精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then , using her hands to _ _ the seats , settled in one of them.

It had been a year since she became blind. As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of_ _. Susan’s husband Mark watched her _ _ into hopelessness and he was _ __ to use every possible means to help his wife.

Finally, Susan felt ready to _ __ to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too __ _ to get around the city by herself. Mark _ __ to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening __ __ she could manage it by herself.

For two weeks, Mark __ __ Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other _ __, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new __ __.

At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip _ __. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she hugged her husband_ __, her eyes filled with tears of gratitude(感激). She said goodbye and, for the first time, they went their_ _ ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement __ _ Susan. She was doing it!

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work __ _ . As she was getting off the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure _ _ you.” Curious, Susan asked the driver _ __.

“You know, every morning for the __ __ week, a fine—looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver said.

Tears of happiness poured down Susan’s cheeks. She was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than __ __. That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.

1.A. touch B. grab C. count D. feel

2.A. weakness B. sickness C. darkness D. sadness

3.A. run B. sink C. jump D. step

4.A. inspired B. determined C. honored D. pleased

5.A. return B. adjust C. honored D. pleased

6.A. tired B. astonished C. depressed D. frightened

7.A. volunteered B. attempted C. continued D. struggled

8.A. when B. as C. until D. after

9.A. drove B. directed C. accompanied D. sent

10.A. feelings B. organs C. skills D. senses

11.A. position B. environment C. status D. role

12.A. on her own B. in person C. to her benefit D. on foot

13.A. politely B. calmly C. briefly D. tightly

14.A. opposite B. separate C. fixed D. lonely

15.A. took charge of B. took place ofC. took advantage of D. took hold of

16.A. as usual B. as a rule C. as well D. as a consequence

17.A. respect B. envy C. know D. support

18.A. what B. how C. why D. who

19.A. past B. same C. first D. next

20.A. courage B. will C. sight D. wisdom






















试题分析:此篇完形填空的文章原型来源于一片叫作“The Blind Bus Passenger”的文章。讲的是一个盲人乘客的故事。

1.1】D考查动词。A. touch摸索,感知;B. grab抢先,抢占;C. count数数;计算总数;把…算入;重要;D. feel摸索,感知。考生要知道盲人是看不见的,所有的动作都是靠摸索的,其实这是常识问题,据此可知应该选择“feel”(摸索,感知), 而不应该是“有目的”地去“touch”(触碰);

2.2】C考查名词。A. weakness 弱点;B. sickness病;C. darkness黑暗;D. sadness伤心。盲人陷入到黑暗的世界,这种表达在中文里面我们也使用,所以明显应该是“a world of darkness”;

3.3】B考查动词。A. run跑;B. sink下沉;C. jump跳;D. step举步,行走。单纯考查词汇,sink into hopeless, 描述人陷入到绝望之中,“sink”表示下沉,和人陷入绝望的状态是符 合的。

4.4】B考查动词。A. inspired鼓舞;B. determined 决定;C. honored尊敬;D. pleased使高兴。be determined to do sth. 这是新概念二册中的重点句型,下决心做某事,当然你也可以用 make up one’s mind to do sth.故选B。

5.5】A 考查动词。A. return归还,返回;B. adjust调整;C. honored尊敬;D. pleased使高兴。人残志不残,她想回到工作之中去,作返回来讲return 是一个不及物动词,因为选D。

6.6】D 考查形容词。A. tired 感到累;B. astonished感到惊讶;C. depressed感到沮丧;D. frightened感到害怕。句意:她过去习惯坐公共汽车,但是她现在太害怕而不敢单独在这个城市四处走动。frightened表示恐惧,故选D。

7.7】A考查动词。A. volunteered自愿去做;B. attempted企图;C. continued继续;D. struggled努力,挣扎。volunteer表示志愿去帮助Susan,现在很流行志愿者,所以大家不会对这个词感到陌生。故选A。

8.8】C 考查状语从句。A. when当---时候;B. as随着---;C. until直到---为止;D. after在---之后。句意:Mark自愿每天早上和晚上和Susan一起乘公共汽车,直到她自已能单独做这件事为止。故选C。until在这里是连词,引导时间状语从句。状语从句是重点语法,大家要注意学习了

9.9】C考查动词。A. drove 驾驶;B. directed指导;C. accompanied 陪伴;D. sent寄送。accompany表示“陪伴”,既然Mark是来帮助Susan的,显然就来陪伴她的,故选C。

10.10】D考查名词。A. feelings感觉;B. organs器官;C. skills技能;D. senses感觉,官能。可知盲人失去的是 “sight”实力,其它的sense(感觉)还是存在的,故选D。

11.11】B考查名词。A. position位置;B. environment环境;C. status地位;D. role角色。 简单的词汇辨析题,盲人需要适应的是新的environment(环境),而不是新的position(位置)等到,故选B。

12.12】A考查介词短语。A. on her own靠自己;B. in person亲自;C. to her benefit为了自己的利益;D. on foot步行。on one’s own表示“靠某人自己”本文一直都是在表扬这位盲人的毅力和坚持,希望能够靠自己来维持自己的正常生活。故选A。

13.13】D考查副词。A. politely有礼貌地;B. calmly冷静地;C. briefly简短地;D. tightly紧紧地,坚固地,牢固地。试想,拥抱自己的丈夫,而且是在分别的时候,感慨万千的时候,应该有的动作当然是 “tightly”(紧紧地),而不是其它的类似于politely(礼貌地),故选D。

14.14】B考查形容词。A. opposite相反的;B. separate分开的;C. fixed固定的;D. lonely孤独的,寂寞的。在接受了别人的帮助后,Susan终于要独自一人登上旅程了。他们各自走各自的路, “separate”表示“分别的”,其实她的背后有很多默默支持她的人,显然不是 “lonely”(孤独的)这样的词。故选B。

15.15】D考查动词短语。A. took charge of掌管;C. took place of代替;C. took advantage of利用;D. took hold of吸引。句意:每天都在完美的进行,一个疯狂的兴奋吸引了Susan。故选D。

16.16】A考查介词短语。A. as usual像往常一样;B. as a rule作为一条规则;C. as well 也;D. as a consequence因而,结果。as usual(像往常一样),表示经常发生的动作再次发生。故选A。

17.17】B 考查动词。A. respect尊重;B. envy嫉妒;C. know 知道;D. support支持。envy(嫉妒,羡慕)仔细阅读下面的文章,不难发现,司机是准备告诉Susan一个秘密。也就是要告诉她有很多人在默默地支持和关怀她。所以,根据上下文的理解,可以知道此刻司机是要表达一种羡慕嫉妒之情,也是对Susan的一种宽慰,故选B。

18.18】C考查疑问词。A. what 什么;B. how怎样;为什么;C. why ;D. who谁。句意:Susan好奇地问为什么。故选C。

19.19】A考查形容词。A. past过去的;B. same 相同的;C. first 第一;D. next下一个。在过于的几个星期中,英文应该是 “for the past week” “next”表示的是下周,还没发生的事情是不可能用完成时的,而且 “for”+一段时间,是现在完成时的时间状语标志,故选A。

20.20】C考查名词。A. courage勇气;B. will愿意;意志;C. sight视力;D. wisdom明智。sight表示“视力”。文中指的是,Susan虽然失去了视力,但是获得了更多宝贵的东西。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东薛城区舜耕中学高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was ten my dad helped me buy my first ten-speed bicycle from Allen.I put up $60 of my grass cutting and snow shoveling (铲) money and my dad put up the other half I would pay him back over the next six months.Although it was not in the latest style, it was my ticket to the adult world.

I spent that summer and autumn riding happily.My sister Liz, a prisoner(囚犯,俘虏) of her five-speed bicycle, never had a chance to keep up.Just before the Christmas deadline to pay my dad back, we were hit with several snowstorms.This allowed me to shovel enough driveways (车道) to pay off my debt.I was now officially a bike owner; it was a feeling unlike any other.

On that Christmas morning, my dad gave me a used portable (便携式的) record player.I was excited.However, my joy was short-lived after my dad called my sister to the kitchen.“We have one more gift for you.” he said as he opened the door that led to the garage.There, on the steps, stood a new ten-speed bicycle.

“It’s not fair,” I complained.“I worked so hard for my bike.and it’s not even new.Then Liz gets a new bike.She didn’t have to do anything for it.” My dad smiled.“She didn’t have to do anything for it because it’s not really for her,” he said.What did that mean? I didn’t want her bike.

By spring Liz and I were riding all over town together now that she could keep up.As we grew, Liz and I became true friends.

Still I wasn’t smart enough to figure out what my dad meant until years later.That new bike was not a gift for Liz — it was a gift for me.He’d given me the gift of my sister’s company, the ability to stay together rather than drift apart (逐渐疏远) in the face of my ability to travel.He gave me my best friend.

1.What do we know about the author’s bike?

A.It was worth $120.

B.Allen bought it for him.

C.It was very fashionable.

D.He didn’t like it actually.

2.Why did the author think he was officially a bike owner?

A.He had paid off his debt.

B.He had learned to ride a bike.

C.He could also own Liz’s bike.

D.He could sell his bike to Liz.

3.Why was the author’s Christmas joy short-lived?

A.His sister got a new record player.

B.His father didn’t care about him.

C.The record player wasn’t new.

D.His sister got a better gift.

4.Hearing his father say “it’s not really for her (Paragraph 4)”, the author probably felt ________.

A.moved B.satisfied

C.puzzled D.disappointed


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏涟水中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic (身心的) Society. Researchers in the United States studied 100,000 women during an eight-year period, beginning in 1994. All of the women were fifty or older. The study was part of the Women’s Health Initiative organized by the National Institutes of Health.

The women were asked questions measuring their beliefs or ideas about the future. The researchers attempted to identify each woman’s personality eight years after gathering the information.

The study found that hopeful individuals were 14% less likely than other woman to have died from any cause. The hopeful women were also 30 less likely to have died from heart disease after the eight years, Hilary Tinkle from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania was the lead author of the report. She said the study confirmed earlier research that linked optimistic feelings to longer life.

The researchers also gathered information about people’s education, financial earnings, physical activity and use of alcohol or cigarettes. Independent of those things, the findings still showed that optimists had less of a chance of dying during the eight-year period.

Some women who answered the questions were found to be hostile (敌意的), or highly untrusting of others. These women were 16% more likely to die than the others. They also were 23% more likely to die of cancer.

The study also found women who were not optimistic were more likely to smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes. They were also more likely mot to exercise.

Tindle says the study did not confirm whether optimism leads to healthier choices, or if it actually affects a person’s physical health. She also says the study does not prove that negative emotions or distrust lead to bad health effects and shorter life. Yet there does appear to be a link that calls for more research.

1.In which part of a newspaper can you read the above passage?

A. Nation. B. Opinion.

C. Business. D. Science.

2.Researchers carry out the study to .

A. decide who is more likely to enjoy a happier life.

B. gather information for the National Institutes of Health.

C. find out the link between personality and health.

D. compare each woman’s personality changes.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Negative emotions cause a shorter life indeed.

B. The more optimistic you are, the longer life you may enjoy.

C. It’s uncertain whether optimism affects one’s health.

D. There may be some link between personality.

4.Who is more likely to die of cancer according to the passage?

A. A woman who doesn’t exercise.

B. woman who always doubts what others say.

C. A woman with high blood pressure.

D. A woman with poor physical health.

5.What’s Hilary Tindle’s opinion of the study?

A. Necessary. B. Useless.

C. Unfair. D. meaningless.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏涟水中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Only when you stay and live with local people for a period of time will you have better understanding of life here.

A. a; / B. the; a C. /; the D. the; the


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河北邢台外国语学校高二上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At the time, I would go out in the evening with my parents. But this time I had borrowed a bicycle from a friend of mine. I didn’t know why, but once I was on my own bicycle, a kind of free feeling flooded through me. The faster I rode, the faster I wanted to go! Far ahead, I rode as if my life depended on it, head down, hands grasping the handbars. I meant to get to Jinghai Bar as fast as I could...

Oh! My hands! Don’t come any closer... Don’t touch me! That poor doctor just couldn’t get my gloves off. Each time he took a step towards me, I broke into painful shouting. Much later, I discovered that I had crashed heavily with another bicycle, and I hadn’t spoken one word of sense for at least three hours! After some time, my mother arrived at the hospital, her face as white as a sheet, and gave me a hug, only then did the doctor begin to stitch(缝合) my head wound, not only did he merrily cut off a long lock of my hair, but used no anaesthetic(麻药) either! Later, I seemed to hear faraway voices saying that my right hand was broken. I almost burst into tears. How would I ever play the piano again?

1. On her way to Jinghai, the writer felt _______.

A. nervous B. comfortable

C. light-hearted D. upset

2.Why did the writer ride a bicycle to Jinghai Bar that evening?

A. Because she wanted to attend a party on time.

B. Because she wanted to meet her friend who was waiting for her there.

C. Because she just wanted, to join some of her friends and drink some wine.

D. We are not quite sure about what she was really going there for.

3. What did the writer think of the doctor?

A. Friendly. B. Cruel.

C. Hardworking. D. Kind.

4.One thing is sure, that is, before she was wounded she _______.

A. often went to Jinghai Bar with her friends

B. liked playing the piano

C. didn’t like any doctors at all

D. would burst into tears when she was in trouble


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州实验中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





注意 1.词数100左右;



Looking back to the National English Speaking Competition I took part in several days ago,I have a lot to share with you.








科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州实验中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers.But last summer,Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son:suddenly he seemed to be talking more to his friends than to his parents.“The door to his room is always shut,”Joanna noted.

Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter.“She used to cuddle up(蜷伏)with me on the sofa and talk,”said Mark.“Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something.Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady.The problem is figuring out which time is which.”

Before age 11,children like to tell their parents what’s on their minds.“In fact,parents are first on the list,”said Michael Riera,author of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers.“This completely changes during the teen years,”Riera explained.“They talk to their friends first,then maybe their teachers,and their parents last.”

Parents who know what’s going on in their teenagers’ lives are in the best position to help them.To break down the wall of silence,parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say,and try to find ways to talk and write to them.And they must give their children a mental break,for children also need freedom,though young.Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend,not a manager,with their children is a better way to know them.

1.“The door to his room is always shut”suggests that the son________.

A.is always busy with his studies

B.is angry with his parents

C.keeps himself away from his parents

D.begins to dislike his parents

2.What troubles Tina and Mark most is that_______.

A.their daughter isn’t as lovely as before

B.they can’t read their daughter’s mind exactly

C.they don’t know what to say to their daughter

D.their daughter has grown up so quickly

3.Which of the following best explains“the wall of silence”in the last paragraph?

A.Teenagers do not talk much with their parents.

B.Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.

C.Teenagers talk a lot with their friends.

D.Teenagers talk much about their own lives.

4.What can be learned from the passage?

A.Parents are unhappy with their growing children.

B.Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.

C.Parents should force their children to talk with them.

D.Parents should try to understand their teenagers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州第五中学高三上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The little girl is walking along the beach, happy and joyful, _____bending down to pick up a beautiful seashell.

A.approximately B.regularly

C.apparently D.occasionally


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东龙川县第一中学高三12月月考英语试卷卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was Thanksgiving morning. I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step.

“Any old papers, lady?” asked one of them.

I was busy. I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing thin little sandals, wet with heavy snow.

“Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”

They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking.

The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?”

“Am I rich? Pity, no!”

I looked at my worn?out slipcovers(椅套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer (碟) carefully and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” They left after that, holding their papers against the wind. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.

Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched.

I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a regular job, these matched, too.

I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy marks of little sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.

1.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Lady, are you rich?

B.A story of Thanksgiving Day

C.Don't forget how rich you are

D.Does cups and saucers match well?

2.The writer let the two children come in and served them well because________.

A.she wanted to sell old papers to them

B.she showed great pity and care on them

C.she wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party

D.she had the same experience as them in the past

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The girl thought the writer was rich just because she wanted to make the writer happy.

B.The writer had thought she wasn't rich because her supplies were not expensive.

C.If cups and saucers match well, they are a best pair even though cheap.

D.After hearing what they said, the writer seemed to understand what a rich life was.

4.The writer left the muddy marks of little sandals on the floor for a while to________.

A.show that she was a kind?hearted lady

B.leave room for readers to think about what being rich is

C.remind her that she shouldn't forget how rich she was

D.prove that she had understood what meant being rich

5.It can be inferred from the text that whether you are rich depends on________.

A.how much money you have made

B.what attitude you have had towards life

C.the way you help others

D.your social relationship

