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17.You'd better stop smoking,_______ your health will break down.(  )

分析 你最好戒烟,否则你的健康将要衰弱下来.

解答 答案C.A项"并且";B项"但是";C项"否则";D项"然而".由句意可知,stop smoking与your health will break down构成转折关系,意为"否则".B、C项意思不合适.故选C.

点评 考查连词.主要要掌握每一个连词的意思及其用法,然后再根据句意选择即可.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Mom,I'm going to Diana's birthday party tomorrow.
-OK,but you _____ stay there too late.Be sure to get home before 10pm.(  )
A.couldn'tB.wouldn'tC.mustn'tD.might not


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.extra(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Some people are bad at recalling names and faces,so it's possible that they have a condition called face blindness,______ people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members,friends or even themselves.(  )
A.for whichB.whichC.whereD.of which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.His _____ of the incident approximates to that of the other witness.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.It was six or seyen years ago that I first witnessed a ginger cat break into my house.His name was Samson and,while"cat''was one description you might have applied to him,another more accurate one was"ginger beach ball that just happened to have a cat's head on top".He belonged to Ruby,a lady in her 80s living across the road.Soon the two of us became friends:me allowing him to steal my cat's biscuits,him allowing me to stroke him while staring up at me in a relaxed way.If he had been able to speak,the maj ority of his sentences would have ended in the word"dude"(伙计).
    When Ruby died in 2009,a friend who lived several miles away adopted Samson.A strict diet foilowed,which,left Samson looking less like a beach ball and more like a smaller cat wearing a baggy ginger sweater.While he had been around,I had complained a little about mv extra cat food bills and feared for my armchairs and sofa which were often violently scratched.but in the year or two after he'd gone I missed him a lot.
    In the past two and a half years,I've been visited by a succession of ginger cats,all of whom have been lovable,and all of whom have proved costly in either an emotional or financial sense.
    I'm moving out soon and facing up to the fact that I might never see them again.I've told the buver of my house about the essential information of it,especially the visiting cats.The chances are that one day if a cat,whether it is from one of the neighbours or just a stray one,turns up by his doorway,he can at least feed it.

41.When the author first saw the ginger cat,D.
A.she named it Samson immediately
B.she thought Samson was troublesome
C.she asked Ruby to adopt it
D.she found the cat looked very fat
42.We can conclude from Paragraph l that the ginger catB.
A.was not properly trained    
B.enjoyed the moment with the author
C.was abandoned by Ruby   
D.disliked the biscuits of the author
43.Why did the author occasionally complain about the ginger cat?C
A.The cat stole bills from her house.
B.The strict diet made the cat too weak.
C.He had to spend more on cat food.
D.The price of cat food kept rising.
44.Who does the underlined word"he"in the last sentence refer to?D
A.The ginger cat   
B.The author
D.The new owner of the house
45.We can infer from the story that the authorA
A.missed the days spent with those cats
B.regretted what she had done for the cats
C.had many encounters with strange cats
D.had to avoid conflicts with his neighbours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.She ______ have attended that meeting,for she was doing paperwork in the office then.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.A survery of the opinions of experts ______ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week ______ good for one's health.(  )
A.show; areB.shows; isC.show; isD.shows; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---My e-dictionary is nowhere to be found.Who           have taken it?
---I don't know.But keep looking and you will find it.(  )

