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  在成长过程中,你得到了家人、老师及朋友的关爱,你一定对他们心存感激。请你补全题目(如:Dear Mum, Thank You for Your Love),用英语写一封感谢信,讲述他们所做的一件令你深深感动的事情,并表达你的感激之情。要求:1.不要逐句翻译,词数80以上;


Dear. . . Thank You for Your Love

                       Dear Mum, Thank You for Your Love

Dear Mum,

  I always feel I am the luckiest child in the world because I have you as my mum.

I still remember the day when I failed my maths exam for the first time. I was so frustrated that when I got home,I had no appetite for my dinner. But knowing what happened, you were not angry with me at all. Instead, you tried your best to comfort me,praised me for my hard work and encouraged me to keep on trying. You helped me get rid of the shadow on my mind. Mum,I know I can do nothing to thank you but try to be better!Believe me,I'll be your great son!

                                               Yours, Tom

题目来源:丢分题中考英语 > 书面表达


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  It's not easy to become an astronaut. Out of 20,000 people who want to do it,only 20 of them become astronauts.

  First you must be fit. You must be 1. 6 ~ 1. 9 metres tall. Do you have the qualifications(资格)and experience to become an astronaut? Shuffle captains (机长)must already have 1,000 hours' experience of flying planes. If you are not a pilot,but want to be part of the team,you must already be a specialist(专家).You must be a Doctor(博士) of Science or Maths. You have probably already done research. You work well in a team.

  The 2-year training program is hard. You must be able to work for long hours without sleep.You should have good concentration (专心).Do you have the right character (个性)? Do you get angry when your bicycle has a flat tire(走了气的轮胎)? That would not help the team!Astronauts must work calmly and must be ready to do any job in space.

  If you are clever,qualified (有资格的)and experienced,you can always try. You will be away from home for two years. Flights into space are dangerous. You will not make muchmoney. On the other hand,you will have an ex citing trip into space and wonderful views. You will always be famous. You'll always be one of the world's very few astronauts.

(   ) 1. According to the passage,           people can become astronauts.

A. few    B. a lot of C. many    D. plenty of

(   ) 2. Which of the following people would NOT be a good astronaut?
A. A pilot. B. A Doctor of Maths.

C. A scientist. D. A Doctor of History.

(   ) 3. From the passage we can know that a good astronaut      .

A. works well and stays calm    B. can do just one job

C. sometimes helps people in the team D. sometimes gets angry

(   ) 4. The passage tells us that an astronaut's job          .

A. is hard but safe    B. is hard but exciting

C. is very well paid    D. will soon be forgotten

(   ) 5. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Astronauts Travel the Fastest    B. People Can Become Astronauts

C. Being in Space Is Exciting    D. How to Become an Astronaut


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding a string (线).which had a balloon at the other e   (1) .

  All of a sudden,a 1 (2)wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would cry. But, no!As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the s (3) , she cheerfully shouted , " Wow !"

That little girl t (4) me something. Later that day,I received a phone call from my friend. He told me an unexpected problem. I felt like r (5) with "Oh, no. What should we do?" But remembering that little girl,I found m (6) saying,"Wow,that is interesting! How can I help you?"

One thing is for sure―life is always going to make us f (7) unexpected problems. However,how to deal with them is our choice. We can choose to be annoyed or i (8)

  No matter what the situation is, a "Wow!" will always b   (9)"Oh, no."

  So the next time you meet one of life's unexpected g (10), remember that little girl and make it a "Wow!" experience. The "Wow!" always works.

1. e     2. 1     3. s     4. t     5. r       

6. m      7. f     8. i       9. b         10. g     


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 I worked as a waiter at a cafe a few months ago. One night,just before I 1 (1) , I found a large wallet on the floor near one of the tables. I was very b (2) at that time,so I didn't have time to check it for the owner's identification (身份).I thought if there was anything i (3) in it, the owner would be b (4) . Sure enough an hour later,a man came into the cafe and asked if anyone had found a wallet. I asked him to describe the 1 (5) wallet,and after he had described it c (6) ,1 gave him the wallet. He seemed very pleased and asked if I had opened the wallet. When I told him "No" , he opened it at once and showed me that it had nearly $800. Then he took out a $20 bill and forced it in my hand. u A reward for your honesty (诚实),"he said and then turned and walked away.

  Thinking about it later,I w (7) wondering whether I would have been so honest if I had known w (8) was in the wallet! But anyway I had saved someone's Christmas plan b (9) finding and returning the wallet. The nice f (10) it gave me was worth much more than the money.

1. 1         2. b       3. l      4. b       5. 1     

6. c       7. w        8. w       9. b      10. f      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


近几年来,家用汽车的数量与日俱增。据统计,青岛巿高峰季节每天有200多辆汽车挂牌登记。汽车的增多对人们的生活有利有弊,请从以下参考词汇中选择至少5个进行阐述,并提出至少两点合理化建议。短文词数80 ― 100。

参考词汇:speed, environment, health, time,convenient(方便的),traffic, park,noise, pollution, save energy(能源),the burning of gasoline(汽油).reduce(减少).limit(限制)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. In the future,a robot may        a person when he or she is in hospital without any

relatives around.

A. belong to    B. attend to C. lead to    D. refer to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. The UN officials arranged a peaceful talk between the two countries, the people       

       . (war)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―How much do you pay for the dress,Linda?

—$100. But I get a discount of 60%, really a        .

A. trade    B. bargain C. sale    D. reception


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.        many times, "serve the people" is our first policy. (stress)


