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  Drinking a lot of water does not do any good to the body, according to two experts in the United States.In fact, they warn, drinking too much water could be, in certain cases, harmful.

  In a study, Dr Stanly Goldfarb and Dr Dan Negoianu, both of the Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pensylvania, the United States, have denied the popular belief that drinking a lot of water clears body toxins(毒素)better, improves skin, and helps reduce weight.

  Dr Goldfarb and Dr Negoianu say that they found little proof to back the public opinion that drinking 8 glasses of water every day benefits health.At the same time, they fond little proof of harm in drinking 8 glasses of water every day.

  It is widely believed that in some cases-such as athletes, people who live in hot, dry environments, and those with certain medical conditions-drinking a lot of water indeed helps, but no studies have been done to prove the benefits of this practice in average, healthy people, the website medheadlines.com reports.

  The study at the University of Pennsylvania also examined reports that some people experienced increased headaches when their consumption(消耗)of water was low.In one small study, which the doctors reviewed, the group drinking the most water reported fewer headaches than the control group,“but the difference in the number of headaches was o small between the two groups as to be considered unimportant.”

  The researchers concluded that there is no scientific proof to support that average, healthy people need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each each day.

  The website medheadines.com says that, according to an Indian doctor, drinking too much water is harmful.If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, problems can occur.


What's the key message delivered in the passage?

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Drinking too much water might bring harm.


Whether to drink enough water makes no difference.


Drinking too much water may cause headaches.


Average, healthy people should drink more water.


We can learn from the passage that 8 glasses of water every day ________.

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proves good for the body


has scientific proof of harm


is sure to reduce headaches


is generally considered necessary


Who may agree that drinking lots of water helps to lose weight?

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The two experts.


The Indian doctor.


The general public.


The website.


According to the passage, we know that ________.

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the website medheadlnes.com is developed by an Indian doctor


the study was carried out by two experts with an Indian doctor


the two experts performed the study at the University of Pennsylvania


drinking 8 glasses of water every day can cure certain diseases


科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  The CBS-TV “National Drivers' Test” shows that many UK drivers have a lot to learn.Here are some reasons.

  CBS picked 1799 sample drivers to take the test in TV studios in Nottingham, Birmingham and Liverpool.More than two out of five drivers failed the test.And the average score was the lowest passing grades-51 points out of a possible 80.

  Liverpool drivers did the best with an average of 53 points.Nottingham drivers came next with 2 points lower and Birmingham drivers got 50 points-a failing score.Drivers with 50 or less rated “poorly informed” by the judges.

  Here are some of the test results:

  (1)Are men drivers better informed than women ones?

  Yes.Men averaged 52 points while women got an average of 49.

  (2)Are older drivers better informed than younger ones?

  No.Drivers under 26 averaged 52 points.Dri-vers from 27~45 averaged 51, drivers over 45 failed with a 48 points average.

  (3)Does education make a difference?

  Yes.College graduates averaged 52 points.High school graduates averaged 50.Those without full high school education got 48.And people who got driver education courses scored an average of 53 points-three more than those who hadn't.

  (4)Does driving experience make a difference?

  Yes.Drivers with three or more year of experience averaged 51 points.Drivers with less experience averaged 49.

  Some surprising facts about the test are also listed:

  (1)More than one out of three drivers didn't know that a blinking red light means a full stop.

  (2)Three out of ten drivers didn't know that an eight-sided sign means stop.

  (3)More than two out of three drivers didn't know what to do when being tailgated(追尾)The answers are very simple:slow down, drive to the left, and let the drivers behind pass.

  The test results have been turned to the National Safety Council and they will help future safety planning.


The author's purpose to write this passage is to ________.

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prove that men are better drivers than women


give us more directions about driving safety


tell us the results of a national drivers' test


require us to get a driving education


Which of the following as a group was rated “poorly informed” by the judges?

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All men taking the driving test.


High school graduate drivers.


Drivers from 27~45 years of age.


Drivers with 3 or more years of experience.


From the information in this passage, which of the following is correct?

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Older drivers are better informed than younger drivers.


Experience makes a difference among drivers.


Most drivers failed the test and got very low scores.


Most people don't know what a blinking red light means.


The test covered the following areas about drivers except ________.

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education background


years of driving experience


sex difference


health condition

