with a new language
(4)The writer’s attitude towards phenomenon of Weboholism is ________.

(2)词义猜测。由第三段“They spend all free time surfing and don’t concentrate on homework”可知,become hooked on的含义是“沉迷于”,故答案选A。
(3)细节理解。第三段提及沉迷网络,无法专注作业,影响在校成绩和成功,故①正确;由第五段可知,网络沉迷者将自己与社会孤立,生活在虚拟的世界,可推出他们不愿与家人交流,故②错误;由第五段“Although they feel confident on the computer,they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life…”可知③错误;由第一段“They spend many hours on the computer…”以及第四段“They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms…”可知④正确,故答案选C。
(4)观点态度。全文作者主要讲述了网络沉迷给青少年和学生带来的不利影响和行为方式改变,以及文章最后提及“It is a problem for the future.This behavior is beginning to affect all the world.”可推知,作者对该问题深感关切和担忧,故答案选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每次错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






My name is Hua Fei and I was a sporting robot of the 23 century. I am also a expert at high flying exercises. Usually when I jump from spaceships. As I fall, I tum, dive, circling and dance until I softly land as close as I can to the finishing line. Robot competitions are true a popular sport. Fan from all over China watch their handheld TVs when an excited competition comes on. Last time I took part the 78th Olympics on a flying island in the sky. I won the silver medal for my perform.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1).火车类型:高铁(HSR) (G) (300 km/h);
动车(CRH) (D) (200 km/h);
快车(Express) (T/Z/K) (100 km/h);
Dear Jack,
I'm honoured that you show great interest in our trains.
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How many people went on the trip together?

A. Four. B. Twelve. C. Eighteen.

2According to the man, what is most important on family trips?

A. Having some privacy.

B. Spending time with the children.

C. Visiting as many places as possible.

3What is the closest city to where the man stayed?

A. Cordoba. B. Madrid. C. Sevilla.

4How does the man feel about the trip now?

A. Quite tired. B. Very grateful. C. A little disappointed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,你高中毕业后被北京大学录取。在收到录取通知书之际,你给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封信,告诉他这个好消息并表示感谢。信的内容包括:





1. 词数100左右;

2. 不得在文中透露个人信息;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The UN has recognized the contributions of volunteers on Dec. 5, International Volunteer Day. Here, the four things are offered to consider before taking the leap into overseas volunteering.

Choose your organization carefully

1 volunteering may be a fundraising mechanism(筹资机制) for a development project. For others, volunteering is fundamental to their programs, and those serving take on professional roles in longer-term development.


Volunteers want to help and make a difference, but most know this isn’t a purely selfless act. You will learn new skills, broaden your horizons and come to better understand yourself and the world. 3 Reflect on your motivations. You want to help reduce global poverty or protect the natural world, but what else? Have you always wanted to travel, but not as a tourist? Work with kids? When you understand your motivations, you’ll be in a better position to choose the option that is right for you.

Work alongside the local community

Often times, travelers volunteer in isolation(隔离) from the local community in which they are working in. 4 This enables you to ensure you are committing to a project that promotes long term and sustainable change.

A volunteer trip is just the beginning

5 Further ignite(点燃) the global change maker in you by taking your experience one step further when you return home. Spread the message of your transformative experience to others, helping to spark the change within them.

A. And that’s all OK.

B. Know why you’re going.

C. Don’t assume you know it all.

D. Communities always welcome volunteers.

E. Volunteer travel is a life-changing experience.

F. Some organizations require you to pay your own way, and often include a fee.

G. Make sure to travel with organizations that have strong partnerships with local communities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When the fire alarm ________ (响起), people ran out of the building immediately. (go)

2She got high enough marks to ________ (申请) this university. (for)

3I have no idea how John would ________ (反应) the news. (react)

4The meeting ________ (结束) at last after his speech. (come)

5Doctors continues to ________ (取得进步) in the fight against diseases. (make)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】On December 24th, 1971, 17-year-old Juliane got on a plane with her mother in Peru to fly to meet her father.

Over the Amazon jungle, there was a thunderstorm. The rain fell heavily and there was a strong wind. Unexpectedly, lightning hit the plane at 3,000 metres and it 1 (explode). Juliane fell quickly through the air and hit the trees hard. She was unconscious (昏迷的) for 2 (hour). When she woke up, she found her right arm was cut, her shoulders hurt badly 3 she couldn’t see in one eye.

Juliane’s was a biologist and when she was small, he taught her how 4 (survive) in the jungle. She found a small river and walked slowly along it. “If I follow the river,” she thought, “I 5 (find) people.” The river also gave her clean water to drink. It was 6 (extreme) hot, but the river water kept her cool. Sometimes she had to swim in the river because it was too deep to walk in. There were crocodiles (鳄鱼) in the water, but they didn’t attack her! There was fruit on sonic trees, hut she didn’t eat it — she knew it was too dangerous.

Juliane walked for ten days.7 night she stopped to sleep because it was too dark to walk. Ten days after the crash, she found a small shelter by the river, in 8 there were some woodcutters. They cleaned her cuts carefully and the next day, they carried her down the river, and she 9 (take) back safely to Pucallpa by a plane. She was the only person who survived the plane crash. The other 91 people,10 (include) her mother, all died.

The film director, Werner Herzog, had a ticket to travel on the plane but missed it. Thirty years later, he made a film called “Wings of Hope” about Juliane and her unbelievable story.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 环境更优美了;

2. 出行更方便了:

3. 传统文化更受重视了。



Dear Tony,



Li Hua

