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76. He r ____________ (极少) catches a cold as he takes regular exercise.

77. The old couple are waiting a ______________ (不安地) for their lost daughter to come back home.

78. His theory was so c_______________ (复杂) that few people could understand it.

79. An art movement refers to a style of painting a_____________ (采纳) by a group of artists..

80. When we laugh with one another, a positive c______________ (联系) is created.

81. I r_______________ (听出) her voice the moment I picked up the phone, though we hadn’t seen each other for many years.

82. The patient is under medical t______________ (治疗) in hospital.

83. She is very t ______________ (传统) inside though she looks modern and fashionable.

84. The whole family have a t ____________ (天赋) for music. It’s just in their blood.

85. Many teens at present are crazy about fantasy stories as they are very e _______________ (娱乐有趣的). 

76. rarely        77. anxiously         78. complex          79. adopted   

80. connection       81. recognized       82. treatment         83. traditional

84. talent        85. entertaining


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州市八县(市)2009-2010学年度高一下学期期末联考试题(英语) 题型:填空题

76. She had difficulty ___(发表) a speech before a large audience.
77. Tony got praise from his teacher  today, for he usually               (表现) himself at school.
78.They are all a________ workers who will be awarded for their hard work.
79.Free medical treatment kept him alive t      another year.
80.So far,since our research has not produced any answer to this problem,we need to
use a different a      to it.
81.Only when Jim made a call to say they'd already arrived safely did I feel at      (放松).
82.The earthquake left thousands of people h____.
83.The jacket was r ____ from 100 dollars to 75 dollars.
84.We must not rely on imports but on ___(出口产品).
85.V ____  goods are on show at Christmas in western countries.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省09-10学年度高一下学期3月月考英语 题型:单词拼写

第四部分: 写作


76. Do you know that a worker ant has two _________(胃)in his body?

77. On Peace Day, no fighting or c________ are allowed. People learn and talk about peace.

78. Young people usually have more e______ than the old, so they can work longer.

79. If I had your ______(脑筋), I could do better in my exams.

80. When a soldier meets an officer, the soldier often s______ him.

81. The fridge does not f________ very well; you’d better get it repaired.

82.When the crops are r_____, they are ready to be harvested.

83. O______ vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals.

84. It was a great h_____ to be asked to speak at the conference.

85. Children are taught to believe in the _____(原则) of equal opportunity for everyone.



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省2009---2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写



第一节:单词拼写 (每小题0.5分,满分3分)

72. Many children s_________ to death every year in Africa because of the lack of food.

73. Without the teacher's p__________, you cannot play with the computer in our class. 

74. Wu must keep the b_________ of nature.

75. We don’t have the p_________ to hear such an empty talk.

76. Don't be r________ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.

77. As is known to all, smoking is h_________ to our health. 



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省八县(市高一下学期期末联考英语卷 题型:单词拼写


76. She had difficulty ___(发表) a speech before a large audience.

77. Tony got praise from his teacher  today, for he usually            (表现) himself at school.

78.They are all a________ workers who will be awarded for their hard work.

79.Free medical treatment kept him alive t      another year.

80.So far,since our research has not produced any answer to this problem,we need to

use a different a      to it.

81.Only when Jim made a call to say they'd already arrived safely did I feel at      (放松).

82.The earthquake left thousands of people h____.

83.The jacket was r ____ from 100 dollars to 75 dollars.

84.We must not rely on imports but on ___(出口产品).

85.V ____  goods are on show at Christmas in western countries.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


76. If you eat it twice a day, the medicine will c___________ you of your disease.

77. He is a success as a manager, because he h____________ everything of the company very well.

78. He asked me to lend him more money, but I r_______________ his request.

79. Though he is young, he is s_____ to support a large family.

80. As is known to all, when heated, things will e______ .

81. It seems that he is quite c_____ with what he has got.

82. Whoever comes, my mother will e_____ him the best food of our family.

83. Some deaf people make themselves understood by g_____.

84. He w_____ to me the news that he had won a thousand yuan from the lottery he bought.

85. It’s hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite p____ about the things she buys.

