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2.The revised edition of the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese has just been released,with more than 100new terms added to it.The new terms include weixin,or WeChat etc.There are also some older words recently used again and repurposed for contemporary (当代的) use,such as tuhao.Commonly used in the 1930s to refer to local persons who are rich but cruel,tuhao today laughs at a new privileged class that has appeared in China:people who are"extremely wealthy but lacking in education or values."
But why did weixin and tuhao make the cut,while other popular terms were shut out?Not admitted to the new edition were such words as diaosi,shengnü,and baifumei.
Li Xingjian,the chief editor of the dictionary,said about 30language experts worked for more than three years to select the new terms.They took into account three main considerations:whether the term has entered public topic,whether the use of the term has become stable and whether the term meets a minimum level of tastefulness.
"We considered and discussed a huge list,"Mr.Li said."A term like diaosi is not very tasteful,and it's unlikely to be used for much longer.And shengnü,we thought it wasn't that significant.It's used a lot by young people online,but otherwise people don't really use it."
"On the other hand,tuhao has always been around.It has a mocking(嘲弄的) meaning,but it's not necessarily negative,"he said."We think it'll stay around for a while,because in real life there really are these kinds of people and therefore a need to describe them."
The Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese,first published in 2004,is appreciated especially by scholars and those interested in contemporary usage.But it is not the first reference dictionary in China.That honor still goes to the New China Character Dictionary and the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary.Every five years,the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese is revised,with outdated words dropped to make room for new ones.
66.What does the underlined words phrase"make the cut"in Paragraph 2mean?A
A.Select           B.Exclude         C.Replace          D.Explain
67.How many aspects were taken into consideration to choose the new terms for the dictionary?B
A.2               B.3              C.4                 D.5
68.Why was shengnü not chosen into the new Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese?
A.Because it is never used in their daily life.
B.Because it is not popular on the Internet these days.
C.Because it is neither tasteful nor likely to endure long.
D.Because it is not so important and is mainly used online by young people.
69.Which is NOT True according to the passage?B
A.The Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese was first published in 2004.
B.The Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese is the first reference dictionary.
C.The term tuhao will exist for some time.
D.About 30language experts worked for over three years to choose the new terms.
70.What is the main idea of the passage?C
A.Every five years,the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese is revised.
B.People think differently about the newly chosen terms.
C.Many new terms were chosen into the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese.
D.The language experts think highly of newly chosen terms.

分析 本文主要介绍了《现代汉语词典》新收录的词语,以及被收录的3个标准.

解答 66.A   猜测词义题.  根据文章第 二段while other popular terms were shut out?可知 像微信这样的词汇被挑选进去而其他流行词汇被筛选出来,故选A.
67.B  细节题.根据文章第三 段.They took into account three main considerations:可知  主编主要考虑三个录用标准,故选B.
68.D  细节题.根据文章第四 段 And shengnü,we thought it wasn't that significant.It's used a lot by young people online,but otherwise people don't really use it."可知剩女这个词汇是很多年轻人在网上用的不太重要的词汇,故选D.
69.B    细节题.根据文章最后一段But it is not the first reference dictionary in China. 可知《现代汉语词典》不是第一本对照参考字典.故选B.
70.C     主旨大议题.  通读全文可知本文主要介绍了《现代汉语词典》新收录的词语,以及被收录的3个标准.故选C.

点评 在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

19.I feel it is a pity that you didn't want to take part in the speech contest.In my view,the speech contest can benefit from you in different ways.Firstly,which makes you look for more information about your favourite scientists on Internet or in the library,and learning more about them.Secondly,it is a challenge preparing for a speech contest.You not only have to write a good article,and also have to perform them properly.What's more,after the contest,you can find yourself with some new good friends,or even a prize.I suggest you will consider participating in the contest,that will really do good to you.If you change your mind,please let me know as soon as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

20.Thanks for your letter.You are describing a common problem experiencing by students all over China.What you already know,the competition to get into a good university or college is very fierce,and that by turn means a heavy study load for students.I know that this can feel like terrible burden at times,but my advices to you is to keep on studying as your hard work will pay for in the end.
In the meanwhile,do you best to relax.Proper rest and relaxation are extreme important.Although I know that you are very busy,but yet I want you to try to set some time aside after class and at the weekends such that you can unwind properly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jetsnarrowly(勉强地,险些) escaped disaster.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.He's  veryexperienced  (有经验的)  in looking after animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Doctors sometimes prescribe light therapy to treat a form of depression in people who get too little morning sun.But too much light at other times may actually cause such mood disorders. Long-lasting exposure to light at night brings depression,a new study finds,at least in animals.
The new data confirm observations from studies of people who work night shifts,says Richard Stevens of the University of Connecticut Health Center.Mood disorders join a growing list of problems,including cancer,obesity and diabetes梩hat can occur when light throws life out of balance by disturbing the biological clock and its timing of daily rhythms.
In the new study,Tracy Bedrosian and Randy Nelson of Ohio State University exposed mice to normal light and dark cycles for four weeks.For the next four weeks,half of the mice remained on this schedule,and the rest received continuous dim light throughout their night.Compared with mice exposed to normal nighttime darkness,those getting dim light at night lost their strong preference for sweet drinks,"a sign they no longer get pleasure out of activities they once enjoyed,"Bedrosian says.
In a second test,mice were clocked on how long they actively tried to escape a pool of water. Those exposed to night lights stopped struggling and just floated in the water,a sign of"behavioral despair",10times as long as the mice that had experienced normal nighttime darkness.All symptoms of depression disappeared within two weeks of the mice returning to a normal light-dark cycle,the researchers report.The scientists also could quash the behavioral symptoms by injecting (注射) the brains of animals with a drug that prohibits the activity of certain molecules linked with human depression.This finding further suggests that light at night may cause something related to depression.
Human studies linking nighttime light and mood disorders are important but can't easily detect molecular underpinnings (分子基础) as animal studies can,says George Brainard of Thomas Jefferson University.The new work,he says,suggests that the change of the biological clock by light at night can be"an extremely powerful force in regulating biology and behavior.

63.After being exposed to continuous nighttime light,the miceD.
A.changed their preferences           B.escaped from the water more eagerly
C.remained active as before           D.showed less interest in their favorites
64.What does the underlined word"quash"in Para.4probably mean?C
A.study             B.predict
C.ease              D.cause
65.We can leam from the last paragraph thatA.
A.light at night may have practical value
B.the biological clock is beneficial to humans
C.human mood disorders cannot be healed easily
D.human studies are more important than animal studies
66.What is the main idea of the passage?A
A.Nighttime light may foster depression.
B.A drug has been found to cure mood disorders.
C.The study on animals can be applied to humans.
D.Human biological clock can be controlled by lieht.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Rice is an important part of many people's diets.Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Massachusetts have released a report about rice.It shows that eating white rice increases the risk of Type Two diabetes (糖尿病).However,eating brown rice reduces the risk of the disease.
The World Health Organization says more than two hundred and twenty million people worldwide have diabetes.Type Two diabetes results when the body cannot effectively use the sugar it produces.
    More than thirty-nine thousand men and one hundred and fifty-seven thousand women took part in the study.They were asked about their diet and day-to-day activities,as well as any pre-existing diseases.The study found that the people who ate five or more servings of white rice per week had a seventeen percent increased risk of developing Type Two diabetes.But those who ate two or more servings of brown rice a week had an eleven percent reduced risk of getting the disease.
   Brown rice is the grain in its natural form.White rice results after it has been refined.This involves removing the outer cover.Only the inner white kernel is left.White rice is often enriched to replace some nutrients lost during the refining process.
   Qi Sun is the lead writer of the report.He says the outer parts of brown rice slow down the work of the body's digestive enzymes (消化酶) into starch.This means that the release of sugar into the bloodstream is slower after eating brown rice compared to white rice.
   A diet of foods that quickly release sugar into the bloodstream has been linked with a greater risk of Type Two diabetes.The exact reason for this is not known.
   Doctor Sun says less refined grains have more nutritional value than refined grains.He says replacing white rice with whole grains like whole wheat or barley could result in a thirty-six percent lower chance of developing Type Two diabetes.He says people should replace white rice and other refined carbohydrates with whole grains whenever possible.
   However,brown rice does not last as long as white rice because of the oil-rich layer of bran.This makes it less usable in poor communities.The International Rice Research Institute is working to develop kinds of white rice whose starch is released more slowly.
63.What is the exact reason of Type Two diabetes?D
A.Eating too much white rice
B.Sugar in the bloodstream.
C.digestive enzymes in the starch
D.It is still unknown to us.
64.What does the underlined word"refined"in the fourth paragraph mean?A
65.Which of the following is true?C
A.White rice has more nutritional value than whole grains.
B.The oil-rich layer of bran can prevent the brown rice from going bad.
C.Eating brown rice may reduce the risk of developing Type Two diabetes.
D.The outer cover of brown rice will speed the release of sugar into the bloodstream.
66.What's the best title of the passage?C
A.The importance of rice                       
B.Brown rice and white rice       
C.Diabetes and rice eating                     
D.Sugar and diabetes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A popular saying goes,"Sticks and stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me."However,that's not really true.Words have the power to build us up or tear us down.It doesn't matter whether the words come from someone else or ourselves-the positive and negative effects are just lasting.
We all talk to ourselves sometimes.We're usually too embarrassed to admit it,though.However,we really shouldn't be,because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves our loud is a healthy habit.
This"self-talk"helps us motivate(激发)ourselves,remember things,solve problems,and calm ourselves down.Be aware,though,that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative.So in order to stay positive,we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves.We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back.The next time you finish a project,do well on a test,or finally clean your room,join me in saying,"Good job!"
Often,words came out of our mouths without us thinking about the effects they will have; but we should be aware that our words cause certain responses to others.For example,when returning an item to a store,we might use warm,friendly language during the exchange.And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner.Or we can use harsh(苛刻的),critical language,which will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.
Words possess power because of their lasting effects.Many of us regret something we once said.And we remember unkind words said to us!Before speaking,we should always ask ourselves; Is it true?Is it loving?Is it needed?If what we want to say doesn't pass these tests,then it's better left unsaid.
Words possess power:both positive and negative.Those people around us receive encouragement when we speak positively.We can offer hope,build self-esteem(自尊) and motivate
others to do their best.Negative words destroy all those things.Will we use our words to hurt or to heal?The choice is ours.

50.The author argues in the first paragraph thatB.
A.words will never hurt us at all      B.words have lasting effects on us
C.inspiring words give us confidence   D.negative words may let us down
51.Why should we not feel embarrassed when it comes to talking to ourselves?A
A.Talking to ourselves is believed to be good for our health.
B.Almost everybody has the habit of talking to oneself.
C.Talking to ourselves helps us to solve all the problems.
D.It does harm to have"self-talk"when we are alone.
52.The underlined phrase"give ourselves a pat on the back"in Paragraph 3means"D."
A.blame ourselves           B.punish ourselves
C.talk to ourselves         D.praise ourselves
53.Which of the following statements would the author agree to?C
A.Unkind words are unlikely to be forgotten.
B.Positive words may destroy all the good relations.
C.It is better to think twice before talking to others.
D.Kind words are sure to cause unfavorable responses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.There is no doubt ______he will keep his promise and I  am sure that he will do what he said..(  )

