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                     Camp Programs for 2016 

Handwork Day Camp 

       Let your creativity run wild!Imagine your child spending,her day in the care of warm and loving (夏令营负责人) sewing the day away by hand and machine to make the most lovely creations. Our camps will encourage your child's  creativity and inspire her imagination. Our goal is to teach these wonderful skills in a space where they have ftin and are allowed to express themselves. Every week,join us for a different series of amazing crq/hs (手工) .Whether improving old skills or learning new ones,our camp is sure to be a delight. Join in the fim!All materials and supplies are included. Pricing and daily schedules may change according to locations.

Glamorize(美化) Your Doll Camp 

      This program is designed for campers that have always had the desire to create fashionable clothes and accesoney (配饰) for their dolls. Fun and skilled counselors will teach techniques like sewing and other skills to enable each camper to craft their own unique creations for their dolls. Camp provides all materials from sewing machines,to fabric Just bring your own doll.and imagination!

Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp 

     In this award-winning program,imaginative fashion designers will spend three weeks learning to finish a collection. From drawing roughly to sewing and modeling,watch your fashion dreams come to life!Campers will gain real-life experience by going on a fabric buying field trip. Also,campers will have the opportunity to model their designs for friends and family. Additional expense for the shopping field trip is about $100. 

1. Handwork Day Camp is designed for .

   A. adults who want a fun camp

   B. boys who love amazing crafts

   C. little girls who want to learn sewing 

   D. teenagers who have an interest in dolls

2. What should you do if you take part in Glamorize Your Doll Camp?

   A. Prepare some fabric.

   B. Bring some accessories.

   C. Take your doll with you.

   D. Wear fashionable clothes.

3. What do we know about Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp?

   A. The camp will last about 15 days. 

   B. The losers can get an award for their participation.

   C. The campers will have a shopping field trip for free.

   D. The campers will have a chance to model their designs.

4. The text is meant to .

   A. encourage kids to learn skills

   B. introduce some amazing crafts   

   C. recommend some tourist spots

   D. advertise three camp programs

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D



1. C.推理判断题。根据Handwork Day Camp部分中的 Imagine your child spending her day ... sewing ; the day away by hand and machine 和 Our goalis to teach these wonderful skills可推知,这个夏令营主要针对那些想学会缝纫手工的小女孩。

2. C.细节理解题。根据 Glamorize Your Doll Camp 部分中的 Camp provides all materials from serving machines to fabric. Just bring your own doll and imagination!可知,如果你参加 Glamorize Your Doll Camp ,你只要带上一个洋娃娃即可。

3. D.推理判断题。根据 Fashion and Machine Sewing Camp 部分中的campers will have the opportunity to model their designs可知,参营者有机会亲自展示自己设计的服装。

4. D.写作意.图题。本旨在为三个有趣的夏令营活动做宣传。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第37期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        During a recent trip there was a hold on trains and many people were (滞留) and had to arrange hotels for the night. I was traveling alone and like everyone else I had to 21 in a very long queue.

        I had queued for about 40 minutes and was looking around 22 I saw a lady with a small child in her arms near the back of the queue. I knew she had at least another 40 23 to wait just to 24 my position but I was quite close to the 25 of the queue. I could also see that she was quite 26 and the child was heavy and asleep on her shoulder.

        I looked back until I got her 27 . Once she noticed me I 28 her forward and asked the people who were 29 me whether they minded if I 30 positions in the queue with this lady. Then I let the lady take up my position and went to the back of the queue myself.

        At  first she said 31 as I knew she was very

surprised by the gesture,but when she got to the front of the queue and had 32 her hotel room she looked back and found me in the queue. Her look of 33 and gratitude made the rest of my 34 very easy indeed as I felt very good for the little 35 I had made.

        What touched me too was that other people in the 36 close to me had seen what I did and 37 me for doing such a nice thing. I thought I had inspired in them the idea to do something 38 for others.

        But I knew I had made that lady's  day just a tiny bit 39 and allowed her to get her child to a bed sooner and that was 40 enough for me.

21. A. sit   B. stand   C. hide   D. search

22. A. if   B. unless   C. when   D. until

23. A. minutes   B. seconds   C. months   D. days

24. A. need   B. change   C. lose   D. reach

25. A. back   B. front   C. middle   D. right

26. A. angry   B. tired   C. disappointed   D. excited

27. A. interest   B. respect   C. support   D. attention

28. A. placed   B. watched   C. limited   D. waved

29. A. like   B. over   C. behind   D. against

30. A. exchanged   B. occupied  C. defended   D. improved

31. A. nothing   B. something  C. anything   D. everything

32. A. left   B. shared  G.  booked   D. cleaned

33. A. fear   B. relief   C. alarm   D. surprise

34. A. work   B. action   C. life   D. wait

35. A. light   B. gesture  C. measure   D. progress

36. A. train   B. shop   C. queue   D. hotel

37. A. advised   B. praised  C. complained   D. ignored

38. A. familiar   B. risky   C. similar   D. strange

39. A. longer   B. easier   C. quieter   D. busier

40. A. more than   B. other than  C. rather than   D. less than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

           Mr and Mrs Smith are my neighbors. They lived in the neighborhood for over twenty years. Therefore,yesterday they told me they were moving. I was really surprised and immediate asked them why we wanted to move. Mr Smith said, uGina and I all have hobbies we want to work on them. But we were so busy at our work that we didnt have time for them. We used to living our life doing what we have to do/ But now we have decided to work on 'what we want to do.’ ” After hear what he said,I thought they have made the right decision.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Teens who spend hours on the Internet may be at risk for high blood pressure. Researchers found that teens who spent at least 14 hours a week on the Internet had their blood pressure increased. Of 134 teens described by researchers as heavy Internet users,26 had higher blood pressure.

           This is believed to be the only study to show a link between time spent on the Internet and high blood pressure. The findings add to growing research that has shown an association between heavy Internet use and other health risks like anxiety,depression,obesity and social isolation.

          “Using the Internet is part of our daily life,but it shouldn’ t  destroy us,” says Andrea,a researcher at Henry Ford's Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's  lead author. uIn our study,teens considered heavy Internet users were on the Internet an average of 25 hours a week. It's important that young people take regular breaks from their computers or smartphones,and engage in some form of physical activity. I recommend children to limit their time at home on the Internet. I think two hours a day,five days a week is OK."

          Andrea says school nurses could condudt annual health screenings (检查) in which blood pressure and Internet use behavior could be assessed. Students with high blood pressure would then have a follow-up visit to determine the next step.

          Researchers analyzed data collected from 335 teens aged 14 to 17 who participated in the study. Participants completed a 5 5-question survey of their Internet use during one week. Researchers found that teens spent an average of 15 hours a week on the Internet at either school or home; 39 percent of girls were heavy Internet users compared to 43 percent of boys; 43 percent of heavy Internet users were considered overweight compared to 26 percent of light Internet users.

5. What do we know about the study?

   A. It linked high blood pressure with Internet use,

   B. It was designed by teqis with high blood pressure.

   C. It was aimed at studying the causes of high blood pressure.

   D. It found heavy Internet users were likely to have mental problems:

6. Andrea advises teens to .

   A. have regular checkups

   B. limit their time at home

   C. spend less time on the Internet

   D. take regular breaks from their study

7. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

   A. 43  percent of teens were light Internet users.

   B. Nearly half the boys were heavy Internet users.

   C. Most teens spent 14 hours a week on the Internet.

   D. Boys spent 15 hours a week on physical activity.

8. From which part of a newspaper is the text probably taken?

   A. Job.      B. Health.

   C. Fashion.  D. Entertainment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


            Aaron Ralston,a 27-year-old sports fan from America,found himself in a very difficult situation alone in a canyon in the desert when a huge rock came crashing down the canyon ,smashed(重击) his right hand and trapped it against the canyon wall. What's worse,Ralston had failed to tell anyone where he was going. At the last minute the plans for a trip with his climbing partners had come to nothing,and he had decided to head out on his own to walk down the canyon.

           After three days of not seeing or hearing any sign of life,Ralston realised he would die there if he didn't do something special. The course of action was terrifying,but there was no other way. He would have to cut off his right hand. Fortunately,he had a small knife and some.straps(带子) with him that he could use to stop himself bleeding to death.

          He found the courage to use the knife to cut through the skin,but soon he realised that it was going to be impossible to use his small knife to cut through the bones.: After another 24 hours of pain and despair the idea and;the strength came to him in a flash on the sixth day. With a final burst of energy he broke his arm and freed himself.

          Ralston believes that his story was not simply about : an isolated individual who rose to a tough challenge For;him there was another aspect of the experience. He said,The source of the power I felt to survive was my family.Iappreciate all that they do.”

1. Why did Ralston deal with the difficult situation alone?

   A. His partners got lost in the desert.

   B. He didn't like traveling with others.

   C. His partners gave up traveling with him.

   D. His friends were frightened away by his accident.

2. How did Ralston free his arm from the rock on the last day?

   A. By breaking bones in his arm.

   B. By gradually pushing the rock.

   C. By pulling the rock with straps.

   D. By receiving help from a stranger.

3. The text  mainly tells us about .

   A. how Ralston walked down the canyon

   B. the reason why Ralston went to the trip

   C. how Ralston survived from a tough situation

   D. different ways to deal with Ralston's problems

4. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A travel guide. B. A book review.

   C. A news report.  D. A science textbook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



66. Both Mr,Miller’s and Mr. Brown’s(wife) are teachers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          The playground game of hg (捉人游戏) was temporarily banned at a Washington elementary school,but the ban was met by parent protests at a time when school recess (休息) is considered by many educators as one of the keys to better test scores.

          Parents,at Lakeridge Elementary School protested when they learned that the school's new “hands off’policy designed to reduce injuries during recess — also forbade tag. 

         “While at play,especially during recess and unstructured time,students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The reason behind this is to^ ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students,Mary Grady of the Mercer Island School District said.

          Many Mercer Island parents protested that an exciting recess game of chase and touch was not only safe,but also healthy. ”Our kids need some unstructured playtime,” a concerned mother Kdsey Joyce said. “I totally survived tag."

          After further pushback,the school district finally gave up the ban and announced tag was back. Many schools tried to improve standardized test scores  by cutting recess time several years ago,but elementary principals(校长) reafized that playtime had actually helped students’ test performance. More than 80 percent of principals said recess improved academic achievement,according to a survey.

         Rather than banning tag,a non-profit organization called Playworks suggests using the game to teach conflict resolution,or even just for fun. u\ think a game like tag is wonderful/' Playworks Director Jonathan Blasher said. “It's important for kids to have that free-range play.^ Playworks was started in 1996 to prevent fights at recess that led to the ban on tag at Lakeridge Elementary School. Rather than forbid eertain;games,the group places coaches in schools during recess to suggest new ones. The idea was to both free teachers from breaking up fights and help children return to class

refreshed and with a few life skills.

9. Why was tag banned at the elementary school?

   A. It led to kids’ unhealthy habits.

   B. It was considered dangerous.

   C. It met with parent protests.

   D. It made the school noisy.

10. The underlined word “pushback” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. resistance   B. discussion

   C. research     D. development

11. What did most elementary principals agree with?

   A. Recess time should be shortened.

   B. Playtime helps improve test scores.

   C. Standardized tests are difficult for students.

   D. Students,academic achievement has improved.

12. What can we learn about Playworks?

   A. It promotes playground games at recess.

   B. It offers teachers free lessons on life skills.

   C. It was started by Lakeridge Elementary School.

   D. It trains teachers to solve conflicts between kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. There’ s no question about it. You(must / may) enter the competition,I'm sure you’ll win.

3. Don' t worry,I (can / may) help you with the typing,if you like.

