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【题目】 It was February and Danny Filippidis and his friends were skiing around. After a few days of fun and relaxation, their annual trip was coming to a close. Danny wanted to capture(捕捉) a few more memories of it to post online when they got home. The problem was, he’d left his cell phone in the car.

By the time Danny realized this, he and his friends were already halfway up Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid. Not wanting to miss a moment, he told his friends to wait while he skied back down to fetch the phone. Danny was an adult and an experienced skier, so they had no reason to doubt his return.

However, it wasn’t until it began to get dark that his friends finally realized something may have gone wrong. They called the police, who began a ground search in no time. Before long, his family and friends came down to help as well. But Danny was nowhere to be found.

What the rescue teams didn’t know at the time was that, by the time the alarm went out, Danny wasn’t even in Lake Placid anymore. He’d taken a wrong turn on his way back to the car, falling down and becoming knocked out. It was dusk by the time he woke up, not knowing where he was.

Danny struggled his way to the road. He flagged down a truck in the hope of securing a ride off the mountain. The truck stopped and he climbed into the warm cab. After telling the trucker where he was going, he fell into a heavy sleep. When the trucker finally informed him that they had arrived, it had been midnight, when his family and friends were still searching the cold wilderness for any sign of him.

Danny often reflects on what might have happened if he hadn’t been found by that trucker. To this day, Danny Filippidis doesn’t know the trucker’s name. He doubts whether he could even point him out if he saw him on the street and the police have been unable to track the man down as well.

1Why did Danny ski back to fetch his phone?

A.To surf the Net.B.To avoid it being stolen.

C.To make a call.D.To shoot some photos.

2What happened to Danny on his way down the mountain?

A.He got stuck in a rock.B.He fell down the mountain.

C.He met with a snowstorm.D.He crashed into a truck.

3What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Danny was grateful to the trucker.B.Danny was extremely forgetful.

C.The authorities took no action at all.D.The trucker was hard to recognize.







1细节理解题。根据第1段中“Danny wanted to capture(捕捉) a few more memories of it to post online when they got home. The problem was, he’d left his cell phone in the car. 可知,Danny想用手机拍摄一些照片,捕捉更多的记忆,在他们回家后可以发布在网上。问题是他把手机忘在车里了。于是他返回去拿手机。“ capture(捕捉) a few more memories of it”意即“shoot some photos ”。故选D项。

2细节理解题。根据第4段中“He’d taken a wrong turn on his way back to the car, falling down and becoming knocked out. It was dusk by the time he woke up, not knowing where he was.)” 可知,Danny在返回到车里去的路上转错了弯,从山上摔下来,被撞昏了。当他醒来时已经是黄昏。故选B项。

3推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Danny often reflects on what might have happened if he hadn’t been found by that trucker.Danny经常想,如果他没有被那个卡车司机发现会发生什么。)” 可以推测,Danny非常感谢那位他不知名的卡车司机救了他。故选A项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 George Washington Carver had a goal. This was to help southern farmers who needed good crops. They needed crops that didn’t hurt the soil. Carver went to Simpson College in Iowa, in which he studied for three years. Then he went to Iowa State, where he got two degrees. The college knew he was smart and wanted him to stay. So he joined the team. He was put in charge of a huge greenhouse. There he grew over 20,000 kinds of fungi(真菌),which made him famous.

Carver had many job offers. Thomas Edison offered $175,000 a year. Henry Ford tried to hire him too. Joseph Stalin invited him to the Soviet Union to help with cotton. But Carver refused all offers. Instead, he took a job at Tuskegee Institute. This was a school for African Americans. Carver was paid only $1,000 a year. But he was happy because he had goals to reach and he knew he could reach them at Tuskegee.

Carver worked at Tuskegee for 47 years. He never asked for a raise in pay. And he never received one. He worked so hard that he died in his office chair on January 4, 1943.

Carver came up with over 300 products from peanuts (花生), all of which could have been patented (申请专利). He could have made millions. But he did not want to. Here is what he said, “Mr. Creator did not charge to grow the peanut. I cannot accept money for my work with it.”

Through his efforts, Carver set up a fund, for he wanted research to continue. He gave his life’s savings to it, which came to $40,000. One honor came after his death. His birthplace was made a national shrine (圣地). How surprised the modest Carver could have been!

1One job offer which Carver accepted was to work for ______.

A.Thomas EdisonB.Henry Ford

C.Joseph StalinD.Tuskegee Institute

2How much did Carver offer to the fund



3Which of the following best describes Carver?



4What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Carver preferred work to money.

B.Carver devoted his whole life to achieving his goals.

C.Carver refused many job offers that would make him rich.

D.Some scientists would rather do good than make much money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Perhaps people have never realized that fashion materials should be one of the worst destroyers on our environment in countries across the world.

Everybody enjoys wearing warm fashionable sweaters, but they never realize how much harm they have done to the environment . Studies suggest that 70 percent of the damage to the grasslands is due to overgrazing(过度放牧).Because of that, tile balance of nature is broken, extreme weather occurs frequently, species are under serious threat, and finally grasslands are becoming desert gradually. The major real cause driving this activity is that human beings demand for cheaper wool to make fashionable clothing.

What you might not know is that the natural fibers for making clothes are often taken from trees in ancient forests or other plants such as bamboo and cotton . This means that the clothes we buy and wear are contributing directly to destroying forests and habitats. In fact, cotton is by no means a fully environmentally friendly crops on the planet. For a start, it uses so much water to. produce, which leads to the freshwater shortage across the globe. It can take 2,700 liters of water to make just one cotton T-shirt. Additionally, growing cotton requires high levels of pesticide and other dangerous chemicals that often pollute waterways and soil. As for man-made fibers, the damage done by them is far worse than other materials.

In recent years, retailers (零售商)have increased the number of fashion collections each season even-each month or week. Throwaway culture is known as "fast fashion" due to low prices . Every year, 100 billion new garments made from new fibers are produced, many of which soon end up in landfill(垃圾填埋场).A dress might cost a few pounds for the consumer, but there is a hidden cost to the wider environment including ecosystems and other species.

1According to the passage, the real destroyer on the grasslands is ___.

A.overgrazingB.unbalanced nature

C.human beings’ needD.change of weather

2Relatively speaking, which fiber does most harm to environment?

A.The cotton fiber.B.The tree fiber.

C.The man-made fiber.D.The bamboo fiber.

3What is the writer's attitude to the "fast fashion,, culture?


4What is probably the best title for the text?

A.Damage to Our Environment

B.Fashion Materials, the Hidden Environment Destroyer

C.Destroying Forests and Habitats

D.Throwaway Culture


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Questions are based on the following passage.


A.They provide a variety of subjects in their courses.

B.They award most degrees online to their students.

C.They ensure students to improve their language skills.

D.They have met certain standards of excellence.


A.They are addicted to computer.B.They lack human interaction.

C.They are reluctant to meet people.D.They need physical exercises.


A.His financial situation.B.His schedule arrangement.

C.His interpersonal competence.D.His social activities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The father,along with his four children,_____hangzhou.When they will be back_____fixed.

A.have gone to;isn’tB.had gone to;is notC.went to;aren’tD.has gone to;has not been


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A 3-year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend — a bear.

The child went missing on January 22. He was playing with friends at his grandmother’s house in the southern state of North Carolina. When the other children returned home but Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police. Police formed a search and rescue team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods. But two days went by and still — no Casey.

Then on January 24, someone called the police saying he heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9 30 that night. They pulled him out of some briar. He was in good health. Casey told the rescuers that he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend".

Sheriff Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for three days in the cold, rainy weather. However, the sheriff said, “ He did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him. ”

Hundreds of people helped in the search and rescue efforts, including some 600 volunteers, federal police and members of the military. Officer Hughes told reporters that at no point did he think Casey had been kidnapped.

His mother Brittany Hathaway talked with reporters from a local news agency and thanked everyone who joined the search for her son. “ We just want to tell everybody that we’re very thankful that you took the time out to search for Casey and prayed for him, and he's good, ” said his mother. “ He is good, he is up and talking. He’s already asked to watch Netflix. So, he's good …"

1When did Casey get lost?

A.On January 24.

B.After a 911 call.

C.Before his playmates came.

D.After he left his grandmother's house.

2What can we know about the boy?

A.He survived with the help of a bear.

B.The rescuers rescued him from a bear.

C.Someone offered key information to find him.

D.He was eventually found by officer Hughes.

3Why did the mother say that in the last paragraph?

A.To report the detailed situation.

B.To show her gratitude and relief.

C.To invite everyone to watch her child.

D.To appreciate searchers and the bear.

4Where is this text most likely from?

A.A news report.B.A guidebook.

C.A diary.D.An advertisement


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why don't the speakers see a movie now?

A.They don't know where the movie theater is.

B.They want to enjoy the nice weather first.

C.They are already on a walk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did Peter lose?

A.His umbrella.B.His briefcase.C.His handbag.

2Where did the man get off the bus?

A.At the Rose Park.B.At the Natural Park.C.At the Central Park.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 One of the biggest enemies of smartphone batteries is the phones ’ screens. The screens keep getting bigger, and they need to keep bright for outdoor use. 1 But, a new OLED technology can increase brightness and energy efficiency ( 效率). The technology is being developed by a team at the Imperial College London. They’re using a special development process to produce OLEDs that give off polarized light (偏振光).

So, what's that all meaning? Screens often include filters (滤光器) to help reduce unpleasant bright light from outside. 2 However, they also can prevent lots of the light from the screen itself. Any light that doesn’t make it to your eyes is basically wasted energy. By creating OLEDs that send out polarized light, the team can get the light from the OLEDs to pass through a polarized filter while light from outside will still get filtered by it.

For now, the technology doesn’t mean much for phones we have in our hands. Since it's still being researched, it's not likely to find its way for upcoming phones very soon. 3

When it does, it would result in brighter screens and improved energy efficiency. Screens would not use the same amount of energy to produce bright light because none of it would be filtered out. 4

And, that would mean much longer-lasting batteries for smartphones.

5 For example, smartwatches don't pack large batteries, so any efficiency improvement would have a strong benefit.

A.That means they will use more energy.

B.Plenty of phones already get a full day of life.

C.This technology can be used in other areas as well.

D.But it would finally be applied to consumers’ phones.

E.It can give OLED screens a huge step forward in competition.

F.The new technology can almost double the efficiency of screens.

G.These make it easier to see the light coming from your phone's screen.

