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科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南娄底市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Singles' Day ---- the Chinese opposite of Valentine’s Day has turned into a massive online shopping event. It is a day when single people are supposed to buy themselves presents. But there are sociological reasons behind China's “celebration” of single life. And the imbalance could have big consequences for the country.

There were 34 million more men than women in China in 2011. Part of that is natural – usually there are 105 boys born for every 100 girls. But the Chinese gender ratio (性别比例) at birth is much more obvious. It was 116 boys to 100 girls in 2012. The one child policy is largely to blame. Brought in to limit population expansion, the policy allows only one child per family. But because male children are seen as more valuable, as well as more likely to support their parents in old age, some parents choose to have a son over a daughter. The result is that large numbers of men will likely never get married. In fact, one study has predicted that by 2030, 1 in 5 Chinese men in their 30s will never have married, while another states that 94% of unmarried people in China are men.

Traditionally, China h as seen high levels of marriage, usually among the young. Besides, the increased education and career opportunities for women have meant that marriages are happening later. It is also traditional that women often marry men of a higher socioeconomic status than themselves. So women at the top and men at the bottom find themselves alone. One study has even suggested a link between an imbalanced gender ratio and growth in violent crime in the country.

Singles’ Day can’t solve all the problems China’s singles face. Indeed, it is possible that it is causing even more problems, as men resort to increasingly risky lines of work to increase their chances of gaining money and thus a wife. I am worried that as money starts to overcome romance, there is evidence that China ' s marriage market is increasingly materialistic.

1.In 2012, if 50 girls were born, how many boys were probably born?

A. 50. B. 52. C. 58. D. 60.

2.What made women in China get married late?

A. Their support of the government’s late marriage policy.

B. Their higher education level and more work chances.

C. That they expect to enjoy their single time when young.

D. That there are too many excellent young men to choose from.

3.What’s the writer’s attitude to the imbalance gender ratio in China?

A. Optimistic B. Concerned

C. Indifferent D. Unknown

4.We can learn from the passage that .

A. Singles' Day is celebrated all over the world.

B. by 2030, 1 in 5 Chinese women in their 30s will be out of marriage.

C. an imbalanced gender ratio is related to the growth in violent crime.

D. Singles' Day will solve all the problems China’s singles face.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆石河子市高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Elvis Presley,who was one of the most popular American singers of the twentieth century, made the Rock & Roll music popular around the world. He sold millions of records and made many successful films, and he helped change the direction of popular music in the 1960s.

Elvis Presley was born in a poor family in 1935. His parents were simple country people who often took him to church, where he learned to sing and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church as a child.

When he was a teenager, Elvis moved from Tupelos to Memphis in Tennessee, where he attended high school, but he was not a good student. His only real interest was singing. He began to sing in the style that is called “country and western”.

In 1955 he recorded some songs for his mother's birthday. The people at the recording studio liked his singing and his music. There was something different about it. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like the music, which black people used to sing in the American South, music known as “blues”.

Shortly after that, Elvis met Tom Parker, who became his manager and arranged(安排)concerts for him across the United States and new recordings as well. Soon Elvis rose to fame all over the country. Later, Elvis went to Hollywood and began to appear in films like Love Me Tender and King Creole.

But Elvis found it hard to live with success, like many other entertainment personalities (娱乐圈内的人士) .He began to take drugs and his health began to suffer. When he died at an early age of 42 in 1977, his many millions of fans were shocked. “The King Is Dead!” the newspaper said. But today his memory and his music live on and he will always be remembered as the King of Rock & Roll.

1.Judging from the passage, we may conclude____ .

A. Elvis forgot his church music at a later age

B. his church songs helped his development in his singing

C. Elvis didn't get any help from his parents in singing

D. his church songs didn't help develop his own style

2.What was Elvis’s style of singing like most probably?

A. Only country and western.

B. Only country and blue.

C. Both western and country.

D. Not only country and western but also a bit “blues”.

3.What was the main reason for death ?

A. A car accident B. Killing by others

C. Taking drugs D. Heart attract


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修4第4单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


A couple had been married for over 60 years. They shared everything, talked about everything and kept no secrets 1. each other except that the woman had a box in a drawer 2. she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

He'd never thought about it ever since. One day 3. woman got very sick and the doctor said she wouldn't recover. To sort out their affairs, the husband took down the box and 4. (bring) it to his wife's bedside. She agreed it was time that he should know 5. was in the box.

6.(open) it, he found two small table mats and a sum of money totaling $25,000. He asked her about the contents, "When we were to be married," she said, "my grandma told me the secret of happy 7. (marry) was never to argue, and I should just keep quiet and make a mat 8. I got angry with you."

The man was so 9.(move) that he had to fight back tears. She had only been angry with him twice in all those years of living and loving! "Honey", he said, "that explains the mats, but what about the money? Where did it come from?"

"Oh", she said, "that's the money I made from selling 10.."


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修4第4单元检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, others, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.

Any society which is interested in equality of opportunity and standards of achievement must regularly test its pupils. The standards may be changed—no examination is perfect—but to have tests or examinations would mean the end of equality and of standards. There are groups of people who oppose this view and who do not believe either in examinations or in any controls in school or on teachers. This would mean that everything would depend on luck since every pupil would depend on the efficiency, the values and the purpose of each teacher.

Without examinations, employers will look for employees from the highly respected schools and from families known to them -a form of favoritism will replace equality. At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school. This defending of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation(声誉), unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored school.

The opponents of the examination system suggest that examinations are an evil force because they show differences between pupils. According to these people, there must be no special, different, academic class. They have even suggested that there should be no form of difference in sport or any other area all jobs or posts should be filled by unsystematic selection. The selection would be made by people who themselves are probably selected by some computers.

1.The word “favoritism” is used to describe the phenomenon that _____.

A. children from well-respected schools tend to have good jobs

B. bright children also need certificates go get satisfying jobs.

C. poor children with certificates are favored in job markets

D. children attending ordinary schools achieve great success

2.What would happen if exams were taken away according to the author?

A. Schools for bright children would lose their reputation.

B. There would be more opportunities and excellence.

C. Children’s job opportunity would be affected by their school reputation.

D. Children from poor families would be able to change their schools.

3.The opponents of the examination system will agree that _____.

A. computers should be selected to take over many jobs

B. jobs should not be assigned(分配)by systematic selection

C. special classes are necessary to keep the school standards

D. schools with academic subjects should be done away with


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修1第4单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom’s pay depends on ______ the factory.

A. he plays in what part B. he plays what part in

C. what part he plays in D. in what part he plays


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修1第3单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


The family had just moved to Rhode Island, and the young woman was feeling a little depressed on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother's Day — and 800 miles her from her parents in Ohio.

She had called them that morning, to wish her a happy Mother's Day and her mother had how colorful their backyard was spring had arrived. Later, she told her husband how she those lilacs in her parents' yard. "I know where we can find some," he said. "Get the and come on." So off they went.

Some time later, they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round. The young woman rushed up to the nearest and buried her face in the flowers. Carefully, she some.

Finally, they returned to their car for the home. The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her .

When they were near home, she shouted "stop," got off quickly and to a nearby nursing home. She went to the end of the porch(门廊), where a(n) patient was sitting in her wheelchair, and put the flowers into her lap. The two , bursting into laughter now and then. Later the young woman turned and ran back to her . As the car pulled away, the woman in the wheelchair with a smile, and held the lilacs .

"Mom," the kids asked, " did you give her our flowers?" "It is Mother's Day, and she seems so while I have all of you. And anyone would be by flowers."

This satisfied the kids, but not the husband. The next day he some young lilacs around their yard.

I was the husband. Now, every May, our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mother's Day our kids purple lilacs. And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman.

1.A. moved B. kept C. separated D. made

2.A. learned B. mentioned C. imagined D. realized

3.A. as if B. so that C. now that D. even if

4.A. grew B. missed C. watered D. showed

5.A. cars B. kids C. clothes D. lilacs

6.A. yard B. hill C. bush D. door

7.A. bought B. picked C. set D. raised

8.A. break B. holiday C. trip D. dinner

9.A. friends B. memory C. honor D. flowers

10.A. responded B. pointed C. drove D . hurried

11.A. elderly B. loving C. serious D. sensitive

12.A. hesitated B. waited C. chatted D. sat

13.A. family B. mot her C. path D. home

14.A. nodded B. left C. waved D. continued

15.A. sadly B. politely C. quickly D. tightly

16.A. why B. when C. how D. where

17.A. lonely B. confused C. alone D. patient

18.A. calmed B. persuaded C. disappointed D. cheered

19.A. arranged B. planted C. dried D. hid

20.A. find B. gather C. receive D. sell


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年海南海南中学高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive “there” you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your “there” vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing (追寻) after another “there”, you are never really appreciating what you already have right “here”. It is important for human beings to keep sober-minded(头脑清醒的) about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is developed by your dreams and aspirations (抱负). On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now.

To be grateful means you are thankful for what you have right now. Gratitude (感激) fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you try hard to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of “here”.

There are many ways to develop gratitude. Here are just a few suggestions you may wish to try:

◆ Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you had. This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it.

◆ Make a list each day of all that you are grateful for, so that you can stay conscious (有意识的) daily of your blessings. Do this especially when you are feeling as though you have nothing to feel grateful for. Or spend a few minutes before you go to sleep giving thanks for all that you have.

◆ Spend time offering assistance (帮助) to those who are less fortunate than you, so that you may gain a new perspective (观点).

What really matters is that you create a space in your consciousness for appreciation for all that you have right now, so that you may live more happily in your present moment.

1.According to the first paragraph we know ___________.

A. many people feel satisfied with what they have right now

B. aspirations can pull a person farther from his present life

C. none can be sober-minded about his dreams and aspirations

D. we should be busy with chasing one after another “there”

2.Gratitude can NOT ____________.

A. fill your heart with happy feelings

B. allow you to fully appreciate your “here”

C. make people experience the wonder of “here”

D. drive people to give up their future

3.If we want to develop gratitude, we should better NOT____________.

A. check out what we lose everyday

B. give thanks for all that we have before sleeping

C. help others who are less fortunate than us

D. make a list each day of all that we should thank for


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




As is well-known that birds are our friends. But the large number of birds have been killed for food. The other day I was walking in the woods while a shot was heard. Hearing the shot, the bird in the trees flew to all directions. A bird was badly injured and looked sadly. Finding the bird injured, so I decided to take it home. At home I take good care of it. When it recovered, I returned itself to the woods .I hope something should be done to prevent birds from killed.

