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 During _______ trip to Yunnan, Premier Wen Jiabao stressed ______importance of water conservation projects and promised more government support.

A. the ;the   B. the;不填   C. a;不填   D. a ; the



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Listening to your heart

Do you ever wish you had a road map for living? If only someone could    1    show us a way to go, a direction to take, we wouldn’t feel so    2    of which path to pursue. We think that, with only a little    3    , we’ll surely end up in the right place.

    4     on a regular flight from Detroit to Tri-City Airport must have felt a little more than    5     during the flight attendant’s greeting as their flight started. She     6     the passengers and stated that the destination would be Midland. A few concerned passengers    7    her, so the flight attendant, obviously not familiar with the area,     8     herself by saying that they would be     9      in “Tri-City” and Bay City.

Chuckles rippled along the aisle as she    10     tried again. This time she informed passengers that the destination would be Saginaw. Now    11    broke out.

At that point, an authoritative voice came over the intercom (对讲机) and    12     her. “I’m your pilot, folks,” he said. “Don’t    13   — I know where we’re going.”

It’s nice when someone knows the     14    . And there is wisdom in seeking help when necessary. Other people can be valuable.    15     we cannot always depend on others for the    16    answers for living our lives. In the end, nobody can point us to all the best    17    for life’s problems; nobody else can    18    us to the path that is just right for us. We find that way ourselves. We find the way by    19    . Listening to our hearts — for the direction we need is almost always there, deep within.

So if you feel a bit lost, don’t worry. This may be a    20    time to listen. And remember — your pilot knows where you’re going.

1. A. irregularly          B. occasionally        C. practically         D. basically

2. A. proud              B. tired              C. unsure            D. ashamed

3. A. guidance        B. encouragement      C. comfort           D. determination

4. A. Customers          B. Pilots             C. Attendants         D. Passengers

5. A. happy              B. lost               C. nervous           D. excited

6. A. thanked            B. examined           C. welcomed         D. entertained

7. A. reminded           B. informed           C. warned           D. threatened

8. A. relaxed             B. behaved            C. enjoyed          D. corrected

9. A. stopping            B. landing             C. flying           D. traveling

10. A. shyly              B. impatiently          C. bravely          D. actively

11. A. protest             B. complaint           C. argument         D. laughter

12. A. rescued            B. blamed             C. praised           D. defended

13. A. fight              B. worry               C. quarrel           D. concern

13. A. flight              B. skill                C. way              D. problem

15. A. So                  B. And                 C. Besides          D. But

16. A. immediate          B. important           C. simple           D. short

17. A. solutions           B. reasons             C. explanations       D. accounts

18. A. direct              B. force              C. forbid            D. tempt

19. A. speaking           B. following           C. listening          D. asking

20. A. hard               B. spare              C. necessary         D. perfect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

During the mid­1960s,Vinh Linh,Quang Tri in Vietnam was a wasteland,which was often under attack from the US air force.Vietnamese soldiers who were fighting against the US discussed how to make people there safe.Some suggested moving the people underground.Then they began to build a tunnel (隧道).

The Vinh Moc tunnel was built for the people of Son Trung and Son Ha in Vinh Linh county of Quang Tri Province.It was built in several stages,beginning in 1966 and was in use until 1971.It grew to include wells,kitchens,rooms for each family and hospitals.Around 60 families lived in the tunnel.

Deep under the ground,hidden from soldiers,people lived in the tunnel for many years.They survived.The tunnel was a success and no villagers lost their lives thanks to it.

During that time,17 children were born in the tunnel,each of whose lives was a proof that the tunnel was effective in protecting the villagers.As time goes by,it has become both a historical site and a tourist attraction for people wishing to learn about a heroic period in Vietnam’s history.

The total length of the tunnel network is nearly 2 km,and has three floors.It was built over two years.The two sides have small houses every 3m.The tunnel center has a 150­seat hall,a hospital and maternity rooms (产房).It is linked to the sea by seven exits,which also function as ventilators (通风设备),and to a nearby hill by another six.

60.What does the Vinh Moc tunnel have according to the passage?

A.Kitchens,hospitals and a hall.

B.Wells,windows and kindergartens.

C.Kitchens,kindergartens and hospitals.

D.A hall,maternity rooms and schools.

61.The villagers living in the tunnels were________during those years.

A.awful                    B.safe 

C.poor                     D.generous

62.According to the passage,the Vinh Moc Tunnel________.

A.is nearly 2km in length with bad ventilation

B.had been built for 7 years before it came into use

C.is a place that shows the bravery of the local people

D.was first built as a base for the Vietnamese army

63.What is the best title for the passage?

A.How to protect the Vinh Moc tunnel.

B.A painful memory of the Vietnam War.

C.The wisdom and bravery of the Vietnamese.

D.The Vinh Moc tunnel—a famous historical relic in Vietnam.


