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4.Like international travelers anywhere,foreigners visiting the United States from other countries can be confused by some of what they encounter.Fortunately,their fellow travelers have plenty of advice.Here are some specially good travel advice from around the world.
From Italy:
Tipping is filled with misunderstanding.Q.Is it true that I have to"force"to tip at all?A.It is not mandatory to tip,however,it is strongly recommended,because in many cases it is the only entry of workers.Generally in a restaurant,in the cab,and in many places where there is a service tip is 15%.Since the bill that will explain you exactly the city tax of 8.875%,is sufficient to double that sum,without bothering to do the calculations.In the hotel you leave two dollars per day per person cleaning.Obviously you do not leave tips in places like McDonalds or Starbucks.
From China:
Americans love to follow rules,even when no one is looking."Americans are such strict rule followers.I witnessed this once sitting on the sidelines of a high school dodge ball game.To me,it was ridiculous,a little violent,and very American.It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game so strictly.Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could have kept playing,he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game.I was deeply impressed by how much people honored the rules even when they are not seen."
From Russia:
Gifts are not a big deal.And did you know bribery (行贿) was illegal?"Gifts:Americans do not expect them.On the contrary,an unexpected gift while conducting business can put an American in an awkward position.Such things for Americans suggest exchange of commercial.
Business gifts in the U.S.are not acceptable.Moreover,they often cause suspicion.Americans fear that they could be interpreted as a bribe,and in the United States that is strictly punishable by law."
From Japan:
Nobody is impressed by how much you can drink."In the U.S.,they do not have a sense of pride if they drink a large amount.Rather,if you drink a lot,there is a sense that you cannot manage yourself,and you can lose respect from those around you.Being drunk doesn't excuse your actions,and to drink alcohol habitually is a sign of alcoholism.Alcoholics are seen as mentally weak,and are avoided by society due to their inability to have self control."

46.What does the passage mainly tell about?B
A.Cultural diversity.
B.Cultural differences.
C.Cultural revolution.
D.Cultural construction.
47.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word"mandatory"in Para.3?A
48.According to the passage,what are Americans most likely to do?D
A.Tipping everywhere.
B.Sending a surprising business present.
C.Drinking a lot.
D.Obeying the game rules.
49.Which word do the international travelers probably use to describe Americans?B

分析 本文为说明文.为全世界即将去美国旅游的人提供建议.

解答 46-49 B A D B
46.B 主旨大意概括题.根据第一段介绍,为全世界去美国旅游的人提供建议,可知不同地方有不一样的文化.故答案为B.
47.A 猜测词意题.根据"however,it is strongly recommended"强烈建议你给消费可知,前句"mandatory"意为"Required"必须的.故答案为A.
48.D 细节理解题.在第五段提到"Americans love to follow rules,even when no one is looking"美国人特别喜欢遵守规章制度.故答案为D.
49.B 判断推理题.从整个文章的内容以及各个国家的人对于美国人的态度上可看出,美国人非常自律.最后一句"have self control"也是暗示.故答案B.

点评 阅读理解主要考察学生在全面理解文章大意的基础上,将问题带到文章,采用定位法,快速锁定答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Nanjing-style paper cutting is an important part of Chinese paper cutting.It is known for its different designs,simplistic but graceful shapes,finely cut lines and unique skills.Zhang Fanglin is a leading figure in the Nanjing-style paper cutting.Zhang was born in a paper-cutting family.He is the fourth generation to continue the family's paper-cutting skills.Taught by his father,he began to learn paper cutting in his childhood.In 1963 when he was only 14 years old,he started his artistic career in a local folk handicraft factory.Over the past decades,Zhang has created many works and developed excellent skills.In 1985,Zhang was admitted into Nanjing Municipal Fine Arts Company,creating and designing paper cuts.Throughout his artistic career,Zhang has absorbed characteristics and elements(元素)of various styles of paper cutting and created a large number of creative paper-cutting works.Thanks to his great contributions,he won many national prizes and was awarded the title of"National Master Artist in Handicraft Art".
    As a leading figure,Zhang Fanglin has been invited to more than 30 countries and regions around the world,showcasing his paper-cutting skills.In the 2010 Shanghai World Expo,Zhang showcased his new creations of gold foil-embedded paper cutting works.
44.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.Chinese paper cutting
B.Nanjing-style paper cutting.
C.A paper cutting family
D.A paper cutting artist.
45.How old was Zhang Fanglin when he was admitted into Nanjing Municipal Fine Arts Company?A
46.What can we infer from the passage?B
A.Nanjing-style paper cutting is the most important part of Chinese paper cutting.
B.Zhang is a creative artist who knows different styles of paper cutting well.
C.Zhang won many international prizes because of his great contributions.
D.All the members of the family taught Zhang how to design paper cuts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-I'll call Bob and tell him the good news.
-You __________ do that.He was here just now and heard it.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The way we cook is important.In many countries,the two sources of heat used for cooking are nat-ural gas or electric stoves.The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that millions of people are dying every year from indoor air pollution.The WHO finds that poor cooking,heating and lighting technologies are killing millions of people each year.
     Indoor air pollution results from the use of dangerous fuels and cook stoves in the home.WHO of-ficials say nearly three billion people are unable to use clean fuels and technologies for cooking,heat-ing and lighting.And they say more than seven million people die from exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution each year.Of that number,the WHO says about 4.3 million people die from household air pollution given off by simple biomass(生物燃料 ) and coal stoves.
       These findings show that the home use of poisonous fuels is to blame for many of these deaths.
 These fuels inrlude wood,coal,animal waste and so on.Carlos Dora is Coordinator in the WHO's De-partment of Public Health,Environmental and Social Determinants of Health.He says people should  not use unprocessed coal and kerosene (煤油 ) fuel indoors.He says opening a window or door to let out the harmful air will not correct the situation.It will only pollute the outdoors."New technologies  and clean fuels can rid people of this problem."
         The United Nations found that more than 95 percent of families in suh-Saharan Africa depend on  solid fuels for cooking.It says huge populations in India,China and Latin American countries,such as Cuatemala and Peru,are also at risk.
         Nigel Bruce is a professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool.He says researchers are developing good stoves and other equipment to bum fuels in a more efficient way."There are already many technologies for clean fuels available now.An effective and reasonably low-cost ethanol(酒精)stove that is made by Dometic (a Sweden-based company) is now being tested out.Another interesting development is electric induction stoves."In India,you can buy an induction (屯磁) stove for about 8.AndinAfricayoucanbuyasolarlampforlessthan1.
25.According to Carlos Dora,what is the best solution to indoor air pollution?B
A.People should use an effective air cleaner.
B.People should use new technologies and clean fuels.
C.People should open a window or door to let out the harmful air.
D.People should prevent themselves from being exposed to harmful air.
26.How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?B
A.By listing numbers.
B.By following time order.
C.By describing a process.
D.By making classifications.
27.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.Burning solid fuels can help limit indoor air pollution.
B.People can buy ethanol stoves made by Dometic in India.
C.There are already two technologies for clean fuels available for use.
D.Most of the deaths from indoor pollution are in developing countries.
28.Which would be the best title for the passage?D
A.The Way We Cook Is Changing                      
B.Cause of indoor Air Pollution
C.Indoor Air Pollution Kills Millions Each Year        
D.The Development of Electric Stoves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.October 15,1970was declared International W hite Cane Safety Day (IWCSD) for the first time by the President of the International Federation of the Blind (IFB).This date was adopted at the first convention of the IFB,held in Colombo on October 4,1969.The object of  the exercise is to enable the general public to have a better understanding of blindness and visual handicap,and to make people more aware of the white cane as a mobility aid.
Peguilly d'Herbemont was born on 25th June 1888into an old French noble family of the same name.In her youth she led the conventional and protected existence,lack of great activity,of a girl from a"good family",an existence reminding of the life of the aristocracy(贵族) before the French Revolution.She never visited a public school,but was educated by German and English governesses and nuns.Her movements were restricted and were mainly confined to the family positions in Paris and Belgium,but she spent most of her time at the castle of Charmois not far from Verdun.
In the process of helping individual blind people across the road,Peguilly d'Herbemont was made aware by narrow scrapes(刮擦) which almost led to accidents,of the dangerous situation of the visually impaired brought about by the steadily increasing traffic on the roads.She first spoke about measures to protect the blind against street hazards to her mother in 1930,but she was of the opinion that it was unfit for a lady of good society to create a public outcry and advised her to stick to the transcription of books,a popular pastime of ladies of rank at the time.
But the idea did not leave her.The urgent wish to encourage the integration(成为一体) of the blind into society by providing them with a means of moving about more freely without endangering others,and at the same time attracting the attention of passers-by ready to offer assistance,caused her to take the unusual step of writing to the editor of the Paris dailyEcho de Paris in which she suggested issuing the blind of the Paris region with white sticks similar to those used by the traffic police.
The editor took up the idea,published it in November 1930and saw to it that the relevant authorities acted with atypical speed.Thus it was that the white cane received official backing,and on 7th February 1931.

41.The underlined words"the exercise"here refer toB.
A.the founding of the IFB        
B.the declaration of IWCSD
C.the convention of the IFB     
D.the first convention of the IFB
42.Which of the following is true about Peguilly d'Herbemont?A
A.She led a typical aristocrat life when she was young.
B.Though she could travel around Europe,she spent most time at Charmois.
C.She was taught German and English at a public school.
D.She worried about possible street hazards for the blind,witnessing many traffic accidents.
43.A gave her the white cane idea.
A.Her concern about the dangerous situation for the blind caused by the increasing traffic
B.The accident she had when helping blind people across the road
C.The scrapes she got when crossing the road
D.Her urgent wish to integrate into society together with the blind
44.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.Peguilly d'Herbemont's mother didn't want her to draw the public's attention.
B.It was common for people to write to newspapers to voice their opinion at the time.
C.Peguilly's strong desire to help the blind made her not a looker-on but an advocate.
D.The editor contributed a lot to the declaration of International White Cane Safety Day.
45.This passage mainly wants to tell usD.
A.Peguilly d'Herbemont's achievements
B.how to care for the blind
C.the function of the white cane
D.how International White Cane Safety Day came into being.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Time and money are of great importance to us all.Most people think there isn't enough of _____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The bestmethod(方法)to achieve this goal is to unite as many people as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.This isn'ther(she)cap.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Yesterday,I saw the old lady fall down when I was hurrying to school.I was about to help her up while a passer-by stop me,saying that I might be accused of knocking her down.Heard his words,I began to hesitate and slow down my steps.At the moment,another student,that saw everything,went up to help.The old lady said nothing but lots of thank to the good boy.I felt ashamed.
As is known to all,help others is forever a good virtue.Even though some old people behave improper,we can't let it to disappear.I have made my mind that I will reach out my hand without hesitation next time.

