精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

—Hi.Tommy.Are you busy now?

—_____.I have done my work, and I’m going out for shopping.

    A.Don't mention it           B.Nothing serious

    C.Not really               D.Never mind


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 外语教学与研究出版社 题型:014

-Hi, Tommy, got a minute?

-________, what’s on your mind?

[  ]

A.Sure, come in

B.No, I’m sorry

C.Of course not, help yourself

D.Yes, it’s one clock sharp


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习考前冲刺英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—HiTommy.Are you busy now?

—________.I have done my workand I’m going out for shopping.

ADon’t mention it? BNothing serious

CNot really? DNever mind



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Hi.Tommy, got a minute?

—________ , what's on your mind?

A.Sure, come in                                     B.No, I'm sorry

C.Of course not, help yourself               D.Yes, it's one clock sharp


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One night I was sitting in my room half – listening as my 15 year – old brother fought with my 12 year – old brother Kevin.I didn’t pay attention when Kevin rushed up the stairs with the hurt on his face.

About 20 minutes later, as I was walking upstairs I heard Kevin crying inside the bathroom.I knocked on the door and asked, “Hi, Kevin, do you want to talk?”

No response(无应答).I tried again, “Why don’t you come out of there?”

Again, no response.

So, joking around, I grabbed a stack of index cards and a pencil and wrote, “If you don’t want to talk, we can write notes to each other.”

An hour later I was still sitting on the floor outside the bathroom with two stacks of index cards in front of me.One was blank and one was cars from Kevin on which he had translated all his yucky feelings into words for me.As I read one of Kevin’s notes, tears came to my eyes.It said, “Nobody in this family cares about me.I’m not the youngest, and I’m not the oldest, and I’m not talented.Tommy thinks I’m stupid and Dad wishes he had the other Kevin as a kid because he’s better at basketball.And you’re never around to even notice me.”

Tears came to my eyes again as I wrote back to him.“You know Kevin, I really do love you and I’m sorry I don’t always show it.I am here for you and you are loved in this family.”

There was no response for a while, but then I heard a tearing sound coming from inside the bathroom.Kevin, who had run out of index cards wrote on a torn – up paper cup, “Thanks.”

I wrote back “For what?” It returned to me with “Loving me” written on it.Since then, I try my best never to half – notice my family members anymore.Kevin and I have closer relationship now, and sometimes when one of us notices that the other is upset we’ll smile and say “Write it on a paper cup.”

60.Why did Kevin stay inside the bathroom alone crying?

A.Because he lost in the fight with Tommy. B.Because the author didn’t help him win Tommy.

C.Because he felt no love from the family members.

D.Because he hurt him when rushing up the stairs.

61.The underlined word “yucky” (Para.6) most probably means “           ”.

A.unpleasant              B.exciting    C.doubtful   D.frightening

62.What could be the reason that Kevin’s Dad doesn’t like him?

A.Kevin likes fighting with others.   B.Kevin is not good at playing basketball.

C.Kevin doesn’t want to talk to others. D.Kevin is not talented as his brother.

63.What did the author learn from the incident?

A.It’s hard to comfort young brothers at home.

B.It’s dangerous to half – notice someone in the family.

C.It’s important for family members to show their love.

D.The best way to communicate with family members is by writing.

