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Mary, do remember to bring your e-dictionary tomorrow???

Sure. 1wouldn’t if you???? me.

A. don’t remind??? ?? B. didn’t remind??? ? Chaven’t reminded? ??? D. hadn’t reminded





试题分析:句意:一Mary,记得明天把你的电子词典带来。如果你不提醒我就忘了。1wouldn’t提示是虚拟语气的用法,if从句表示与过去事实相反用hadn’t+ 过去分词。故选D

考点: 考查虚拟语气的用法。



科目:高中英语 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:001


1.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.Mary is ill.

B.Mary enjoyed the dance.

C.She has had no chance to talk to Mary.

2.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.He is not prepared.

B.He is well prepared.

C.He will start.

3.What does the woman tell the man to do?

[  ]

A.She tells him to sit with them.

B.She tells him to order the same thing.

C.She tells the man to leave.

4.What time will the man's bus leave?

[  ]

A.At 8:00.  B.At 8:15.  C.At 8:30.

5.What news did the woman get from the man?

[  ]

A.Sam Peterson will leave New York very soon.

B.Sam's sister will leave for New York very soon.

C.Sam's sister will leave for San Francisico very soon.



6.Why is the patient seeing the doctor?

[  ]

A.Because his wife told him to.

B.Because he feels tired.

C.Because his wife feels tired.

7.When did the man return to work the last time he was ill?

[  ]

A.When he felt better

B.When he had to.

C.When his wife told him to.

8.What does the doctor think his problem is?

[  ]

A.His wife.  B.His job.  C.His operation.

9.What can we learn about the doctor?

[  ]

A.She isn't fit for her job.

B.She didn't give the man any examination.

C.She will give the man further examination tomorrow.


10.Where does Mary work?

[  ]

A.In a construction company.

B.At McDonald's.

C.With Tom.

11.When will Tom's father's company hire workers?

[  ]

A.In September.  B.In June.  C.In August.

12.Is Mary going to the party?

[  ]

A.No, she doesn't want to.

B.Yes, she's going with Joe.

C.No, she can't.


13.What do you think the woman is?

[  ]

A.A member of a political club.

B.A camera woman.

C.A waitress.

14.What is the woman going to do?

[  ]

A.Take part in a meeting.

B.Shake hands with people she hates.

C.Have some photos taken.


15.What did the boy mean by speaking “Mary, how did you do that”?

[  ]

A.How Mary went on the holiday.

B.Why Mary went to Denvery.

C.How Mary was able to miss so much schoo.

16.What can we infer (推断) about Washington's Birthday from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.Maybe there was a national holiday near that day.

B.It was fine that day and nobody wanted to stay in.

C.All the students were on their winter holiday that day.

17.What did Mary do on Washington's Birthday?

[  ]

A.She stayed at home.

B.She went to the mountain by car.

C.She went to the mountain by train for a holiday.


18.What can we learn about North Dakota?

[  ]

A.A block party is an early sign of summer there.

B.Indoor sports are popular there in winter.

C.Winter snows are ususlly deep there.

19.What do the people in North Dakota think of the season of winter?

[  ]

A.Quiet and satisfying.

B.Long and dull (乏味).

C.Short but exciting.

20.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.People in North Dakota like answering questions.

B.People in North Dakota have various (各种各样的) interests.

C.People in North Dakota dislike answering questions.


科目:高中英语 来源:志鸿系列训练必修一英语人教版 人教版 题型:001



第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What are the two speakers talking about?




2.What time will the football match start?

A.At 20∶25.

B.At 21∶30.

C.At 19∶00.

3.Where is the man going?

A.To the bank.

B.To the hotel.

C.To Oxford Street.

4.Which of Mary’s arms was hurt?

A.The left one.

B.The right one.


5.What’s the weather like now?




第二节 听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What is Mary’s plan for Saturday?

A.Visit her mother.

B.Cook dinner for Tom.

C.Ask John and his wife to dinner.

7.What does John say to Mary about the invitation?

A.He’s not free.

B.He’ll certainly go.

C.He’s not sure.

8.What has John promised to do?

A.Phone back with an answer.

B.Persuade(说服)Jane to join him.

C.Visit Mary’s mother on Saturday.


9.Who was going to give a party for Mary?

A.Mr Green.

B.Mary’s friends.

C.Mrs Green.

10.When did the party begin?

A.At three o’clock.

B.Before three o’clock.

C.After three o’clock.


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What do we learn from this conversation?

A.Lucy didn’t come to the party last night.

B.Lucy broke her glasses at the party last night.

C.Lucy couldn’t see things clearly without her glasses.

2.What’s Mary’s address?

A.1664 Garden Street.

B.1646 Buard Street.

C.1646 Garden Street.

3.What does Mary do at last today?

A.To go shopping.

B.To finish the report.

C.To go to the club.

4.Who always comes to school earliest?




5.What does the man want to learn?




第二节 听下面2段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。


6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Attending someone’s dinner.

B.Inviting a guest.

C.Buying a present.

7.What should one do if invited to dinner according to the dialogue?

A.He/She should make up.

B.He/She should bring a small present.

C.He/She needn’t bring anything.


8.How did Mr Brown travel?

A.By air.

B.By train.

C.By ship.

9.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Mr Brown was a friend of the manager.

B.Cindy was the manager’s wife.

C.It was the first time that Mr Brown had seen Cindy.

10.What did Mr Brown think of the flight?


B.Not good.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省扬州中学2008届第一学期高三英语第一次月考试卷人教版 题型:001




1.How many flights are there to New York for tomorrow?




2.What did the man do after he lost his passport?

A.He went to see the foreign student advisor.

B.He went to Washington to look for it.

C.He went to the Passport Office.

3.What time does the woman start to work today?

A.At 10∶00.

B.At 9∶30.

C.At 9∶00.

4.Who wanted to borrow the camera?




5.What is the man going to do?

A.Hurry to catch the bus.

B.Wait for another bus.

C.Run to the airport.




6.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.Doctor and patient.

C.Teacher and student.

7.What does the man call the woman for?

A.To hand in his roommate's paper.

B.To ask about his roommate's illness.

C.To ask her to see his sick roommate.

8.What does the man have to do in the afternoon?

A.Visit the woman.

B.Meet the secretary.

C.Have a meeting.


9.Why can't the man find Susan's house?

A.He hasn't been told how to get there.

B.He has forgotten to bring the map Susan gave him.

C.He has arrived at a wrong place.

10.Where is the bank?

A.It is next to the bus stop.

B.It is on the corner beside the bus stop.

C.It is on the corner across the street.

11.Where is Susan's house?

A.It is the seventh house from the corner on the man's right.

B.It is the seventh house from the corner on the man's left.

C.It is the seventeenth house from the corner on the man's right.


12.When did the club open again?

A.On the twelfth.

B.On the thirteenth.

C.On the fourteenth.

13.What will Mary do on Saturday?

A.Go to see a film.

B.Play tennis.

C.Go to see her family.

14.Why is the man looking for today's newspaper?

A.To get some important news.

B.To find what films are on this week.

C.To find out today's date.


15.What did the woman do a few days ago?

A.She had a false tooth taken out.

B.She had her teeth examined.

C.She had a false tooth fitted.

16.What caused the woman's toothache?

A.The tooth didn't fit quite right.

B.She didn't take good care of the tooth.

C.She often ate sweets.

17.What time did the doctor ask the woman to get there?

A.After 11∶00.

B.Not later than 11∶00.

C.At 11∶00 sharp.


18.What is the passage mainly about?

A.A football game.

B.A story of a football fan.

C.A report about a football team.

19.How did the team feel about the next day's game?




20.Why did Carlos keep the name of starting players a secret?

A.He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game.

B.He hadn't made the final decision about it yet.

C.He wanted to give the fans a surprise.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省安庆市望江县2012届高三第一学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:001




1.Which place is the woman probably going to?

A.The Science Museum.

B.The railway station.

C.The No.15 bus stop.

2.What is the RIGHT time order?

A.Start work, visit friends, rent a house.

B.Start work, rent a house, visit friends.

C.Visit friends, rent a house, start work.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Put on his overcoat.

B.Put on Jack' s overcoat.

C.Buy an overcoat.

4.Whose niece came just now?



C.Tom' s.

5.Who asked John to leave?







6.Who will hold a birthday party?




7.What does Mary do?

A..A university student.

B.A teacher.

C.A photographer.


8.How many flats with three bedrooms does Mr White have?




9.What do we know about the lady' s family?

A.She has a son and a daughter.

B.She has two sons.

C.She has two daughters.

10.Which flat does the lady want to see in the end?

A.The one on the top floor.

B.The one on the second floor.

C.The one with three bedrooms.


11.What had Joan planned to do?

A.To go to the US.

B.To go to Singapore.

C.To stay in the school.

12.Where will the students from the US stay?

A.With a particular family.

B.In the school.

C.In their home with their family.

13.How long will Tony be away?

A.Less than three weeks.

B.About four weeks.

C.A month and a half.


14.What time is it now?

A.About 8∶00.

B.About 9∶00.

C.About 10∶30.

15.What does the secretary go to the shop to do?

A.Apply to study abroad.

B.Have a form copied at a shop.

C.Contact Mr Brown.

16.Why has the woman come here?

A.To copy a form.

B.To fill in a form.

C.To ask how much she should pay.

17.Who is coming towards the office?

A.Only Mr Brown.

B.Only the secretary.

C.Mr Brown and his secretary.


18.What kind of people can live longer?

A.People who are happy and positive about life.

B.People who are named Ben or Andrew.

C.People who live with their family.

19.When do people begin to be happy according to the research?

A.At 20.

B.At 50.

C.At 70.

20.What did a survey find about British families?

A.They are less healthy than 20 years ago.

B.They are as rich as 20 years ago.

C.They are less happy than 20 years ago.

