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Photographs are everywhere. They decorate (装饰) the walls of homes and are used in stores for sales of different goods. The news is filled with pictures of fires, floods, and special events. Photos record the beauties of nature. They can also bring things close that are far away. Through photos, people can see wild animals, cities in foreign lands, and even the stars in outer space. Photos also tell stories.

Reporting the news through photos is called photojournalism. At times photojournalists tell their stories through a single picture. At other times, they use a group of pictures to tell a story. Each picture is like a chapter in a book, which can do more than record the facts. It can also be a strong force for social change.

Jacob Riis was among the first photojournalists. He took pictures of parts of New York City where the poor lived. Riis believed that poverty(贫穷) caused crime, and he used photos to help him prove his point. A few years later, the photos of small children working in factories by Lewis Hine shocked the public. Hine’s pictures helped bring about laws to protect such children.

Hundreds of pictures may have to be taken in order to get one or two really good photos. It takes science to have the photo come out clearly and art to make a photo that has a good design and expresses feeling. Photojournalists make an actual record of what they see. A photo, however, can be both a work of art and an actual record. It can record an important event as a beautiful or exciting picture.

As historical and artistic documents(文献) , photos can become more important over time. Today photojournalists still have their pictures appear in newspapers and magazines. They also publish(发表) them in books and on the Internet.

1. The underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refers to .

A. beauties B. photos C. goods D. events

2. The photos of the small children by Hine show us that photos .

A. are also works of art

B. are popular ways of reporting news

C. often shock the public

D. can serve as a force for social change

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. News with pictures is encouraging.

B. Photos help people improve.

C. News photos mean history in a sense.

D. People prefer reading news with pictures.

4. The text is mainly about .

A. telling the story through pictures

B. decorating the walls of homes

C. publishing historical papers

D. expressing feeling through pictures


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽省宣城市三校高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

We middle school students have had many exams. We have both achieved success and suffered by failure. Different students take different attitudes towards failure.

Some fall in low spirits when they don’t do well in exams. They usually lost heart and no longer study as harder as before. And most students take an active attitude. They encourage them to be self-confident. They find out the causes that they will no longer make up similar mistakes.

As is know to all, failure is the mother of success. Even some great man may have failed many times before they succeed. So we must deal with failure correct.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西上高二中高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\)划掉。




SQ3R stand for five steps in the reading process: Survey, Question, Read, Review and Recite. The first step is survey, which helps you to predict how the author is going to say. The second step is question, which means to form questions basing on your survey. The third step is read and note something down. You’d better take note or underline something importantly while reading. The fourth step is review, which means to go over the text check your understanding and try to answer for all the questions you’ve written down while reading. The fifth step is recite, which means to make the summary of the reading in your own words. You can be sure you have understood the text although you can recite them without referring to the notes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北衡水冀州中学高三上学期一轮复习2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At the age of ten I could not figure out what this Elvis Presley guy had that the rest of us boys did not have.I mean,he had a head,two arms and two legs,just like the rest of us.About nine o’clock on Saturday morning I decided to ask Eugene Correthers,one of the older boys,what it was that made this Elvis guy so special.He told me that it was Elvis’ wavy hair and the way he moved his body.

About half an hour later all the boys in the orphanage(孤儿院)were called to the main dining-room and told we were all going to downtown Jacksonville,Florida to get a new pair of Buster Brown shoes and a haircut.That is when I got this big idea,which hit me like a ton of bricks. If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret,then that’s what I was going to get.

A11 the way to town I told everybody, including the matron(女管家)from the orphanage who was taking us to town,that I was going to look just like Elvis Presley and that I would learn to move around just like he did and that I would be rich and famous one day, just like him

When I got my new Buster Brown shoes, I could hardly wait for my new hair cut and now that I had my new Busier Brown shoes I would be very happy to go back to the orphanage and practice being like Elvis.

We finally arrived at the big barber shop,where they cut our hair for free because we were orphans(孤儿).I looked at the barber and said,“I want an Elvis hair cut. Can you make my hair like Elvis?”I asked him,with a big smile on my face.“Let's just see what we can do for you,little man,”he said.I was so happy when he started to cut my hair.Just as he started to cut my hair, the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing.She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head,like he was telling her “No”.Then he told me they were not allowed to give us Elvis hair cuts.Then I saw my hair falling onto the floor.

1.In the author’s eyes,Elvis Presley was_________.

A.disgusting B.admirable

C.ambitious D.dynamic

2.From the passage,we can know that______________.

A.Buster Brown was more appealing than Elvis Presley

B.An Elvis hair cut cost the orphans a lot of money

C.The matron did not want the boy to have an Elvis hair cut

D.The barber was unwilling to give the boy an Elvis hair cut

3.We can learn from the underlined sentence that the boy was______.

A.excited to have an Elvis hair cut

B.worried to think about the secret

C.anxious to remove the ton of bricks

D.careful to seize the chance

4.How would the boy probably feel when he walked out of the barber shop?

A.Delighted. B.Guilty.

C.Self-satisfied. D.Depressed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东惠州第一中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.I will e__________ (交换)my apple for your orange.

2.He lent them money for quite a__________ (正当的,恰当的)reasons.

3.The prisoner a__________ (企图,尝试)an escape, but failed.

4.Her t__________ (技术) has improved a lot over the past season.

5.Legal questions rarely exist in the a__________ (抽象); they are based on real cases.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津第一中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A common memory they all have ______ their school days is the school uniform.

A. on B. of C. to D. with


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏淮阴中学高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When I was in college, I loved reading a novel ______ name I have completely forgotten now except that the heroine Maggie falls in love with Cardinal Ralph who is much older than her.

A. as. B. which C. what D. whose


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏泰州中学高二上第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Emergency rooms (ER) are supposed to cure people but Dr. John Stemgold wonders if working in an ER in Willits made him sick. The ER was downwind of the Remco chrome plant. “I used to sit facing that window and kind of daydream out the window, looking at Remco, looking at the fog coming out of there. Then I would cough and cough.” Stemgold said.

What Dr.Stemgold didn’t know was that Remco was flowing out Chromium VI into the air--- a chemical known to cause cancer and breathing problems in humans. A recent state health department study found that people who were in Willits when Remco was in operation from 1964 to 1995 are at higher risk for cancer because of Chromium VI exposure.

Today Dr.Stemgold has lots of time to play his guitar. It turns out he has a form of breathing difficulty. Hospital chemicals cause coughing so violently that he’s broken bones and it’s cost him his career. Others in this town believe the Chromium has made them sick, too, and their families. Actually, Chromium VI was classified as a carcinogen , a cancer-causing substance, thirty years ago, Twenty years ago, a group of state scientific specialists found no exposure level below which carcinogen effects would not have some probability of occurring. Still, Remco was allowed to flow out Chromium VI into the air.

In the battle to balance public health and a healthy economy, laws often favor business, Alan Ramo is a professor of law at Golden Gate University. “There is a real drive to make money, to have employment. When there’s a real job that’s available and a theoretical risk of a chemical, jobs win out, business wins out.”

And chemicals are allowed to flood the marketplace and the government requires strict testing before any drugs can be sold. But the vast majority of industrial chemicals are put into use little testing of any kind Chemicals that people like us, you and me might be exposed to. Marilyn Underwood is with California state health department. “ You need to have the convincing evidence that something is bad to then start regulating it.” However, in most cases, chemicals are not tested until someone reports the abnormal, unnatural condition of the environment in general.

“I think that if people really knew what really goes on with environmental protection I think they would be shocked and they should be.” Says Professor Ramo. “It might be valuable for other people to know what has happened to me, not for me but for them.” He said “because they might be in a similar situation because of where they work.”

1.What happened to the people who lived in Willits from 1964-1995?

A. most of them were forced to move away.

B. They earn a lot of fortune from the factory or the profit it brought about.

C. employees from local area all got sick and lost their jobs at the plant.

D. They have a greater chance of having severe disease.

2.What can we infer from the scientists’ finding twenty years ago?

A. Chromium VI surroundings help surgeons have more casual life.

B. More skillful and capable doctors were needed.

C. There is no safe level of Chromium VI exposure.

D. A group of scientists were trying proper ways to solve the problems.

3.When are new chemicals for industry tested?

A. When they make smog-forming gases.

B. When some problem is noticed.

C. Ten years after they are first used.

D. When the plant faces collapse.

4.One of the important issues in the story is______.

A. The dangers of emergency rooms that create health problem downwind.

B. Doctors prescribing too many drugs.

C. The battle to balance public health and a healthy economy

D. Why scientists restricted chemical, like Chromium VI


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广西武鸣县高级中学高三2月一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

















注意: 1. 广播应符合英语口语的习惯。2. 内容应包括所给提示的全部要点。

3. 词数100左右。

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