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   The first day we go to high school,our head teacher told us the news which we needed to take the military training. We were all shocking at the news,because of it was so hot outside. How terribly it was!The next day,we met our training instructor,who were young and handsome. He was strict,but humorous,telling him jokes when we rested. At night,he asked us sing military songs. We even competed with other teams. The days of the military trainings were beautiful,and we found the training was not that hard. We became stronger and made friends to our military instructor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The USA 

   Well,imagine how my sister felt when she went off for the first time to New York for a business trip. After a fey days she was still amazed at how friendiy everyone was to her until she took a taxi back to her hotel one night. First she gave just the name of the hotel,but when asked she said the address too. Then she was asked how to get there,but of course she didn’t know. Imagine how frightened she was when the driver started shouting at her for not knowing the way.

The UK

   A friend was in London for a conference. He took a taxi and there were no problems: the driver knew the way and was very cheerful. The problem started when he realised he had stupidly left his laptop on the back seat!He called the company up and,in a panic,went straightaway to their Lost and Found office. He was over the moon to find the laptop waiting for him,and then very surprised that it was one of 2 ,900 left in taxis over the past six months!


   Well,my brother took a Mediterranean cruise (巡游) one summer and had a day in Tunis. He spent most of the afternoon in the Medina buying presents when he suddenly realised hed completely lost track of time and there was only half an hour before the ship left the port. There had been loads of yellow taxis in the centre so he wasnt too bothered until he stood on the pavement and waited for one to appear — and of course there wasnt a single one in sight!Nothing!He questioned a passer-by who explained that the cost for the taxi ride goes up in the evening so the taxi drivers disappear until they can charge higher prices!Luckily for my brother the man then offered to give him a lift and he caught the boat on time!

21. What was the author's sister's trip by taxi in the USA like?

   A. Unpleasing and scary.

   B. Tiring but impressive.

   C. Relaxing and exciting.

   D. Interesting but strange.

22. The underlined part “over the moon” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “ ”.

   A. very happy   B. extremely sad

   C. quite surprised   D. pretty annoyed

23. Why couldn’t the author's brodier find 汪 taxi?

   A. Because it was too late.

   B. Because the weather was bad.

    C. Because he didn't know how to call a taxi.

   D. Because the taxi drivers disappeared on purpose.

24. What do the three stories have in common?

   A. They are all about taking a taxi.

   B. They are all about business trips.

   C. They are all about great services.

   D. They are all about the authors family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   We all love watching fireworks,from the attractive shows on the Fourth of July (a national holiday in the US that celebrates the beginning of the United States as a nation) to the Roman candle burning in the backyard. But let's 41 and think about the price we pay for just a few minutes of 42

   First,the amount of money we spend on fireworks is 43 . The excitement is gone 44 . Let's face it,what we really are doing is burning 45 . Yet,year after year,thousands of cities and towns spend our tax dollars on fireworks displays. Those tax dollars would be put to much better 46 feeding our hungry and housing our homeless.

   Second,there is the matter of 47 . Fireworks contain chemicals that are harmful to people and animals. Over the years,these chemicals will 48 the air we breathe and the water we drink.

   Third,let's 49 the trash left behind after a fireworks display. What a 50 !One would probably 51 that those who set off the fireworks would have the politeness to 52 the trash afterwards. 53,they don't. The mess they leave behind 54 the kind of attitude many Americans have toward our 55 .

   Fourth,fireworks are 56 . Some fireworks can damage your hearing,especially the fireworks used in public displays that give off a big BANG. Losing your 57 is too high a price to pay.

   58 all the safety warnings,we still see injuries and deaths as a result of fireworks. Approximately 10,000 Americans are injured every year by fireworks.

  In my view,all consumer fireworks should be 59 . Public fireworks displays should be kept to a minimum and should be paid for through volunteer ftmding,not tax dollars. Finally,those people in 60 of fireworks displays should be responsible for cleaning up the mess they make.

41. A. stop   B. decide   C. continue   D. follow

42. A. doubt   B. hesitation   C. surprise   D. excitement

43. A. limited   B. worthwhile   C. absurd   D. necessary

44. A. in time   B. in a flash   C. for free   D. for a while

45. A. paper   B. oil   C. time   D. money

46. A. use   B. place   C. shape   D. play

47. A. interest   B. expense   C. pollution   D. safety

48. A. absorb   B. poison   C. reduce   D. clean

49. A. forget   B. consider   C. research   D. explain

50. A. mess   B. shame   C. pity   D. lesson

51. A. warn   B. order   C. forbid   D. expect

52. A. save   B. leave   C. pick up   D. figure out

53. A. Therefore   B. However   C. Otherwise   D. Anyhow

54. A. changes   B. adopts   C. reflects   D. shares

55. A. environment   B. partners   C. society   D. behavior

56. A. beautiful   B. dangerous   C. bright   D. complex

57. A. memory   B. relatives   C. hearing   D. sight

58. A. Without   B. Besides   C. Beyond   D. Despite

59. A. banned   B. discussed   C. encouraged   D. produced

60. A. need   B. charge   C. honour   D. case


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Skiing is a winter sport that involves the use of skis. 36 Skiers attach them to their shoes or boots and use them to get over snow,often down a mountain slope. Nordic skiing and Alpine skiing are major events of the Winter Olympic Games.

   Nordic skiing started in Norway and other countries of northern Europe. Nordic skiing events include cross-country racing and ski jumping.37 A cross-country skier must be able to ski uphill,downhill,and across flat areas. In a ski-jumping competition the skier gets down a steep ramp(斜坡) that curves upward at the end. The skier leaps off the end and tried to “fly” as far as possible and then land on his or her feet. The skier who leaps the farthest and has the best style is the winner. 38 

   Alpine skiing started in the Alps of central Europe. Alpine events include downhill and slalom racing. Downhill racing is the fastest and most dangerous of all skiing events. The skier goes down a long,steep course that may have large bumps (隆起物) .Along the course are gates formed by single poles or pairs of poles. 39 The winner is the skier who completes the course in the shortest time. Slalom racing is similar to downhill racing. However,a slalom course is shorter and more winding than a downhill course. 40

   A. It requires the skier to make high-speed turns.

   B. Cross-country skiing takes place on open,hilly land.

   C. The skier must ski between them and stay on the course.

   D. Skis are long,mostly flat pieces of metal,wood,or plastic.

   E. The skier races over and around large bumps of snow called moguls.

   F. They are allowed to touch gates with their bodies as long as their skis stay on the course.

   G. The event called the Nordic combined includes a ski-jumping race and a cross-country race.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Many studies have shown that students learn in different ways and that good results can be achieved if they are taught by a teaching method that suits them best. Similarly,students’ performance varies in what types of test they are given. Therefore,it may seem reasonable to give students the chance to choose how they wish to be tested. However,this would mean teachers would be forced to prepare many different methods of assessment for the exact same material. Teachers are already very busy,creating tests,grading,coming up with interesting lesson plans,teaching classes,not to mention holding parent teacher conferences,and creating new tests would only add to their burden.

   Another strain teachers would have to face is how to grade fairly and objectively if students were tested on the same material in a variety of ways. For instance,how do you compare a student who wrote an essay on one small topic of a book to another who answered every multiple choice question correctly over the entire book? Maybe the student who wrote the essay only read a small part of it in depth enough so that they could write the essay. But perhaps the student taking the multiple choice test only had a base understanding of the book and couldn’t write a critical essay about something in it.

   This is not to say,however,that students should be graded in the same manner every time. This would be equally unfair as again,different students test better when assessed by different methods. Therefore,teachers need to be sure to give essay tests,multiple choice tests,as well as other multi-media(多媒体) projects to assess their students,just not over the same material. This gives students the opportunity to show off their abilities and make up for tasks that they’ re not good at. For instance,a student that is a bad test taker could make up for their grade with a well-performed project. Another option is to provide students with extra credit opportunities. As such,students could be allowed to choose the method in which they wish to complete their extra credit. If a student is a strong essay writer,they could write an extra essay to make up for their poor test grade. This would allow students to compensate for poor grades in areas in which they aren’ t as accomplished.

28. We know from Paragraph 1 that if students could choose how they are tested,teachers would .

   A. have more work

   B. lose their authority   C. change their lesson plans

   D. prepare more testing materials

29. What does the underlined word “strain” in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Possibility. B. Difficulty.

   C. Approach. D. Hesitation.

30. The author writes the last paragraph in order to.

   A. draw a conclusion   B. offer suggestions

   C. predict the future   D. prove his point

31. Where is the text most probably taken from?

   A. A textbook.

   B. An announcement.

   C. A news report.

   D. An education magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                 Aluminium folding bike 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £125 


I bought this bike about a year ago for £200 and have never used it. It has 20-inch wheels-and 6 gears (齿轮) ,plus a carry bag and a stand. £125 or near offer. I have more photos or you are welcome to view.

                                  Hohner Rockwood electric guitar 


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £45 


I have a lovely Hohner Rockwood electric guitar complete with case. It's about 5 years old,and is in good condition with a few minor marks. I'm selling the guitar because V ve moved on to a Les Paul guitar,but this one is ideal for a beginner!So grab yourself a bargain for only £45 — it cost me £400 brand new!

Feel free to ask me any questions you have!

You can pay via cash or cheque.

                                       Lovely black and white male cat


Type: Private Advertisement 

Price: £30 


We are selling our much loved 2-year-old male cat.Due to our work commitments we cannot give him the love and time he needs. Would suit a family who can give him lots of affection. We will also give you his bed and feeding dishes.

Please no timewasters.

                                Sofa for sale 


Type: Private Advertisement

Price: £325 or near offer 


White luxury Italian leather 3-seater sofa. Modem design,only 3 years old,very good condition. H78cm x W240cm x D98cm 

We are selling it because it's too big for the sitting room for our new house!

33. What do we know about the bike?

   A. It's brand new.

   B. It cannot be folded.

   C. It was bought 3 years ago.

   D. It's being sold at half price.

34. The owner has decided to sell the guitar because.

   A. it's in poor condition

   B. he / she has got a new one

   C. it takes up too much space

   D. he / she doesn't like it any more 

35. Whose prices are negotiable?

   A. The cat's and the sofa's.

   B. The bike's and the sofa's.

   C. The guitar's and the cat's.

   D. The bike's and the guitar's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I didn't go to Colorado to ski. I went because I was persuaded to attend a two-day class at the Bridgestone Winter Driving School there.

   Everyone in my family came along with me. The first morning,we sat in a small classroom and our instructor,Robert,told us what to expect. The course,he explained,was designed to make the cars slip and slide on ice and snow. “If you listen to us,” Robert assured the class, “you’11 be fine."

   On a snowy day when I was 4,I had a car accident. I wasn't seriously hurt that day,but over the years the shock transformed into anxiety. When it snowed,I often called another parent at the elementary school my daughter attends to ask if he or she wouldn't mind driving my daughter the half-mile to school in the morning.

   That first morning in Colorado,after we left the classroom and headed out to the track,my heart was racing. By the time Robert said, “Cristina,it's your turn." I was lightheaded. I carefUlly did what I was instructed to do but when I turned,I pulled the wheel too hard and hit a block of ice,my car turning almost 180 degrees. When the car came to a stop,I sat rigid,trying to catch my breath. Part of me wanted to get out and never drive again. But I was sitting there safely,wasn,t I? I had overcome one of my greatest fears — losing control of the car. I even felt a little excited.

   For the rest of the class,I continued practising,and I got better enough so that a week later,when I arrived home and there was snow on the ground,I didn't even think about calling another parent to drive my daughter to school. “I can do this,” I told myself. And I did.

24. In the classroom,Robert intended to help participants to .

   A. know each other

   B. build up confidence

   C. learn about the course

   D. put theory into practice

25. The accident made the author afraid to .

   A. have kids in her car   B. drive on snowy days

   C. drive long distances   D. be in a car by herself

26. What can best describe the author's feelings after the first practice?

   A. Mixed. B. Puzzled.

   C. Thankful. D. Regretful.

27. What do we know about the class?

   A. It's tiring. B. It's helpful.

   C. It's expensive. D. It's interesting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                    Welcome to Parkside Federation Academies 

   We are pleased to introduce you to a wide range of courses,training programmes and other activities. 

Enrolment (注册)

   You can enrol for any course on 01223 712340 from 29th June. You can download course information from http://www.parksidefederation.org. uk/adult-leam-train/.

   The office will not be open from 23rd July until 3rd September for enrolment in person due to building work,however,we will be taking bookings over the phone and by email during this time.

   Our hosted enrolment dates are:

   Parkside Campus: 12th September 10:00-12:00 

   Coleridge Campus: 10th September 18:00-19:30 


.Fees are payable in full when you enrol.

·Refunds(退款) will be paid in fUll when a class is closed according to the College's decision,or if you cancel your enrolment at least two weeks before the course starts. If you decide to cancel less than two weeks before the course starts you will receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if a course has already started.

Learner information

.If you supplied your email address,you should expect to receive a confirmation email after your enrolment.

.Free parking is available in the evening at all centres.

.Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support as well as policies and regulations.

.In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website http://www.parksidefederation.org.uk/ or turn on local radio for up-to-date information.

21. If you want to enrol in person,you should avoid.

   A. 29th June   B. 23rd July

   C. 10th September   D. 12th September 

22. How much can you get back if you cancel your enrolment a week before the course starts?

   A. No refund. B. A 20% refund.

   C. A 50% refund. D. A full refund.

23. How will the school inform learners if it is closed due to bad weather?

   A. Give learners calls.

   B. Write emails to learners.

   C. Post notices on

   D. Announce the closure on local TV.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. It takes about 40 minutes from the railway station to Quancheng Square by taxi and the is about 30 yuan. 

   A. fare   B. fee   C. cost   D. charge

