精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


--Have you a  76  for the job?                                                                      76       

--yes, it’s acknowledged that the job is the m 77  difficult to get,                77        

But I’ll try my best.                                                              

--W 78  ,You are always possessed of much sense.                                    78        

I’m sure you’ll get it, You’ve a 79   a  knowledge of French.               79       

--Of course, I’m full of c 80  . By the way, there will be a party                     80       

on my home at 7:00 pm on Sunday, would you like to come?                                                    

---Thanks, I’ll be p 81   for the party, How are your sisters, Kate and Jane?  81       

---Kate is busy p  82   for the test while Jane is busy with her essay.          82      

She has made a draft. And I expressed my s  83  with their               83      

Work, but it still needs a lot of work                                                           

--Oh, have you i 84  Jim to your party?                                                    84      

---He said he couldn’t come, but he a 85  my invitation.                                   85      

---Ok, see you then

---See you.

76: applied            77. most         78. wonderful        79. acquired          

80. Confidence    81. punctual   82. preparing       83. satisfaction           84. invited      85. appreciated

