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Planes landed at the airport,carrying badly needed food and medicine.

分析 载有急需食物和药品的飞机在机场着落了.

解答 答案:carrying badly needed
解析:根据中文及所给英文提示可知,横线及其后的部分作定语,其先行词是Planes;因为"飞机"与"装载"之间为主动关系,故可以直接使用现在分词短语作后置定语.badly在本句中意为"极其地;非常".拓展:如果将横线处的句子补充完整为定语从句则为:which carried badly needed food and medicine.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Write a winning story!
You could win£1,000in this year's Fiction Prize and have your story printed in Keep Writing magazine.Ten other lucky people will win a cheque for£100.
Once again,we need people who can write good stories.The judges,who include Mary Littlejohn,the novelist,Michael Brown,the television reporter,and Susan Hitchins,the editor of Keep Writing,are looking for interesting and original stories.Detective fiction was extremely popular last year,although the competition winner produced a love story.You can write down about whatever you want but here's some advice to start your thinking:
Write about what you know
This is the advice which every writer should pay attention to and,last year,nearly everyone who wrote for us did exactly that.Love,family,problems with friends----these were the main subjects of the stories.However,you need to turn ordinary situations into something interesting that people will want to read about.Make the reader want to continue reading by writing about ordinary things in a new and surprising way.
Get your facts right
It's no good giving a description of a town or explaining how a jet engine works if you get it wrong.So avoid writing anything unless you're certain about it.
Hold the reader's attention
Make the beginning interesting and the ending a surprise.There is nothing worse than a poor ending.Develop the story carefully and try to think of something unusual happening at the end.
Think about the characters
Try to bring the people in your story alive for the reader by using well-chosen words to make them seem real.
Your story must be your own work,between 2,000and 2,5000words and typed,double-spaced,on one side only of each sheet of paper.
Even if you're in danger of missing the closing date,we are unable to accept stories by fax or email.You must include the application form with your story.Unfortunately your story cannot be returned,nor can we discuss our decisions.
You should not have had any fiction printed in any magazine or book in this country----a change in the rules by popular request----and the story must not have happened in print or in recorded form,for example on radio or TV,anywhere in the world.
Your fee of£5will go to the Writers'Association.Make your cheque payable to Keep Writing and send it with the application form and your story to:
Keep Writing
75Broad Street Birmingham
B12 4TG
The closing date is 30July and we will inform the winner within one month of this date.Please note that if you win,you must agree to have your story printed in our magazine.

61.How should writers deal with ordinary situations while writing?A
A.They should make them appealing to readers.
B.They should copy others'ideas.
C.They should change some facts to make them interesting.
D.They should describe them as they are.
62.What shouldn't a writer do?D
A.Making the contents interesting.
B.Getting the facts right.
C.Meeting the deadline.
D.Making the end ordinary.
63.Writers should present their works in the following ways except thatB.
A.they should write originally
B.they can type their stories as they like
C.they should follow some rules
D.they should hand in their stories in time
64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Late stories can be faxed if necessary.
B.Entry needs no fee.
C.Winners can have their stories printed in other magazines.
D.All stories should be presented by mail.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Having collected/After collecting the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.(collect)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

 2.晚会地点:学校新体育馆(the new gym)
注意:词数量120 左右,文章的开头和结尾都已经给出.
参考词汇:short plays 短剧  wonderful performances 精彩的表演
In order to improve our English,
The Students'Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.After I returned home,I couldn't sleep well.(改成现在完成进行时)
Ihaven't been sleeping wellsince I returned home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Regarded as one of the English language's most gifted poets,John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery,human nature,and philosophy.Although Keats didn't receive much formal literary education,his own studies and passion brought him much success.Additionally,his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.
    Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower,middle-class family,the young John didn't attend a private school,but went to a public one.His teachers and his family's friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies.After his father's death in the early 1800s,followed by his mother's passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核),he began viewing life differently.He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.
    At around the age of 16,the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might become a doctor.However,his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy,especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser.He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816,entitled O Solitude!If I Must With Thee Dwell.Within two months in 1817,Keats had written an entire volume of poetry,but was sharply criticized by a magazine.However,the negative response didn't stop his pursuit of rhythm (韵律).
    John Keats'next work was Endymion,which was published in May 1818.The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boy's hope to overcome the limitations of being human.Following Engymion,however,he tried something more narrative-based and wrote Isabella.During this time,John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences.He would have to have the"knowledge"associated with his poems.His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to combine all that he learned.However,a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.
31.John Keats'attitude towards life changed because ofB.
A.his early education from school          
B.the deaths of his parents
C.Edmund Spenser's poetry               
D.the criticism of a magazine
32.What is the common thing between John Keats and his mother?C
A.They read many books.
B.They had a bad childhood
C.They died of the same disease.
D.They showed strong interest in poetry
33.What do we know from the passage?B
A.Keats received little education at school.
B.Keats once had a chance of becoming a doctor.
C.In 1816 Keats spent two months writing a poem.
D.Endymion was about a real love story.
34.While pursuing his dream of becoming a poet at first,John Keats wasA.
A.determined    B.experienced    C.knowledgeable    D.impatient
35.What can we infer from the passage?D
A.Keats'family must have been very poor when he was young.
B.Edmund Spenser was the greatest poet in Keats'time.
C.It is likely that Keats rewrote his poem Isabella.
D.The poem Hyperion wasn't completed by Keats.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 (A) For Sale
Chinese-made bicycle Good condition
Zhang Ying 306,dormitory 4
 (B) Needed
25-year-old woman 900 Yuan a month Speak good English
Lan Fleming 422-389506
 (C) Roommate Wanted
Male--English native speaker wanted to share a 2-bedroom apartment near campus,washer,dryer,kitchen
Call Li Ming,228-940605
Any evening after 5
 (D) Lost
Black briefcase (公文包) with 3 books on physics
Call John Smith 843-316065
 (E)Want to Rent
One-bedroom apartment from Feb.1 through June,better near campus
Call Robert Waller 843-429065
 (F) Found
Brown briefcase with some money
See Joseph Hofman in Chemistry Dept
47.You can call Zhang Ying if you want toB.
A.sell a bike                    
B.buy a bike    
C.have your bike repaired          
D.borrow a bike
48.If you want to find a job,and you can speak English,you can callD.
A.843-429065     B.228-940605   C.843-316065     D.422-389506
49.One of the reasons why Li Ming wants someone to share his room is thatB.
he wants to live near the campus
B.he wants to improve his English
C.he wants his washer,dryer and kitchen to be used
D.he wants someone to use his kitchen
50.Robert Waller wishes to rent a roomA.
A.near the school                 
B.far away from the school
C.inside the school                
D.outside the city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Now Polly wanted to run,but fearheld herstill.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered  species (物种) and natural environment.If you would like more information about any of the organizations listed below,you can write to the addresses given.
Friends of the Earth (FOE) campaigns on a range of problems including rainforests,the countryside,water and air pollution and energy.

Friends of the Earth International Secretariat
P.O.Box 19199

The Netherlands
Greenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment.It campaigns to protect rainforests and sea animals,stop global warming and end pollution of air,land and seas.It also opposes nuclear power.

Greenpeace International
Keizergracht 176
1016DW Amsterdam

The Netherlands
BirdLife International is an organization which works to save endangered birds all over the world.

BirdLife InternationalWellbrook Court
Girton Road
Cambridge CB3 0NA
WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature is the world's largest private international organization for the conservation of nature and threatened species.

Information Officer
WWF InternationalAvenue du Mont-Blanc
41.If you want to learn more about the organizations,you canB.
A.call them   
B.write them a letter
C.visit them   
D.send them an e-mail
42.BirdLife International is an organization aiming toD.
A.reduce pollution 
B.defend rainforests
C.protect ocean animals 
D.save endangered birds
43.If you oppose nuclear power,you can joinC.
A.Friends of the Earth
B.World Wide Fund For Nature
D.BirdLife International
44.Which is the best title for the passage?A
A.Environmental Protection Organizations
B.Global Traffic Problems
C.Endangered Animals
D.Natural Beauty.

