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16.As we all know,doctors are terrible pilots.They don't listen because they already know it all.I was lucky:I became a pilot in 1970,almost ten years before I graduated from medical school.I didn't realize then,but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon.I loved flying.As I flew bigger,faster planes,and in worse weather,I learned about crew resource management(机组资源管理),or CRM,a new idea to make flying safer.It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result,regardless of positions.
I first read about CRM in 1980.Not long after that,an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather.The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready.The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot.He was so busy because of the bad turn,he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down.He was a better pilot-and my boss-so it felt unusual to speak up.But I had to:Our lives were in danger.I put aside my uneasiness and said,"We need to put the landing gear down now!"That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM,and I've used it in the operating room ever since.
CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up.It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite,the doctor doesn't overreact,which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again.So when I'm in the operating room,I ask for ideas and help from others.Sometimes they're not willing to speak up.But I hope that if I continue to encourage them,someday someone will keep me from"landing gear up".
32.What does the author say about doctors in general?D
A.They pretend to be good pilots.
B.They are quick learners of CRM.
C.They like flying by themselves.
D.They are unwilling to take advice.
33.The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM whenC.
A.his boss landed the plane too late
B.his boss operated on a patient
C.he saved the plane by speaking up
D.he was in charge of a flying task
34.In the last paragraph"landing gear up"probably meansB.
A.listening to what fellow doctors say
B.making a mistake that may cost lives
C.following flying requirements
D.overreacting to different opinions
35.Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this passage?C
A.The Making of a Good Pilot
B.CRM:A New Way to Make Flying Safe
C.Flying Makes Me a Better Doctor
D.A Pilot-Turned Doctor.

分析 本文主要讲述的是,作者通过自己的经历来说明一件事:作者先成为了一位飞行员,更好地认识到了CRM的力量,使其以后成为了一名更好的医生.

解答 32-35 DCBC
32   D   推理判断题.根据第一段中的"As we all know,doctors are terrible pilots.They don't listen because they already know it all"可以判断出,作者认为,从整体上来讲,医生并不是好的飞行员,因为他们不愿意听别人的建议.故选D.
33   C  细节理解题.根据第二段中的"That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM,and I've used it in the operating room ever since"可判断出,在那次作者和他的主治医生一起开飞机的过程中,作者通过明确表达了自己的看法而挽救那次飞行,对CRM的权利有了更好的认识.故选C.
34   B   词义猜测题.根据最后一段中的"So when I'm in the operating room,I ask for ideas and help from others.Sometimes they're not willing to speak up.But I hope that if I continue to encourage them…"可知,作者在开飞机的时候,希望他人能提出一些他们自己的看法,即使他们不愿意,作者还是鼓励他们去那样做,因为作者认为这样有助于阻止自己犯一些错误,而一旦在开飞机时犯了错误,那飞机上的人就有可能失去生命.由此可推断出,"landing gear up"的意思应该为"犯了一个可能会使人丧命的错误".故选B.
35   C   主旨大意题.根据文章内容可判断出,本文主要讲述的是,作者通过自己的经历来说明一件事:作者先成为了一位飞行员,更好地认识到了CRM的力量,使其以后成为了一名更好的医生.C项意为"飞行使我成为了了一名更好的医生",体现了本文的中心,故选C.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Do you really want to go on to higher education?
    This is the first question you must ask yourself and it is the most important at this major crossroads of your life.Many can advise you,but you alone face the consequences of this fundamental decision.
    Stop.Think about it.Be honest with yourself and be realistic.Do you want higher education because you really feel you will benefit from it-or are you drifting towards it in response to the expectations of your parents and friends?Conversely,are you being put off higher education by other people's prejudices?
    Don't commit yourself to any form of full-time higher education if you are not interested in any of the numerous courses available.Higher education is most uncomfortable and unsatisfying for those who have little interest in the subject they have chosen to study.
    It can be an advantage to have a clear idea about the kind of career you eventually want,because then you can choose a course most likely to equip you for your future.
    Don't worry if you have no ideas about a future career; but do find out what are the career implications of your choice of course.Broad prospects(前景)will be open to you whatever course you follow,provided you do well and have the right personal qualities.Don'ttypecast typecast typecast yourself or allow anyone else to do so.This particularly applies to girls.Girls are still subject to prejudices about courses which lead to careers traditionally labeled as"man's work".This is almost always unjustifiable and women are now working in all sorts of former male"preserves".
    Competition for places will be tougher in future but the total available will still be very large.
    Seek advice from your careers teacher,careers officer and parents--but it is you who must decide whether or not you want to go on to higher education.
42.You attitude towards going to higher education is most important becauseC
A.this is the moment in your life when you have to decide your future
B.the wrong attitude is likely to have very serious consequences
C.you will be the one affected by any decision you make
D.it is a time when you can get plenty of advice
43.A decision to continue studying should depend onA
A.the advantages you believe you will have from doing so
B.the career you are hoping to take up
C.advice from experienced people
D.family considerations
44.What advice is given about your future career plans?A
A.You should be aware of the career prospects of the course you take.
B.These must be definite before deciding on study subjects.
C.They should not influence your choice of study subjects.
D.Any course can prepare you for a suitable career.
45.If you"typecast"yourself,youD   
A.study only the subjects you are good at
B.are prepared to adopt any course of study
C.are influenced by your own personal interests
D.accept other people's views about what you should study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Do you like travelling?Staying (61)healthy( health) while travelling can help to ensure your trip is a happy and (62)joyful (joy) one.When you are travelling abroad,here are the tips you need to make your trip much (63)easier(easy).
Make sure you have got the passport and visa.Also,before you go,fill in the emergency
(64)information (inform) page of your passport!Make two copies of your passport identification page.This will help a lot if your passport (65)is stolen(steal).Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives.Carry the other (66)with you in a separate place from your passport.
Read the Public Announcement or Travelling Warnings for the countries you plan to visit.Get yourself  familiar with local laws and customs of the countries to(67)which you are travelling.Leave a copy of your itinerary( 旅行日程) with relatives or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.
Do not accept packages from strangers.Do not carry too much money or(68)unnecessary(necessary) credit cards.If we make enough (69)preparations (prepare),we will succeed.Have(70)agood time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.For better air,it makes sense to prevent people from driving on certain days.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---I heard that there are a few seats left for tonight's show.
---Really?I was under the impression ______ they were sold out a long time ago.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.It is raining so hard.I think Tom is_______to come to our party.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.The city of the future
What will the city of the future look like?No one knows for sure,and making predictions (61)is(be) a risky business.But one thing is certain---they are going to get bigger before they get smaller.We will use lots of (62)recycled(recycle) materials,such as plastic aluminums,steel,glass,wood and paper,and we will waste fewer (63)natural(nature) resources.We will also have to rely more(64)onalternative energy,such as solar and wind power.
A teacher at (65)auniversity in the United States asked his students to think(66)howthey would run a city of 50,000people in the year 2025.Here are some of the ideas they had:
Garbage ships  To get rid of garbage problems,the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun,(67)preveting(prevent) landrills and environmental problems.
Cars  All cars will be powered by electricity,solar energy or wind,and(68)itwill be possible to change the color of cars at the flick of a switch.
Telesurgery  Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away,with each city (69)having(have) its own telesurgery outpatient clinic.
Holiday at home  Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras(70)attached (attach) to their head.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Charlie Chaplin,born in a poor family,showed an(56)astonishing (astonish) talent as a performer as soon as he could walk.Unfortunately,his father died early,(57)leaving (leave) his family even (58)worse (badly) off.(59)In his teens,he could act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks,and no one was bored watching his performance.Later on,Charlie directed,produced and (60)starred (star) in a series of funny movies,(61)which made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they might decide(62)to try (try) to live contently.The little tramp,who was a homeless man with a moustache,large trousers,worn-out shoes and (63)a small round black hat,was one of the most outstanding(64)parts (part) he had ever played.(65)Although Charlie used to live a hard life,he did bring us a lot of joy and laughter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Recently a man came to me,because he was told that there is fluid(积液)around his heart.After trying many drugs which were of no use to reduce the fluid,the doctor told him the only other choice was to have an operation.He refused because he knew that every illness has a mental cause and that if he had the operation but did not clear the mental cause,the fluid would return.At last,he searched the internet to find a metaphysical healer(玄学治疗师),and he found me.
The mental cause of his disease was an experience of breaking up five years ago with several friends,whom he had known for over twenty.This experience broke his heart.Not knowing how to"mend"his broken heart,his body created a"repair"by surrounding his heart with fluid to protect it from the sad feelings.
Our work focused on reminding him of the feelings of being loved and forgiving his friends.Months later,his hearts was mended and the fluid disappeared.He left my office after the final session with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
The key is:to create a healthy body,you must be healthy not only in body,but also in mind.
To be mentally healthy,you need to build up strong relationships.Creating strong relationships will insure that you are accompanied by a network of loving persons.It is important for building a support system that lifts your spirits.Even when you are alone,you will not feel lonely or upset.Strong relationships are not spaceships--they are not hard to build.

46.In order to cure his illness,which of the following ways did the patient try?B
①talking many medicines          ②having an operation
③seeing a metaphysical healer  ④visiting different doctors
47.The underlined word"It"in Paragraph 5refers to"C".
A.a mentally healthy body       B.a repaired heart
C.a network of loving persons   D.a support system
48.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.Loving others will keep you in good spirits.
B.Heart illness can be cured without operation.
C.Creating strong relationships will keep you healthy.
D.Spiritual health is necessary for physical health.
49.Which of the following views may the writer agree to?B
A.Old friendship is easy to lose.
B.A good friendship is a useful medicine
C.The best doctor is your own body
D.It needs many efforts to build relationships
50.If this passage is continued with another paragraph,what would it be probably about?A
A.How to build strong relationships
B.How to protect your heart
C.How to keep healthy mentally
D.How to live a healthy life.

