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Bank of China has set up three b______ in this city.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day while walking along the bank of a river, a rabbit couple(夫妇) saw a wounded(受伤的) ant lying unconsciously(没有直觉地) on the grass. The rabbit couple gently put the ant on the leaf(叶子) of a nearby plant. She soon recovered and saw the rabbit couple sitting beside her.

The ant remembered that she had found herself under the foot of a cat by chance and fainted(晕倒). She asked how she reached the leaf top. The rabbit couple told her what had happened. The ant thanked them and said she would help them when they needed help.

The rabbit couple went further up the river to enjoy the bright sun. They had been there many times and would spend many hours playing and relaxing in the sun.

One fine day, the couple were again on their way to the river while the ant was playing on the leaf of a tree. She saw the rabbit couple walking towards the river. A few hours later she saw the rabbit couple sleeping peacefully on the soft grass by the river. Suddenly she saw a lion moving towards the grass where the rabbit couple were sleeping. The loin saw the rabbit sleeping, and started walking quietly to attack them.

Realizing the hazard getting close to the rabbits, the ant jumped from the leaf to the lion’s shoulder and bit(咬) the lion’s back. The lion cried out in pain, waking the rabbit couple. The rabbits ran away quickly and the ant jumped off the lion’s back into the grass.

A white pigeon(鸽子) who watched this event cheered at the courage(勇气) of the ant and told the whole story to the rabbits. The rabbit couple were moved and thanked the ant. They became best friends.

From the first three paragraphs, we can learn that _____.

the rabbit couple put the ant on the leaf of a plant to hide her

the ant was wounded after fighting with a cat

the rabbit couple and the ant knew each other very well before

the rabbit couple often went to the river

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

The ant was hurt by the lion.  

The ant was small but clever.

The white pigeon was as brave as the ant.  

The lion wanted to play a joke on the rabbit couple.

According to the passage, which is the correct order of the following events?

The ant jumped into the grass to hide.

The ant bit the lion’s back.

The lion moved towards the rabbit couple.

The rabbit couple saved the ant.

The ant saw the rabbit couple sleeping on the grass.

A. d,c,e,a,b      B. d,e,c,b,a      C. e,c,b,a,d      D. c,d,e,b,a

The underlined word “hazard” in the fifth paragraph probably means “_____”.

A. reality    B. warning     C. experience     D. danger


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you go to Brisbane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane free. The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about banks on page 49:

      ANZ Banking Group

      Cnr.Greek &Queen Sts ……………… 228 3228

      Bank of New Zealand

      410 Queen Street ……………………… 221 0411

      Bank of Queensland

     229 Elizabeth Street …………………… 229 3122

    Commonwealth Banking Group

    240 Queen Street ……………………… 237 3111

    National Australia Bank Ltd

    225 Adelaide Street …………………… 221 6422

    Westpac Banking Corp

     260 Queen Street ……………………… 227 2666

     Banking hours are Mon.-Thu. 9:30 am to 4 pm. Fri. 9:30 am to 5 pm. All banks close Sat. Sun. &Public Holidays.

   Australia has a decimal currency(十进币制) with 100 cents to the dollar.

   Notes available are: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5

   Gold coins are: $2 && $1

   Silver coins are: 50, 20, 10&&5 cent

   Copper coins are: 2 && 1 cent

You can find ANZ Banking Group on ______.

     A. Queen Street              B. Elizabeth Street

     C. the corner of Greek Street and Queen Street

     D. the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street

______ seems to be the most important street in Brisbane.

    A. Greek Street    B. Elizabeth Street    C. Queen Street    D. Adelaide Street

On Saturdays, you can go to ______ to put your money in or take your   money out.

     A. ANZ Banking Group                  B. Bank of Queensland

     C. National Australia Bank Ltd             D. no bank

In Australia, the banks have their longest service hours on ______.

     A. public holidays        B. Sundays      C. Saturdays        D. Fridays


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省济南一中等四校高一下学期期期中联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

I did hear that _____ Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount, so I don’t think the large note can be _____ fake.

A.the, theB.the, aC./, aD.the, /


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2009-2010学年度高一下学期必修4单元检测试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

The gigantic dam of the multi-function water control facility would be finished nine months ahead of schedule, said an engineer who is in charge of the Three Gorges Project. He said by June, the workers would have built the half-done dam from the southern bank of the river to the height of 185 meters. The Three Gorges Project will be capable of controlling the floods on the Yangtze by then and generating more electricity. And the level of the water stored in the reservoir will rise from 135 meters at present to 156 meters.
Situated near the Xiling Gorge, the easternmost gorge of the Three Gorges on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Three Gorges Dam is designed to have a length of 2,309 meters and a height of 185 meters.
It will also have the functions for flood control, power generation and navigation. It will be built from northern and southern banks of the Yangtze, which has been troubled by floods for hundreds of years.
Launched in 1993, the Three Gorges Project, including the 185-meter-high dam and 26 generators on both banks of the Yangtze, is being built in three phases. The preparations and construction of the first phase were carried out between 1993 and 1997. The Yangtze was dammed at the Three Gorges area for the first time on November 8, 1997. 
The entire Three Gorges Project is expected to be completed in 2009 and by then, it will be able to generate 84.7 billion kwh of electricity every year.
63. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph might mean ____.
A. places   B. periods  C. gorges   D. dams  
64. According to the passage, we know _______.
the construction will be completed ahead of time 
the biggest function of the dam is used to control flood 
the Three Gorges Dam will be finished in ten years
the dam will be 156 meters tall when it is finished
65. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The Yangtze River was first dammed in the year 1993.
B. The water level in the reservoir will remain at 135 meters.
C. The Three Gorges Dam is on the easternmost part of the river. 
D. The first phase of this project is finished in 1997.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江苏省东台市安丰中学高三上学期第一阶段考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

“As sure as you’re alive now, Peter Rabbit, some day I will catch you,” shouted Reddy Fox, as he put his black nose in the hole between the roots of the Big Hickory-tree which grows close to the Smiling Pool. “It is lucky for you that you were not one jump farther away from this hole.”
Peter, safe inside that hole, didn’t have a word to say, or, if he did, he didn’t have breath enough to say it. It was quite true that if he had been one jump farther from that hole, Reddy Fox would have caught him. As it was, the hairs on Peter’s funny white tail actually had tickled Reddy’s back as Peter ran wildly through the root-bound entrance to that hole. It had been the narrowest escape Peter had had for a long, long time. You see, Reddy Fox had surprised Peter eating sweet clover(苜蓿)on the bank of the Smiling Pond, and it had been a lucky thing for Peter that hole, dug long ago by Johnny Chuck’s grandfather, had been right where it was. Also, it was a lucky thing that old Mr. Chuck had been wise enough to make the entrance between the roots of that tree in such a way that it could not be dug any larger.
Reddy Fox was too shrewd(机灵的)to waste any time trying to dig it larger. He knew there wasn’t room enough for him to get between those roots. So, after trying to make Peter as uncomfortable as possible by telling him what he, Reddy, would do to him when he did catch him, Reddy walked across the Green Meadows. Peter remained where he was for a long time. When he was quite sure that it was safe to do so, he crawled out and hurried to the Old Orchard. He felt that that would be the safest place for him, because there were ever so many hiding places in the old stone wall along the edge of it.
【小题1】 Where is Peter Rabbit hiding?

A.On the bank of a pondB.In a hole
C.In a tall treeD.Behind a room
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the story?
A.Reddy Fox might find rabbit hairs on him.
B.Old Mr. Chuck took advantage of the roots to dig the hole.
C.The hole could be made larger.
D.Reddy almost caught Peter this time.
【小题3】 Why did Peter Rabbit wait so long before leaving?
A.Because Reddy was trying to get him.
B.Because it was cold outside.
C.Because his grandfather would help him dig a large hole.
D.Because the Old Orchard was not so safe as this hole.

