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She demanded that he _____ the books he borrowed from her.

A.should return      B.would return       C.returned          D.were to return







点评:本题考查了demand后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气should+动词原形;should可以省略。要注意一些动词如advise, request,demand等后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气的用法。



科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省铜陵三中2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

The home service industry in Beijing is expected to become more attractive both as a job and as an industry.
Sources at the Beijing People’s Political Consultative Conference said resistance to home service work is melting away from minds of the city’s laid-off workers. The Conference suggested the establishment of municipal (市政的) centers which supervise (监督) property management, household mending and installation, and house keeping services. Modern city life is creating a need for industrialization home services. This will create job opportunities for laid-off workers, said vice director of the Social Judicial Committee of the Conference.
Beijing residents have long desired a home service industry. The demand is expected to drive new economic growth. There are few high quality home help services in Beijing and customers are always complaining.
In the past, few laid-off workers in Beijing desired to work as home helpers, jobs largely taken by young women from the countryside. At the same time, some city residents have not felt safe trusting rural girls with modern household machines or with their small children. Many people would pay more for reliable house keepers who are more familiar with city life, but they have had no way of getting one, even though the city is home to thousands of laid-off workers.
By the end of June this year, there were 30,600 jobless workers in the city. Most of them are women in their 40’s, who are not blessed with particular skills and who have had their work ethics (准则) shaped by the planned economy. Many of them were at a loss when they first realized they had lost their jobs and a way of life they had got used to for decades. They never imagined being laid off by state owned enterprises; they never considered other kinds of employment. For them, the private sector (部门) meant taking risks; house-keeping implied lower social status. Gao Yunfang, 44, is a pioneer who is breaking the ice. She sells the Beijing Morning Post in the morning, and works at two households in the afternoon. She earns 1,000 yuan per month. So she no longer worries about her daughter’s tuition at a university in Shanghai.
1. What is talked about in the passage?
A. Home service.          B. Modern city life.              C. Laid-off workers.      D. Social status.
2. What does the word “ laid-off” in the passage mean?
A. Heavily-burdened.    B. Old                          C. Inexperienced.          D. Jobless.
3.    Why didn’t the laid-off workers like to do home services in the past?
A. Low salary.                                                        B. Lower social status.  
C. Dirty working condition.                              D. Too much extra work.
4.    Why were many laid-off workers at a loss?
A. Because they didn’t get used to the new way of life.     
B. Because they are too old to find a new job.
C. Because they dislike being laid off. 
D. Because they think they lost their social status.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年四川省乐山一中高一上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In today’s Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people tend to the virtual world, expecting a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions 迷。
This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the world’s highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players and related problems. In 2002, a young man collapsed(突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet café. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole US $ 16,000 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession(着迷) with an online game. Such problems, however, don’t just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well.
What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr. SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of at-risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive 难控制的to play online games that they could sacrifice things such as school or family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit限制 their online game playing.
How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the potential number of problem online gamers is alarming. In 2004, the China daily reported that China had 13.8 million online game players. Furthermore, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese young people.
Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you don’t control it, it can get control of you.
【小题1】What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A.The disadvantages of the Internet.
B.The online game problems in Asia.
C.The popularity of online games worldwide.
D.The cause of online game addiction.
【小题2】The underlined word “diversion” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
【小题3】According to Paragraph 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The young killer’s sister was killed in a fictional 科幻 world
B.Online game playing is responsible for the young man’s death.
C.People in South Korea have access to the Internet most easily.
D.The teenage boy stole money because of his playing games online.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Most people in Asia have developed an addiction to online games.
B.Online game addictions cause many life-and-death arguments in South Korea.
C.Lonely and unsociable people seem to more easily develop Internet addictions.
D.In the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 million Chinese visiting the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省朝阳县柳城高级中学高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In the current economic downturn, many American schools are adding a new subject to the curriculum(课程); financial literacy. One program in Virginia even gets students out of the classroom for a day to learn how far their money will go in the real world.
What looks like a shopping mall is actually an educational field trip experience for a group of young people. Finance Park is a special facility where students apply what they have been taught in class about money management.
“They become, essentially, adults for the day,” says Alice Reilly, social studies coordinator for Fairfax County Public Schools. “They are asked to develop a budget for 18 line items that you and I might have in our budget; things like utilities, insurance, groceries, housing.”
Each budget item is represented by a storefront where students collect an option sheet. Students must refer to a card that shows their income and their family size, when they choose what to buy. There’s also a stock ticker so students can keep track of shares in their portfolios(投资组合).
The facility opened last year in Fairfax, Virginia. It is the fifteenth Finance Park built in the last decade by Junior Achievement USA, a non-profit organization dedicated to preparing young people for financial success.
“Since the financial crisis, the demand for Finance Parks around the country has grown exponentially," says Ed Grenier, president of the Washington, DC chapter. "We have a number under way in the planning and building stages.”
Financial literacy has only recently become part of the regular curriculum in Fairfax County.“Some students, some teachers, some schools did it, but now it is much more systematic," Reilly says, "and it is much more consistent to ensure that all students get this background information.”
That is why every eighth grade student in Fairfax County will eventually spend a day here.Thirteen-year-old Sam says she has learned an important life lesson. “I didn’t know how expensive everything would be.”
Anthony, also 13, is looking forward to telling his parents what he learned. “I’ll probably tell them I want to stay a kid a little longer and take my time to become an adult.”
This isn’t the end of financial studies for Anthony and the other students here. Virginia is one of 13 states which requires students to take a financial education in high school in order to graduate.
【小题1】What is the aim of this Finance Park?
A . To raise enough money for the secondary schools in Virginia.        
B. To enable students to apply money management knowledge to   practice.        
C. To provide students in Virginia with special chances for Advanced Placement.         
D. To direct students in Washington,D.C. to learn more about money management.
【小题2】Who is expected to spend a whole day in the Finance Park?
A .Young people all over Virginia.        
B. Junior students in Washington,D.C.       
C. Eighth graders in Fairfax County.      
D. Eighth graders' parents in Virginia.
【小题3】What can we learn from this passage?
A . Extra curriculum is necessary in secondary schools.       
B. Fairfax County Public Schools set a good example.
C. An organization helps youth in U.S. for financial success.        
D. Financial Literacy is very popular in Washington,D.C.
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that _________________.
A . Alice Reilly developed a budget for 18 items in the Finance Park.       
B. ED Grenier was against building more finance parks in U.S.A.        
C. Sam did quite well in  managing his budge in the Finance Park.        
D. Anthony came to know that adult life wasn't as good as expected.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山西省太原五中高一3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. For some industrial scientists, however, the attractions of academia (学术界) outweigh any financial considerations.
  Helen Lee took a 70% cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions. Some areas of inquiry have few prospects(前景) of a commercial return, and Lee’s is one of them.
  The impact of a salary cut is probably less serious for a scientist in the early stages of a career. Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical (制药的) company before returning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual(智力的) opportunities.
  Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition (转换) to academia more attractive, according to Lee. Industrial scientists tend to receive training that academics do not, such as how to build a multidisciplinary(包括各种学科的) team, manage budgets and negotiate(谈判) contracts. They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate, says Lee, perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development. “Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an academic career. So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work in an industrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.”
【小题1】By “a one-way street” in the first paragraph, the author means ________.

A.university researchers know little about the commercial world
B.there is little exchange between industry and academia
C.few industrial scientists would quit to work in a university
D.few university professors are willing to do industrial research
【小题2】The word “deterrent” most probably refers to something that _____.
A.keeps someone from taking action
B.helps to move the traffic
C.attracts people’s attention
D.brings someone a financial burden
【小题3】What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?
A.Flexible work hours.
B.Her research interests.
C.Her preference for the lifestyle on campus.
D.Prospects of academic accomplishments.
【小题4】Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________.
A.do financially more rewarding work
B.raise his status in the academic world
C.enrich his experience in medical research
D.have better intellectual opportunities
【小题5】What contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?
A.Increase its graduates’ competitiveness in the job market
B.Develop its students’ potential in research.
C.Help it to obtain financial support from industry.
D.Adapt its research to practical applications.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省苏南四高三12月月考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today is National Bike-to-Work Day. And on New York City’s jammed streets, people are cycling on hundreds of miles of new bike lanes. But New York’s widespread efforts to make streets safer for bikes have also left some locals complaining about the loss of parking spots and lanes for cars.

When the weather is good, Aaron Naparstek likes to pedal(用踏板踩)his two young kids to school on a special Dutch-made bicycle. Naparstek supports the new lane.

Aaron: The bike lane on Prospect Park West is really introducing a lot of new people to the idea that it’s possible to use a bike in New York City for transportation or to travel around. This is what 21st century New York City looks like.

Prospect Park West is still a one-way road, but where it used to have three lanes of car traffic, now it has two, plus a protected bike lane. Supporters say that makes the road safer for everyone, including pedestrians, by slowing down cars and taking bikes off the sidewalk. But some longtime residents disagree. Lois Carswell is president of a group called Seniors for Safety. She says the two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents who are used to one-way traffic.

Lois: We wanted a lane — the right kind of lane that would keep everybody safe, that would keep the bikers safe. But we want it to be done the right way. And it has not been done the right way.

Craig Palmer builds bars and restaurants in Manhattan. I was interviewing him for a different story when he brought up the bike lanes all on his own.

Craig: I think the biggest problem is that Bloomberg put all these bike lanes in. You took what used to be a full street and you’re shrinking it.

Then there are the Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who forced the city to remove a bike lane through their neighborhood. But polls show that the majority of New Yorkers support bike lanes by a margin of 56% to 39%. Bicycle advocate Caroline Samponaro of Transportation Alternatives calls that a mandate.

Caroline: If this was an election, we would have already had our victory. The public has spoken and they keep speaking. And I think, more importantly, the public is starting to vote with their pedals.

1.What does Aaron mean by saying “This is what 21st century New York City looks like.”? 

A.There are hundreds of miles of new bike lanes in 21 st century New York City.

B.Drivers slow down their cars and bikes are taken off the sidewalk in New York.

C.Bikes are used as a means of transport in 21 st century New York City.

D.It’s possible to make the streets safe for pedestrians in New York.

2.According to the passage, which of the following CANNOT support the opponents of these new bike lanes?   

A.Drivers lose parking spots and lanes for cars.

B.The two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents.

C.We took what used to be a full street so the road is broader than before.

D.The removal of one bike lane through a neighbourhood in Brooklyn was not supported by the majority of New Yorkers.

3.“A mandate” in Paragraph 8 was referred to a demand or command from ______.

A.the authority       B.the public         C.the supporters      D.the government

4.What of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Ride on National Bike-to-Work Day          B.A New Bike Lane Appears in New York

C.A Bike Lane Divides New Yorkers            D.Who Wins an Election


