5.When Jack Homer is on the job,he lives in a tent.And he hunts from sunup to sundown across the plains of Montana.
"When I'm walking around the field looking for things,I run across snakes and,occasionally,grizzly bears,"Homer says.Horner is curator of paleontology (古生物学)at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman,Montana.(71)D
Horner finds dinosaurs in the forms of fossilized bones.He uses these bones to help scientists understand how dinosaurs lived when they ruled the earth more than 65million years ago.
(72)C To locate a good spot to hunt for them.Horner uses a geologic map"I just look up the geologic age in which dinosaurs lived,"Horner says."I look on the map to see where that rock is exposed at the surface of the ground.And then I walk I around in those areas looking for bones."(73)B They dig out the bones using tools as big as jackhammers and as small as dental picks.Then they take the bones,wrapped in plaster casts for protection,back to the museum.
Horner is so good at finding and interpreting dinosaur bones that he is considered one of the leading paleontologists in the world.In 1978,he discovered the first nest of baby dinosaurs ever found.The nest was the first evidence that Dinosaurs cared for their young.(74)G Paleontologists got to know how dinosaurs laid their eggs and how they took care of their young.Paleontologists learned all sorts of things that people hadn't even guessed at before.
Horner says some people think his job very romantic and assume that he is a daring adventurer.(75)A"Getting the stuff out of the ground when it's snowing or blowing 40miles an hour can be miserable.Of course,it can get to be 110degrees with no shade too."But Horner also admits that he wouldn't be a dinosaur hunter if it were not exciting.
A.Actually,the job is mostly hard work.
B.Later,trained workers go to the"dig"site.
C.Dinosaur bones are usually buried in rock.
D.Or,to put it another way,he is a dinosaur hunter.
E.I construct the evidence the same way as a detective does.
F.He also takes a lot of notes and photographs to record what he has found.
G.Horner's discovery put paleontologists into a new area of understanding dinosaur behavior.
分析 本文是一篇科普类文章阅读.描述了一位古生物馆长荷马,他是一位恐龙搜寻者.通过研究恐龙的化石骨骼来了解他们的习性.荷马的工作也颇具浪漫,但也是异常辛苦.
71.D.本题考查前后句子的联系,根据开头When I'm walking around the field looking for things,和Horner is curator of paleontology 可知,后面进一步描述他确切的身份是一个恐龙搜寻者;故选D.
72.C.本题考查前后句子的联系,根据后面的句子To locate a good spot to hunt for them.Horner uses a geologic map可知,这句主要是讲解的恐龙骨的埋藏 地点;故选C.
73.B.本题考查前后句子的联系,前面提到 I walk I around in those areas looking for bones,后面又描述They dig out the bones using tools可知,寻找到骨头后自然会有人挖掘;故选B.
73.G.本题考查前后句子的联系,前面提到The nest was the first evidence that Dinosaurs cared for their young该巢穴提供了第一份恐龙会养育后代的证据.可知,接下来就开始荷马的发现的意义;故选G(荷马的发现引导古生物学家进入对恐龙行为理解的全新领域.).
75.A.本题考查前后句子的联系,通过后面一句Getting the stuff out of the ground when it's snowing or blowing 40miles an hour can be miserable.可知,这是描述他们工作的辛苦;故选A.
点评 解答此类阅读类文章,首先整体把握文章大意;其次分段理解段落主旨大意;然后根据整体大意结合选项判断衔接关系.每段第一句有时能起关键作用.