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19.He is a much loved and highlyrespected(尊敬)teacher.

分析 他是一位备受爱戴和令人尊敬的老师.

解答 答案:respected.
分析前面的表语成分a much loved(teacher)可知,所填的空为一个形容词作定语的成分;结合汉语提示可知,需要使用respect的过去分词作定语,表示"令人尊敬的";故答案为respected.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.The firefighter did his best torescue/save (营救)the last child.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Mr.Smith warned his son _______ after drinking.(  )
A.never droveB.not drivingC.against drivingD.to never drive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Li Ming keeps going to the English Corner,mainly _________ his spoken English.(  )
A.improveB.improvedC.to improveD.improving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-The last one _________ pays the meal.
-Deal!(  )
A.arrivedB.arrivesC.to arriveD.arriving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.There is still much to discuss,we shalltherefore(所以),return to this item at our next meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The boys in her class are so naughty that the new teacher just does not know _____ she should deal with them?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.I hope his new library willbelong(属于) to us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Do you like shopping?Or does the thought of wandering round the shops fill you with terror?For some of us,shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our spare time and our money.For me.it's something I would rather avoid.Thank goodness for the Internet!It's more convenient to buy CDs,electrical items,even food,from the comfort of your sofa.But that's not the only reason:price is an important factor.We can buy goods and services cheaper online.But sometimes the problem is knowing what to buy.This has led to a type of shopping called"showrooming".
Showrooming is something I've done.I will go to a shop to see,touch and try out products but then go home and buy them online at a knock-down price.I'm not alone in doing this.Research by a company called Foolproof,found 24%of people showroomed while Christmas shopping in 2013.
Amy Cashman,Head of Technology at TNS UK,says the reasons for this new shopping habit are that"people are lacking time,lacking money and they want security about the products they are buying."She explains that consumers are not only shopping online at home but they are using the Internet in store or on their smartphones to shop around.
But does this mean technology will kill shops?Certainly shops will change.They will have to offer more competitive prices or encourage people to buy more by giving in-store discounts or free girls.
We mustn't forget that buying in a shop means you can get expert advice from the sales assistant and you can get good aftercare.It's good to speak to a real human rather than look at a faceless computer screen but at least by showrooming,you get the best of both worlds!

51.The two questions in Paragraph l are raised toA 
A.introduce the topic            B.give two examples
C.compare different opinions     D.get answers from readers
52.What does showrooming mean in the text?A 
A.Trying in shops and buying online.
B.Showing products in a room.
C.Buying something in a store.
D.Shopping on the Internet.
53.According to Amy Cashman,which is not the reason for showrooming?B 
A.The lack of time.         B.The comfort of the sofa.
C.The shortness of money.   D.The security of the product.
54.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?C 
A.Online shops will disappear.
B.Free gifts will surely promote sales.
C.Shops need necessary changes.
D.Shops will be replaced by online shops.
55.The author's attitude towards showrooming isC 
A.critical  B.neutral   C.supportive   D.casual.

