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We took a rare family road trip to the Adirondacks in late August,and it was as refreshing and exhausting as family vacations tend to be.Toward the end of our long drive home, even the kids were leaning forward in their seats urging my lead foot on.At that point in a road trip,even sixty-five miles per hour feels slow. We have become numb to our speed and numb to the road signs flashing by.

My family lives on the edge of Lancaster County. Only thirty miles from home,I hit the brakes,and we began to roll,slowly,behind a horse-drawn carriage. We began to open our eyes again.We saw familiar green hills and the farm with the best watermelons. I rolled down the windows, and we breathed again.Just-cut hay and a barn full of dairy cattle.

At five miles per hour,you remember what you forget at sixty-five.You are thinking about a place,even when you are moving from place to place.

I am a placemaker. A homemaker, too. I am a mother of a young kid at home,and also a writer and a gardener.But,for me,those roles are wrapped up with the one big thing I want to do with the rest of my life:I want to cultivate a place and share it with others.

The place I make with my family is a red-brick farmhouse built in l880. It has quite a few nineteenth-century bedrooms and a few acres of land,and we love nothing more than to fill them with neighbors and friends. We grow vegetables and flowers,keep a baker’s dozen of egg—laying chickens,and,since we moved in three years ago,we have planted many,many trees.

Living with my life’s purpose does not allow for much travel. I need to be here,feeding the chickens and watering the tomatoes. Any extra in the budget,and we spend it on trees.

But I learned something at the end of our family road trip.Travel can help me in the task of caring for my own place.When I slow down and pay attention to the road between here and there,travel tells me the connections between my place and all the other places.

1. What does the author try to express in the first paragraph?

A.The tiredness of her past family life.

B.Her disappointment at the family road trip.

C.The family’s eagerness to return home.

D.Kids’excitement at driving fast on the road.

2.Why did the author slow her car some miles from her home?

A.Because she made a way for a horse-drawn carriage.

B.Because she enjoyed the scenery along the road.

C.Because she needed a break after the long drive.

D.Because she wanted to get rid of a fast-paced life.

3.The underlined word“placemaker’’in the 4th paragraph refers to someone who .

A.devotes most of his energy and time to building his house

B.is ready to help anyone in need in the community

C.makes a creative design for others’ houses

D.is good at cultivating a place and sharing it with others

4. What can be the best title of the passage?

A.On the Way Home B.Never Travel again

C.Escape from a Family Life D.Life on the Farm


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏丹阳高中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– Where are my new sneakers? Have you seen them?

-- How __________ I know? I’m your sister, not your servant.

A. shall B. should C. will D. might


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津河东区高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—He is good at a lot of things but it doesn’t mean he is perfect.

— ___________ Actually no one is.

A. What’s going on?B. Let’s get going.

C. Thank goodness.D. I’m with you on that.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三第一套原创猜题(新课标I)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How to Deal With Losing in Sports

Winning and losing go hand-in-hand when it comes to sports. Great athletes never let the highs get too high,

or the lows get too low. The result of a match is uncertain. The only thing that is certain is the competition itself.

1. The result is just the result of all the hard work put in.

Congratulate your opponent (对手) after a loss. Respect your opponent because he put in as much work, or more than you. This shows respect for the opponent and respect for the contest.

Accept the fact that the loss is no one's fault. This is harder to do in an individual sport , but absolutely impor-tant in a team sport. 2. Don't get down on yourself. If competing in an individual sport , accept that losing is apart of competing and move on.

Examine why you lose the competition. Ask yourself if you did everything possible to prepare for the competition. Ask yourself if you gave it all during the competition. 3. This is crucial if competing in an individual sport. If competing in a team sport,recognize that everyone isn't perfect and examine the loss from the team opinion.

4. Practice more, and practice better. Correct whatever mistakes made during the match. Get bigger,

stronger, faster, smarter and do whatever it takes.

Seek out the support and encouragement of teammates and coaches. Don't allow yourself to think negatively.Avoid negative people. 5.__

Never accuse a competitor of cheating, even if it were true. Again, this will make you seem as if you are looking for excuses.

A. Don't put blame to anyone.

B. Work harder to get better.

C. Train hard to achieve your aim.

D. Winning is No. I for great athletes.

E. Great athletes love the competition.

F. Stay positive and trust your work value.

G. Analyze any mistakes you might have made.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃河西五市高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Shanxi noodles: A matter worth being proud of

A commonly used greeting in China is the question, "Have you eaten?" It indicates the ____1._____(important) of food in China. The Chinese are ____2.____ (extreme) proud of their cuisine(烹饪).For example, Shanxi takes full advantage. It is famous for its noodles _____3._____ (make) of wheat. It has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years in making wheat-flour noodles.

Every kind of noodle imaginable can be found in Shanxi. Even Marco Polo ____4._____ (inspire) by the making of the Shanxi noodles, which led him to take the recipes back to Italy and Europe. ____5._____ most popular Shanxi noodle is the daoxiaomian. This noodle is shaved from a giant block of dough(面团) hoisted over the chef's shoulder. The noodles are shaved off directly into boiling water. There is a phrase __6.____describes the noodle-making process: "One noodle in the _____7.____ (boil) water, one flying in the air, and one just being cut".

The noodles are usually served in a small bowl, mixed ____8._____fresh vegetables. As a special refinement,you can put some Shanxi vinegar on top. The extra aged vinegar is a typical product of the region as well.

One can find handmade noodles all over China today, _____9.___Shanxi province is special. It's ___10._____ the art of noodle-making reached its top.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆万州第二高级中学高一3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so serious that she nearly died. She _________ but the fever left its mark—she could no longer see and _________ . Because she could not hear, she also found it very _________o speak.

So how did this child, blinded and deafened at 19 months old, grow up to _________ a world- famous author and public speaker?

The fever cut her _________ from the outside world, depriving(剥夺)her of sight and sound. It was _________ she had been thrown into a dark prison room from which there could be no _________

Luckily Helen was not someone who _________ easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other _________. She followed her mother wherever she went, _________ onto her skirts. She touched and smelled everything she came across. She _________ their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the _________ or kneading dough(揉面).She even learnt to___________people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also _________where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the _________ of the ground under her feet.

By the age of 7 she had invented over 60 different _________ by which she could talk to her family. If she wanted bread for example, she would pretend to_________a loaf and butter into slices. If she wanted ice cream, she _________her arms around herself and pretended to shake.

Helen was unusual in that she was extremely _________and also very sensitive. By her own _________she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.

1.A.escaped B. succeeded C. finished D. survived

2.A.cry B. sleep C. hear D. read

3.A.difficult B. impossible C. able D. usual

4.A.explain B. become C. manage D. choose

5.A.down B. off C. in D. up

6.A.even if B. not only C. so that D. as if

7.A.increase B. release C. punishment D. praise

8.A.gave out B. picked up C. gave up D. turned up

9.A.senses B. plans C. projects D. dreams

10.A.falling B. hanging C. stepping D. rushing

11.A.copied B. stole C. expressed D. figured

12.A. chickens B. children C. cows D. birds

13.A.ask B. find C. lead D. recognize

14.A.remember B. tell C. forget D. improve

15.A. feel B. knowledge C. opinion D. sight

16.A. signals B. signs C. notes D. topics

17.A. order B. cook C. cut D. throw

18.A. reached B. packed C. dropped D. opened

19.A.generous B. kind C. intelligent D. honest

20.A.lives B. relationships C. effects D.efforts


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江杭州七校高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Bush says he a______ great importance to U.S.-China ties.

2.He thought I had known the fact. But a__________, I knew nothing about it.

3.All the classmates burst into l__________ when David acted out the episode.(插曲)

4.After the terrible hurricane, a great number of houses were d________ entirely.

5.Do you have a d________ friend who never betrays (背叛) you?

6.It's o_________ that you need more time to think.

7.More than 3,000 local workers are e__________ in the tourism industry.

8.To my r________, I have passed the driving test at the first attempt.

9.Mary w________ when she heard the news of her father’s death.

10.He entered the room without p__________.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届海南海口湖南师大附中海口中学高三第四次模拟考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 提供单独的房间

2. 房子的地点

3. 免费提供生活用品(洗衣机等)

4. 每月房租


参考词汇:住宿家庭 host family

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am going to study in the UK next summer.







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Waiter! Is the table by the window available?

—I’m sorry, sir. But that table has been ____.

A. broken B. sold C. reserved D. repaired

