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11.Teachers say the digital age has had a good influence-and a not-so-good influence-on this generation of American teenagers.More than 2,000 teachers took an online survey.Three-quarters of the teachers said the Internet and digital search tools have had a"mostly positive"effect on their students'research habits and skills.But 64 percent said the technologies"do more to distract(使------分心) students than to help them academically."And 87 percent agreed that these technologies are creating an"easily distracted generation with short attention spans."
The Pew Internet Project did the survey with the National Writing Project.Judy Buchanan is the vice director of the National Writing Project and a co-author of the report.Ms.Buchanan says digital research tools are helping students learn more and faster."Teachers really favor these tools because they are ways to make some of the learning exciting and engaging.Young people favor these tools.The goal is to really help them become creators of meaningful content,and not just sort of consumers."
But one problem the survey found is that many students lack digital literacy.They trust too muck of the information they find on the Internet.Judy says these students haven't developed the skills to determine the quality of online information."It's something that really has to be taught and paid attention to.Because in a world in which things happen quickly,you do need to step back,reflect and analyze the information you have."
Another problem is blamed on something that might not seem like a problem at all:being able to quickly find information online.Teachers say the result is a reduction in the desire and ability of their students to work hard to find answers.They say students are overly dependent on search engines and do not make enough use of printed books or research libraries.
Many teachers are also concerned that the Internet makes it easy for students to copy work done by others instead of using their own abilities.
32.The text mainly tells usD.
A.all the students use digital tools
B.the Internet is playing a key role
C.teachers encourage using digital tools
D.digital tools bring about benefits and problems
33.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?A

34.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably meansD
A.students do not have the right digital tools
B.students do not always have access to the Internet
C.students haven't the ability to adjust themselves
D.students can't judge online information properly
35.Some students don't tend to work hard becauseA
A.they can get answers on the Internet quickly
B.printed books and libraries around aren't enough
C.the Internet can't make students concentrate
D.they can copy each others'work without being punished.

分析 本文介绍了老师的调查结果,即老师们认为数字时代对这一代的美国青少年既有好的影响,也有不好的影响.

解答 32   D   主旨大意题.通过全文可知,文章第一段的第一句"Teachers say the digital age has a good influence and a not-so-good influence on this generation of American teenagers"为主题句,介绍了该调查结果,即老师们认为数字时代对这一代的美国青少年既有好的影响,也有不好的影响.故选D.
33   A   篇章结构题.本文为总分式,第一段进行了综述,介绍了数字化工具对学生既有好的影响也有不好的影响;第二段介绍了好的影响,第三、四、五段介绍了不好的影响.故选A.
34   D    句意理解题.根据下文"They trust too much of the information…the quality of online information."可知,学生缺乏对数字化信息的认识能力,还不能恰当地判断网上的信息,故选D.
35    A    细节理解题.根据第四段中的"Another problem…being able to quickly find information onine.Teachers say the result is a reduction in the desire and ability of their students to work hard to find answers."可知,一些学生不努力学习是因为他们能很快在网上找到答案.故选A.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Radio began as a point-to-point communication device.In 1919,Radio Corporation of American would charge a fee if you sent a message from one radio to another.Either the senders or the recipients pay the fee.The purpose was basically to undercut the telegraph,and they made their money(51)C,not by providing radio as a (52)B but by selling hardware.
In about 1922,radio (53)A into a broadcast mechanism.For broadcasting,in the simple sense,there was a(54)D and it broadcast,and lots of people could hear it.But broadcasting was seen as a way to drive business to the radio hardware makers.The stations were(55)C by people who made radios or (56)A,by churches and universities that wanted to get their(57)B out but weren't going to make money.
And there was a lot of stuff which sounds very (58)C today about how this medium was going to(59)D.And in the 20s,Radio Broadcast Magazine (60)A a $500prize for the best essay that answered the question:"Who is going to pay for broadcasting,and how?"The winner suggested a (61)B on radio listeners.Now,it sounds a little strange to us,but that's actually the British model.The BBC supports itself by a tax on TV and radio sets.
There was some discussion about(62)B,and Herbert Hoover,the Secretary of Commerce then,was strongly against this idea.He said it was (63)D that we should allow so great a possibility for service (64)C by advertising chatter.The Commerce Department was(65)A radio at the time.After the creation of national radio networks then the pressure-advertisers wanted to go on with it,people who owned the radio network wanted to sell ads,and that's how radio developed as an advertising medium.

56.A.in some casesB.in returnC.on the contraryD.on the whole


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Law enforcement agencies across the United States are using cameras to take pictures of automobile license plates.The idea is to build a computerized collection of information detailing the daily travel of millions of Americans.
      Detective Mohammed Tabibi uses a license plate reader,also known as a LPR to look for stolen vehicles."It has somewhat paid.We have caught some people involved in some serious crimes because of the LPR,"said Tabibi.
      The use of LPRs is growing across the United States.Some are fixed to poles along Roadsides,others are placed in law-enforcement vehicles.Privacy groups are concerned about the growing use of these devices.Jay Stanley is with the American Civil Liberties Union  ( ACLU)."What they  are  also doing  is  storing everybody's time,place,and  location.And  many police departments are holding that information indefinitely.You know in our society,the government doesn't follow you and invade your privacy and track you unless it has a specific  reason that you are involved in wrongdoing,"said Stanley.
      Kevin Rearden served as Captain of the Arlington county Police,who also headed the county's Homeland Security Department before he retired.He said county policy called for the  LPR information to be kept for six months."We originally had a two-month period,and the  detectives requested the chief extend it to six months because they found in so many investigations,keeping it for two months wasn't long enough,"said Rearden,"but other law  enforcement agencies that use the information may store it for unlimited periods of time."
     Supporters of privacy rights say they have no problem with police departments taking pictures of license plates to investigate crimes.But Jay Stanley says they're against storing the  information for long periods of time.
     However,Captain Rearden disagrees,"They  keep saying the word'tracking'.I would be  lucky if I could find you in a few places in Arlington at a particular time.By no stretch of the  imagination would I be able to track you."

56.What does the text mainly tell us?A
A.The use of LPRs is controversial.
B.Privacy protection is important.
C.LPRs help investigate crimes.
D.ACLU is involved in wrongdoing.
57.The function of a LPR itself is toB
A.give directions                          
B.take pictures
C.identify location                        
D.analyze information
58.Jay Stanley agrees thatB
A.tracking people all the time costs too much
B.using LPRs is likely to invade one's privacy
C.police are not allowed to store private information
D.every citizen is supposed to support the government
59.How long was the LPR information kept in the beginning?A
A.Two months
B.Six months.
C.Two years
D.Unlimited periods of time.
60.According to the last paragraph,Kevin Rearden thinks thatA
A.tracking is almost impossible
B.imagination never ends
C.he is lucky to live in Arlington
D.time and place are both important in tracking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.[1]Twenty-five years ago in San Diego,Karen Lange was asked by her neighbor,the husband  of a woman who had unknowingly picked up HIV,for help.Everyone else had turned their back  on the couple and the husband was desperate.Despite only knowing them for a short time,Karen agreed.
[2]The woman was in the last stages of a life.By her side,spending time with her and caring for her,was not her family,not her friends,but her next-door neighbor.In those moments,Karen's personal purpose in life became clear as she realized the major difference that we as individuals can have on another person's life.
[3]After her friend passed,Karen became involved in a local grass-roots organization called Mama's Kitchen,delivering meals to the critically ill,and eventually becoming a Board Member.She says that shethrew her energy in volunteering as a way to"help me feel better after her death and all the pain that I had seen."
[4]After a few moves around the country,Karen landed in Baltimore.At that time,some aspects of her life were‘‘difficult,''and she was working hard to get"out of a rut."Despite focusing on eating right,exercising,and trying to surround herself with positive people,she stayed in this rut,until she returned to volunteering.
[5]"It was volunteering at Moveable Feast that finally helped my soul and heart to heal,"Karen recalled.She found in the Bahimore-based nonprofit the same task as Mama's Kitchen in San Diego-to            people living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions.
[6]That is Karen's true gift-to be proof that giving of our own resources,especially our time,can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others,while also showing that volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person.

66.What happened to Karen's neighbor 25years ago?(no more than l0words)He was picked up HIV unknowingly..
67.What effect did volunteering at Moveable Feast have on Karen?(no more than 10words)
It helped hersoul and heart to heal.
68.Explain the underlined expression in Paragraph 3in English.(no more than 5words)
devoted herself to.
69.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 5with proper words.(no more than 5words)provide food to.
70.List out the benefits of volunteering according to the last paragraph.Volunteering can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others/Volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The term culture now is more used to describe everything from the fine arts to the outlook of a business group or a sports team.In its original sense,however,culture includes all identifying aspects of a racial group,nation,or empire:its physical environment,history,and traditions,its social rules and economic structure,and its religious beliefs and arts.
The central beliefs and customs of a group are handed down from one generation to another.It is for this reason that most people regard culture as learned rather than innate.People acquire a culture because they are not born with one.The process by which a person develops a taste for regional foods,accented speech,or an outlook on the world over time,therefore,is known as enculturation (文化适应).
Cultures are often identified by their symbols-images that are familiar and coated with meaning.Totem poles (图腾柱) carved with animals and creative figures suggest aspects of the Native American peoples of the Pacific Northwest but more literally represent specific tribes (部落).In Asia and India,the color of yellow is connected with temples while in ancient China it was a color only the emperor's family was allowed to wear.Thus,different cultures may respond to a symbol quite differently.For example,to some a flag may represent pride,historical accomplishments,or ideals; to others,however,it can mean danger or oppression.
To individuals unfamiliar with cultures outside their own,the beliefs,behaviors,and artistic expression of other groups can seem strange and even threatening.A society that ranks all other cultures against its own standards is considered to be ethnocentric (from the Greek ethnos,meaning"people,"and kentros,meaning"center").A strongly ethnocentric society assumes also that what is different from its own culture is likely to be inferior and,possibly,wrong or evil.
All people are ethnocentric to some degree,and some aspects of ethnocentrism,such as national pride,contribute to a well-functioning society.An appreciation for one's own culture,however,does not prevent acceptance and respect for another culture.History documents the long-term vigour and success of multicultural groups in which people from numerous and various cultural backgrounds live and work together.Extreme ethnocentrism,in contrast,can lead to racism-the belief that it is race and racial origin that account for variations in human character or ability and that one's own race is superior to all others.

74.What does the word"innate"in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?A
75.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Different interpretations of a symbol help to distinguish one culture from another.
B.An ethnocentric country opens welcoming arms to cultures different from its own.
C.Culture consists of some positive features of a racial group,nation or empire.
D.People from various cultural backgrounds often reach an agreement on some image.
76.What can be inferred from the passage?C
A.All aspects of ethnocentrism can produce negative effects on a society.
B.Racism is unlikely to bring about serious conflicts among different cultures.
C.Respect and acceptance of different cultures are a proper cultural attitude.
D.Countries with a strong sense of national pride play a superior role in the world.
77.Which might be the best title of the passage?D
A.Culture,the origin of racial superiority
B.Culture,a faithful mirror of history
C.Culture,the vigour of world development   
D.Culture,a distinctive identity of a nation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A Korean wave is sweeping across China,and You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia.Besides,the book,The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while.
After the enormous craze generated by Great Jang-Geum in 2003,the resurgence (复活) of South Korean TV dramas can be attributed to the joint efforts of the country's government and TV series makers.The South Korean government issued regulations saying at least 80percent of the TV programs had to be domestically produced.It also fixed the minimum number of homemade TV series to be broadcast in the country.That not only helped South Korean TV productions gain a firm foothold in the domestic market,but also laid the foundation for their successful attempt into overseas markets.
Recent years have seen great innovations in South Korean TV productions in terms of themes and narrative patterns.Take You Who Came From The Star as an example.Although aliens visiting Earth is an often-used theme,You Who Came From The Star's script remains logical and fast-paced.It mixes the plot with romance and murder and keeps the audience guessing about how the story will unfold.When it comes to love stories,the new South Korean teleplays no longer use the sorrow card; instead,they introduce them with unpredictable ideas and romantic punch lines.
The three TV stations,SBS,KBS and MBC,control the majority of South Korean TV market,each specializing in a different area and appealing to people of different ages.The productions are smooth and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects,creating a real-life visual impact.
Moreover,the filming for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts (剧本) are just one-third ready.Many popular productions have their own websites,where scriptwriters post part of the finished scripts,inviting viewers to leave messages,discuss the plot and come up with suggestions for future series.This not only keeps viewers'interest in the TV dramas alive,but also helps scriptwriters and directors make changes to the storylines to suit the audience's demand.
Hopefully,the success of South Korean TV programs will prompt Chinese TV drama makers to think up new ideas and abandon their bad practice of copying foreign productions in order to attract more viewers at home,and possibly abroad.

67.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT one South Korean TV drama?C
A.You Who Came From The Star.               B.The Heirs.
C.The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  D.Great Jang-Geum.
68.Why are most of South Korean TV programs required to be produced within South Korea?C
A.Because the TV programs produced out of South Korea are poorly made.
B.Because they can't match up to better produced works from other countries.
C.Because South Korean TV series are encouraged to promote its development.
D.Because just South Korea can provide enough TV market for them.
69.What kind of ending does You Who Came From The Star probably have?D
A.Sad and surprising.  B.Violent and frightening.
C.Romantic and sad.    D.Romantic and happy.
70.What's the advantage of South Korean TV programs over Chinese TV dramas?D
A.Government's support.  B.Often-used theme.
C.Different technologies. D.Changeable scripts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.As a group of young African immigrants struggle to adapt to life in the United States,an after-school drama program at White Oak Middle School aims to make their lives easier by first making them a little harder.
Project X is a program that uses drama,dance,poetry and other creative outlets to help students discuss the tough and sometimes painful problems they face as pre-teen immigrants with language barriers.A final unveiling of their creation will be performed for friends and family at the end of the year at Imagination Stage.
Wanjiru Kamau,coordinator of White Oak's African Club said it's important to give troubles to group members to help them find their place at the school."It comforts those who are uncomfortable,and it discomforts those who are comfortable,"Kamau said of Project X.
Kamau teamed up with Imagination Stage after she noticed that many African students seemed uncomfortable talking about problems,such as being laughed at by their fellow students about how they look and talk.When most of the kids join the club,they speak little or no English,Kamau said.Each week,the club typically draws five to ten students who are originally from Africa for discussion sessions and the Project X programme.
"We are going to express ourselves through our words and our actions,and that's powerful,"said teaching artist Meg Green as she introduced fill-in-the-blank poems the students wrote about their identities.
One student,Frank Ketchouang,13,wrote,"I am from the world; I am love,"which drew oohs and aahs from the group.Ketchouang has been in the United States for less than a year,said Program Coordinator Chad Dike.When Ketchouang started attending Project X,he had been in the United States for two months and spoke no English.Now he's one of the group's most outgoing members and helps translate instructions from English to Creole for the group's newest member,who is from Haiti.
Many people will give up when there's a language barrier,"but these students prove them wrong".Kamau said."You do have something to give.You are important.When TV,media,etc.are bringing them down,this program is bringing them up."

41.Project X is intended for helping the young African immigrants toC.
A.get over language barriers                   B.enrich after-school life
C.overcome tough problems                      D.become more creative
42.How well the members learn in the Project X program is shown byA.
A.their annual creative performances          B.their annual scores gained at school
C.the comments of friends and family          D.the comments of the program teachers
43.What do we know about the Imagination Stage?B
A.It's established by Kamau for Project X.
B.It's a cooperative partner of White Oak'S African Club.
C.It's a project designed by White Oak Middle School.
D.It's operated once at the end of each year.
44.According to the author,what Franck Ketchouang wrote wasC.
A.silly        B.simple      C.excellent     D.contradictory
45.The passage is written mainly toA.
A.introduce the Project X program           B.inspire immigrants to never give up
C.advocate White Oak'S African Club        D.call for more attention to immigrants.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.---He was nearly drowned once.
---When was ______?
---_____ was in 2000 _____he was in middle school.(  )
A.that; It; whenB.this;This; that
C.that; This; whenD.that; It; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Lisa has always been overweight.She wanted to lose weight,not just because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier,but also because it would make life easier.For example,it was difficult for Lisa to find ready-made clothes that would fit.She had to ask a tailor to make clothes that were large enough.In school,she needed a special chair which was bigger and stronger than the other chairs.If she went for a walk,she got tired very quickly.She was also unhappy about the way people treated her sometimes."People look at me and even make fun of me.That's unfair!It's true that I'm overweight,but I don't think people should treat me differently because I'm big.I can't enjoy having dinner with my friends because I'm afraid of getting fatter."Her friends and family never made fun of her.They tried to help her instead.They wanted her to be happy and healthy.Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad,she didn't want to speak to anyone.
But now things are quite different.Last month her classmates were preparing for the School Art Week.Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the Proud Queen who was tall and fat.Lisa agreed and practiced a lot.
Soon after the play,Lisa became the star!She did so well that everybody remembered the Proud Queen.They stood around her and said"Congratulations"to her.She even won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance.
Now Lisa doesn't worry about being fat any more.She believes in the English saying"Every dog has its day."
51.How did Lisa feel about her weight at first?B
    A.Proud                B.Worried          C.Happy            D.Strange
52.Why was Lisa chosen to play the role of the queen in the play?B
A.Because she was a star.
B.Because she was fat.
C.Because she was liked by her classmates.
D.Because she was the best student in her class.
53.What does the underlined sentence"Every dog has its day"in the last paragraph mean?D
A.Dogs never have weight problems.
B.Dogs can bring people good luck.
C.Everyone should have good heart.
D.Everyone gets a chance eventually.

