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(1) 她是一个如此外向的女孩,我们都想和她交朋友。

She is we all want to make friends with her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Did you have a bad day yesterday? If you have one bad day after another,you need to learn the 90/10(秘诀) .

A bad start 

    Jack's daughter,Emily,knocked over (打翻> a cup of milk and it fell on his trousers at breakfast yesterday. Jack got annoyed. He shouted at his daughter and she started to cry.

    “Why did you shout at her?” asked his wife. “Why did you put the cup on the (边缘) of the table?” replied Jack. Then he went to change his trousers.

    Because she was upset,Emily didn't get ready for school in time and she missed her bus. Jack had to drive Emily to school. Because he didn't have enough time,he forgot his bag. He was forty minutes late for work. As soon as he got there,he had to go home again to get his bag.

Did it have to be a bad start?

    Again the milk fell on Jack's trousers,but this time he didn’t shout. H? smiled and said, “it’s OK. Don’t worry!” Then he went to change his trousers. When he came back,Emily said, “Bye,Daddy." And she ran out to catch her bus. Jack went to work early,and he had a great day.

So,here's the 90/10 secret.

    Ten percent of life is what happens to us. We can't control it. That's life. Things happen and we have to (应对) them.

    Ninety percent of life,however,is how we deal with it. Remember that when something bad happens next time.


() 51. What does the underlined word “annoyed” in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Nervous. B. Bored,

C. Angry. D. Shocked.

() 52. How did Emily go to school yesterday?

   A. By car. B. By bus.

C. By bike. D. On foot.

() 53. Jack returned home yesterday morning because .

   A. he felt uncomfortable

   B. he forgot to take his bag 

    C. his wife needed his help   

    D. his trousers were too dirty

() 54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Emily is always late for school.

   B. Emily doesn’t like drinking milk,

   C. Jack was late for work yesterday.

   D. Jack's wife had a great day yesterday.

() 55. The passage mainly tells us .

   A. how to b? a good father

   B. how to balance work and life

   C. how to prepare breakfast for children

   D. how to deal with unhappy things in life 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

            I remember when I first decided to join the choir. My mom had 21  it to me several times before,but I never thought I would actually join.22 inside of me clicked,however,on a September day in 2010. I was in the 23 with my mother when a woman whose daughter was in the choir started 24 us. The woman suggested I 25 ,and for some reason I still dont know,I was 26  and told my mother that when she drove me back.

             During the days leading up to my audition for the choir I was very 27 . My worst fear was singing in front of someone I didn't  know. I had many,many 28 . about auditioning,but I knew I couldnt back down. I was shaking when I first started 29  for the director of the choir,but I 30 to get through the song. To my 31  , I was accepted. Immediately,my 32  grew.

             I believe that being a 33  of the choir helped me greatly with the transition into high school. That summer,I learned that I had been 34  into the advanced choir.

             In high school,I’ ve become a monitor and a risk taker,and I absolutely credit that to my 35  with the choir. T ve become a much more social person,and 36 I still have shy sides to my personality,I'm  able to overcome them.

             Auditioning for the choir and 37 are the first true feeling of 38 I’ve had in life. I am 39 of myself for one of the first times. It is the 40 thing V ve ever done,and it has opened up so many doors in the area of performing arts and in the rest of my life.

21. A. drawn   B. mentioned   C. taught   D. lent

22. A. Nothing   B. Something   C. Anything   D. Everything

23. A. park   B. museum   C. car   D. classroom

24. A. listening to   B. talking to   C. working for   D. calling,on

25. A. join   B. refuse   C. contribute   D. concentrate

26. A. abandoned   B. visited   C. inspired   D. forgiven

27. A. positive   B. curious   C. poor   D. anxious

28. A. memories   B. shocks   C. reports   D. doubts

29. A. playing   B. dancing   C. writing   D. singing

30. A. learned   B. managed   C. expected   D. promised

31. A. surprise   B. disappointment   C. puzzlement   D. sorrow

32. A. patience   B. confidence   C. ambition   D. imagination

33. A. fan   B. director   C. worker   D. member

34. A. carried   B. reminded   C. accepted   D. attracted

35. A. service   B. pleasure   C. offer   D. experience

36. A. unless   B. when   C. although   D. because

37. A. getting in   B. coming back

    C. sitting down   D. reaching out

38. A. occasion   B. success    C. practice   D. rule

39. A. proud   B. tired   C. fond   D. afraid

40. A. easiest   B. funniest   C. best   D. cheapest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. To a your dream,you should work harder than before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The museum in your city is much (huge) than that in my city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

一、基础训练 将下列短语英汉互译。

1. achieve one’s dream

2. as far as I know

3. at birth

4. die from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 今天早上玛丽(Mary) 第一个到校。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Mr. Green painted the door to p it against the rain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Jane is brave but Alice is a lot (brave) than Jane.

