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Jane: Nancy,how did travelling abroad change your impressions of other nations,cultures and peoples?

Nancy: At first,I often 61. (want) people to adapt to me,62. me to adapt to the people or places. I expected to have things 63. (translate) into English. Most people welcomed my poor attempts at 64. (try) to communicate,so I gradually tried to understand their culture.

Jane: How did it change your understanding of the United States?

Nancy: We are too self-centered. “The American way is 65. only way to live” 一 that's such a false statement.

Jane: Did travelling abroad influence your own life and decisions?

Nancy: Yes. I am going to teach overseas 66. two years this fall. I’m really 67. (excite) to get deep into one race,culture,place,language,etc.

Jane: Would you recommend 68. others travel,live or study abroad?

Nancy: Certainly!We never get to 69.(true) understand a global viewpoint without getting out and seeing other ways of 70. . You also leam more about your boundaries,strengths,and weaknesses.

61. wanted。考査一般过去时。由At first可知, want表示过去发生的动作,故填wanted。

62. not。考査副词。由语境可知,此处意岁“不是”, 故填not。

63. translated。考査过去分词作宾语补足语的用 法。translate与things之间是逻辑上的动宾关 系,且translate所表示的动作己完成,故填 translated 。

64. trying。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空 处作介词的宾语,故填trying。

65. the。考查定冠词。由only可知,way此处表特 指,故填the。

66. for。考查介词。

two years表示一段时间,故填 for。

67. excited。考査形容词作表语的用法。设空处意 为“兴奋的”,故填excited。

68. that。考査连词。设空处引导宾语从句且从句 意思及成分均完整,故填that。

69. truly。考查副词。设空处修饰动词understand , 故填副词truly。

70. life / living。考查名词。ways of life / living 意 为“生活方式”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第52期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard,the Strawberry Capital of 61. World,in May,you could!

   Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes 62.(it) strawberries very seriously. At the two-day California Strawberry Festival you can taste strawberries 63.(prepare) in all sorts of ways. In addition 64.traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake,strawberry jam and strawberries dipped in chocolate,there 65. (be) strawberry pizza!This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries and cream on a sweet bread baked like a pizza. Strawberry (烤肉串) dipped in powdered sugar are 66. (absolute) delicious. And drinks made of strawberries can wash it all down.

   Oxnard is California's largest strawberry producer,67. (supply) about one-third of the state's annual strawberry production. The peak harvesting season in California runs from April through June,68. up to 10 million pint baskets of strawberries 69. (ship) daily. The festival,which attracts more than 85 ,000 visitors,features three stages with musical 70.(entertain) , 335 exhibits,clowns,artists,face-painting,contests,and a “Strawberryland” for children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                Taking good notes

   Have you ever stared at your heavy textbook,your piles of handouts and wished you knew just what questions your teacher planned to put on the next big test? Lacking a crystal ball,most students feel they have no choice but to look through all that material,drill it into their brains,and hope they can remember the right parts at test time.

   36 If you learn the best ways to take good notes,you'11 make the job of studying for tests a lot easier from now on.

   Keep up with your assigned textbook reading.Come to class with an intefest in the material and with questions to be answered. You can develop these by thinking about and expecting the lecture and by pre-reading the text. 37 

   Date each day's notes and leave wide margins (页边空白) . Dated notes guide you to the right material to study for a test. At test time,the extra margins give you room to add more information if you need it. 38 

   Write down main ideas and underline or highlight them. Main ideas give you the “big pictureof information,the reasons why events took place. Write out a main idea whenever you think you hear one. 39 This kind of notetaking helps you connect related information,making it easier for you to remember it for a test later on.

   Use abbreviations and symbols to make notetaking easier. Here are a few simple ones:

   + plus,and

   = equal,same as,similar,like eg for example w/o without 

   40 If you write down something that doesn't make sense,talk to someone right away to clear up the problem.

   A. Write out a main idea.

   B. That's the hard way to study.

   C. See your teacher or a classmate about confusing notes.

   D. This gives you an overall sense of what the text is about.

   E. Also,the extra space will make it easier for you to find the material.

   F. When you are prepared,your teacher's comments make more sense.

   G. Then use single words or short phrases to list related details that tie into the big idea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Long live language. That's the message Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson and city councillor Amaijeet Sohi voiced when they declared Feb. 21 to be International Mother Language Day (IMLD) in Edmonton,the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta.

   The pair were on hand for the International and Heritage Languages Association's (IHLA) 12th annual Mother Language Day celebrations in an effort to save endangered languages.

   “Keeping languages alive is important for the richness of our culture and the diversity that strengthens Edmonton,” said Iveson.

There are nearly 7,000 unique languages spoken worldwide,but according to data from the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) half of those languages are at risk of going extinct in just a few generations.

   For example,there are currently over 3 ,000 languages spoken throughout Africa. This sounds impressive until you realize that there were over 10 ,000 languages spoken on the continent before colonization during the 19th century.

   “People who lose their language experience suffering,” said Olenka Bilash,professor of second language education at the University of Alberta. Bilash likened the loss of language to the loss of cultural identity.

   “As a multicultural society,it is very important to continue to preserve and pass on to future generations the language,culture,traditions and customs that we bring to Canada,” said IHLA president Olga Prokhorova.

   While the City of Edmonton's citizen and new arrival centre in city hall provides services in 150 languages,Bilash said research shows that “most people are still uncomfortable speaking their own language in public spaces."

   Bilash hopes the official announcement of International Mother Language Day in Edmonton — which echoes International Mother Language Day declared by UNESCO in 1999 — will be a step toward encouraging more language diversity in order to preserve the cultures tied to them.

   “Our words define us; our expressions and vocabulary define who we are as people,” said Marneen Kubinec,Alberta's minister of culture and tourism. “Our words are living examples,perhaps the best that there are,of human creativity.” 

32. The example of the languages in Africa is given to show .

   A. there’ re many languages in Africa

   B. a great number of languages became extinct

   C. Africa believes . in encouraging cultural diversity

   D. Africans are trying to save endangered languages

33. Both Bilash and Prokhorova stress the importance of .

   A. mastering more than one foreign language

   B. public policy on Canadian traditions and customs

   C. protecting languages and cultures from extinction

   D. the official announcement of IMLD by UNESCO

34. What does the underlined word “echoes” in the text mean?

   A. Suggests. B. Creates.

   C. Celebrates. D. Imitates.

35. What can we learn from Kubinec's words?

   A. Your language is your identity.

   B. Native language is disappearing.

   C. Alberta is rich in language diversity.

   D. Language can be saved by creativity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It is the first day of high school. And with it'so often,comes nervousness — especially for students making the leap to high school.

   But inside the Theodore Roosevelt High School gym for freshman orientation (迎新会) , at least some of those nerves had turned into excitement.

   Juniors and seniors were leading ninth-graders through team-building activities,then walking them through their class schedule. And before they left,students planned on exchanging phone numbers to text questions later on.

   The new initiative(行动) is part of a nationally known program called Link Crew,which started at Roosevelt and was adopted as a district-wide high school program this year.

   What's unique about this initiative is the yearlong focus on peer mentoring(同龄人指导) that goes far beyond the first few days of lockers that won’t open and classrooms that can't be found.

   The idea is to build up friendships and school spirit and encourage ninth-graders to meet new friends or join activities that interest them.

   Roosevelt Principal Kevin Biggs said ,“Our freshmen will be more comfortable around peers than they will be around adults."

   Groups are designed so students meet individuals with different backgrounds and cultures. And they'11 continue to meet during the school year,attending a football game or school dance together.

   The new program is expected to develop friendships and peer-to-peer support,from helping each other through a breakup to talking through concerns about fights with friends.

   “A lot of times,students can talk to students about things that they may not feel comfortable talking to an adult about,” said Ally son Vukovich,the district's community partnership coordinator (协调者) .

   “It really changes the culture within a building,” she added, “so upperclassmen find some ownership about what goes on in their school."

25. Which word can describe the feeling of the freshmen in Theodore Roosevelt High School?

   A. Nervous. B. Afraid.

   C. Proud. D. Excited.

26. What do we know about the new initiative?

   A. It lasts through a year.

   B. It is adopted throughout the US.

   C. It was put forward by Kevin Biggs.

   D. It paired adult mentors with freshmen.

27. What's the main purpose of the new program?

   A. To develop students’ sense of responsibility.

   B. To help freshmen adjust to life in high school.

   C. To help students learn about different cultures.

   D. To teach students how to get along with others.

28. What's Allyson Vukovich’ s attitude towards the new program?

   A. Worried. B. Doubtful.

   C. Uncaring. D. Supportive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A shopping center in Brazil is growing vegetables on its rooftop using waste collected from the mall's restaurants. The garden is on the roof of the Eldorado shopping center in Sao Paolo. Workers there use trash(垃圾) from the restaurants to create compost(堆肥) for the garden. Compost is used to improve the soil of the garden. A spokesman for the mall says that the waste from 10 ,000 meals served each day in its food court goes into the compost.

   Workers grow different kinds of fhiits and vegetables on the rooftop garden,including tomatoes,lettuce and eggplant. The fruits and vegetables grown there provide free food for the employees. Mall officials also hope to reduce the amount of waste that would end up in a garbage dump. This,they hope,will reduce carbon gases entering the atmosphere.

   Cicero Evangelista leads the waste recycling effort. He says about 400 kilograms of organic waste are created every day from the mair s'food court.

   He says ,“We weigh the material and add enzymes that remove bacteria,reduce humidity (湿度) and accelerate decomposition(分解). This is how we turn organic waste into organic compost."

   Officials at the shopping center want to save as much waste as possible. So,they held workshops for employees to learn how to best collect waste from their stores. Neide Lopes is a food court worker. She says it is helpful to put in the extra work.

   “The program is active and creative,and they distribute the produce among us,so it's very good. It is a way of reducing waste,and we receive food that we don't have to pay for,and that's the best part!” 

   Mall employees say the project reuses waste food to make food and reduces the shopping center's carbon footprint(碳排放量) at the same time.

28. The food court of the Eldorado shopping center.

   A. is on the rooftop

   B. is far from the garbage dump

   C. leads to the setup of the garden

   D. mainly offers take-away service 

29. The produce of the garden is .

   A. for self-use   B. mostly fruits

   C. for sale   D. rich in enzymes

30. According to Cicero Evangelista, .

   A. officials are not very supportive of the program

   B. the organic waste is not made full use of

   C. producing organic compost is not so simple

   D. workshops for employees are ineffective

31. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new way of making compost

   B. An environmentally friendly lifestyle

   C. Compost is being widely used in Brazilian gardens

   D. Mall in Brazil uses compost to reduce carbon footprint


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                       Bury Trip — 24th July 2015 

We will be leaving Homerton teacher campus at 13:45. Please be at the front of the college 10 minutes early. If you are late you may miss the coach and not be able to go!If you miss the coach,you will not receive repayment!The coach is planned to arrive in Bury at 14:30,although this is dependent on traffic. You will have free time to explore and we will meet at the same location where we arrive at 17:15 to return to Homerton by approximately 18:00.

                        THINGS TO DO 

Visit the Abbey(修道院) 

The remains of this historic monument,which originally was a shrine(圣所) to Saint Edmund,a Saxon King,are well worth a visit. The Abbey is also surrounded by beautiflil gardens,and is located next to the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

Have a drink in The Nutshell 

This charming little bar is officially the smallest pub in Great Britain. Good things come in small packages though,and The Nutshell serves some of the region's finest drinks,as well as having fascinating historical items and photos.

Go around the brewery shop 

At the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer,as well as food such as chutney. There are also clothing and other great gift ideas available to buy.

Several attractions are listed,but feel free to explore on your own. A Course Assistant will be around to help you throughout the trip but they will not act as a guide.

21. Those who miss the coach .

   A. can catch another coach

   B. can ask other teachers for a ride

   C. won’t get their money back

   D. are supposed to go by themselves

22. What do we know about the Abbey?

   A. It is now in ruins.

   B. It is located near a garden.

   C. It was built by Saint Edmund.

   D. It is known as the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

23. The visitors are advised to .

   A. take a self-guided tour

   B. find a local to serve as a guide

   C. follow the Course Assistant in the tour

   D. visit the above-mentioned attractions first


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。学生会准备组织同学们本周日去残疾人活动中心义务 劳动。请你用英语写一份通知,要点如下:

1. 活动目的:关爱、尊重残疾人;

2. 注意事项:保持微笑、不问有关残疾的问题等;

3. 欢迎所有同学参加。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。


Dear fellow students,


Student Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Imagine you are a kid living in America in 1920,and your parents are too busy to cook dinner. Instead,they serve you something they are sure is just as healthy as chicken and vegetables: a chocolate bar.36 However,as recently as the 1940s,many Americans believed that candy was as nutritious as an entire meal. Today,we understand that some foods are better for us than others. You probably know that the oatmeal(燕麦粥) and fruit you wisely ate for breakfast were packed with vitamins and other nutrients. You probably know as well that those chewy candies hidden in your drawer are little more than sugar. 37

   Back in the early 1900s,the science of nutrition — the study of how foods affect the body — was new. 38 But the importance of vitamins was not well understood. Many scientists believed that candy was just as healthful as steak and potatoes or fish and broccoli. 39 Ads for Milky Way suggested that each bar contained a glass of milk (not true) . There was even a popular candy bar called Chicken Dinner (which,thankfully,did not contain chicken) .

   Today,we know the dangers of eating too much sugar. We also have laws that prohibit companies from creating advertisements that lie about products.

40 But most of us understand it's best left for dessert.

   A. It sounds a little crazy now.

   B. We still love candy,of course.

   C. They are still made in a Boston factory.

   D. People knew that food provided energy.

   E. Candy companies wanted people to believe this too.

   F. Even little kids understand that eating too much sugar is unhealthy.

   G. Candy makers have continued to produce new kinds of candies to delight us.

