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When I was in elementary school, I always argued with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the1(argue) was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learnt that day.

I was convinced that “I” was right and “he” was wrong but he argued that “I” was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher decided to teach us2very important lesson.She_3(bring) us up to the front of the class and placed the boy on the side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk, there was a large4round object. She asked the boy what color the object was. “White”, he answered. I couldn’t believe5_he said, because it was6(obvious) black! Another conflict started7_him and me, but this time it was about color of the object. The teacher told me to stand in the place8_the boy had been standing. We changed the place and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, “White”. It was an object with two differently colored sides. From9viewpoint it was white, but from my side it was black. Sometimes_10(look) at a problem from the other person’s view, we will come to a totally different conclusion.












【解析】试题分析: 本文讲述的是作者和同学因为谁对谁错而发生争执,老师采取了巧妙的方式解决了双方的争执也教会了作者学会从对方的角度思考问题。

1argument 考查名词。根据空前的the判断应填名词形式。故填agreement

2a 考查冠词。空后是lesson教训,是可数名词,表示一个,用不定冠词。故填a

3brought 考查动词时态。根据上下文应用一般过去时,故填brought

4and 考查连词。根据空前后的形容词是并列关系。故填and

5what 考查宾语从句。根据空的宾语从句中缺少said的宾语,应用what引导宾语从句。故填what

6obviously 考查副词。根据该句空后的black是形容词,应用副词修饰,故填obviously

7between 考查介词。根据空后的him and me判断。故填between

8where 考查定语从句。根据空前的先行词是place,定语从句缺少地点状语,应用where引导,故判断填where

9his 考查代词。根据空后的viewpoint判断应该填形容词性物主代词。故填his

10looking 考查非谓语动词。根据该句的主语welook的动作执行者,句中缺少条件状语,应用现在分词。故填looking

考点 :语法填空


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


How to teach a child to respect

As a child grows out of being an infant and begins to notice and react to the world around him, you may find yourself wondering how you possibly impart (传授) all of the things that he needs to become a responsible, respectful adult. 【1】 A child who learns to respect all he meets not only receives respect from others, but also learns to respect himself as well. Here are some instructions.

Show your child respect. This is perhaps the best way to teach your child how to respect others. Listen to your child by giving him your full attention and he will learn to listen to you, understanding how important this is in communication.

2 The more you say “please” and “thank you” to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them with you and others. Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.

Agree to disagree. 3 Explain your decision so that he will understand your reasoning and expect respectful responses. Disagreeing with you doesn’t equate to disobedience (违抗).

Control your impulse (冲动) to overact. When a situation arises between you and your child that requires calmness, keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behaviour. 4___

Praise, praise, praise! So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that the accomplishments are not celebrated enough. 5___

A. Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.

B. Try to remember that a child won’t always agree with you.

C. Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.

D. If he sees you lose your temper, he is more likely to respond that way in future.

E. A child may act like he pleases, but will respect being given limits.

F. When you see your child exhibit respectful behaviour, make sure he knows just how proud you are of him.

G. Setting a good example is the best way to start a child on the path to respect.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】Mirella approached him and, after a brief (hesitate), shook his hand.

【2】He had done the job (proper), which made his boss happy with him.

【3】The book is an (analyse) of poverty and its causes.

【4】Neither fluency nor (accurate) is easy to come by in learning a foreign language.

【5】I never thought he could do so well. It was really beyond my (预料).

【6】Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high ___ (结冰的) point.

【7】A local newspaper (评论) that crimes were on the decrease.

【8】The other day the crowd (鼓掌) his wonderful performance for five minutes.

【9】The two brothers decided to go to America to try their f .

【10】What a m room! You should learn to put everything in order.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 阅读线面材料,在空白处填上适当的单词(一个)或括号内单词的正确形式

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant 1had four wives. He loved the 4th wife the most. He took great care of her and gave her nothing 2the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He was very

3(pride) of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. He also loved his 2nd wife. She is

4_very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant’s close friend. 5 the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and 6 would always help him out and tide(帮助渡过) him 7difficult times. Now, the merchant’s 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great 8(contribute) in maintaining his wealth and business as well as 9(take) care of the household.10, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每次错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I am a Senior 3 student. I often quarrel with my mother over if I can watch TV after school. My mother holds the view that students in Senior 3, heavily burden with their studies, are so busy to spare any time to watch TV. It seemed to her that once I am allowed to do that I will not able to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks that it is bad for her eyes to watch TV too often. But I really can’t accept her ideas. I think it is relaxed to watch TV before a day’s hard work. Not only can it set my mind at rest, but it can broaden my horizons. In addition, and we can be kept well informed of what’s happening at home and abroad and keep up with the times.

Now we have at last reached an agreement that I can only watch TV at weekends, and the content is limited to news and program of entertainment, sports or science.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Some students who had graduated visited their university professor. The conversation soon turned into1(complain) about stress in work and life. 2(offer) his guests coffee, the professor 3(go) to the kitchen and returned with a pot of coffee and4variety of cups—porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking, some expensive—telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

It was when all the students had a cup of coffee in hand that he said, “All the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up,5(leave) behind the plain and cheap ones. Actually, the cup itself adds no quality 6the coffee. What all of you really want7(be) coffee, not the cup. You consciously went for the best cups, and then you began eyeing others’ cups.”

“Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups,8are just tools to hold and contain life. The type of cup we have does not change the quality of life . If we concentrate only on the cups, we fail 9(enjoy) the coffee. I10(true) hope that you will never let the cups drive you enjoy the coffee instead.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Andy never wanted to go to bed on time. His parents had explained to him how important it was to go to bed early and get a good rest. But Andy paid no attention to them, and they didn't know what to do until one weekend when they were visiting Andy's grandparents.

Grandpa Peter heard all about it and said, "This sounds like a job for Tubby." So Andy's parents loaded the cat onto the car and returned home.

That night, at bedtime, the same problem happened. Andy didn't want to go to bed, and even though his parents waited a while to see if Tubby would solve the problem, nothing happened.

Hours later, Andy finally decided to go to bed. But what a surprise when he entered his bedroom! Tubby was in his bed, totally sprawling out, pot-belly in the air, and snoring like an express train.

Andy tried to move the cat, but there was no way of moving him an inch. That night he hardly slept, lying on one tiny corner of his bed.

The next day the same thing happened, even though Andy was much more tired from not having slept well. When the third day arrived, he had understood that if he wanted to sleep in his bed, he would have to get into it before Tubby did. That night, when his parents only started to mention the topic of bedtime, Andy rushed upstairs and dived into bed. His parents could not believe it. They knew nothing about Tubby in the bed, nor did they understand why Andy went to bed on time without complaint. They were so happy about this that they stayed up quite late, celebrating.

【1】By saying "This sounds like a job for Tubby", Grandpa means Tubby________.

A. has the same problem as Andy

B. often stays up late on weekend

C. can help solve Andy's problem

D. always likes playing with small boys

【2】The underlined word "snoring" in the fourth paragraph probably means ________.

A. sleeping B. making noises

C. dreaming D. relaxing

【3】Andy rushed upstairs for sleep because ________.

A. he was afraid Tubby would take up the bed

B. his parents reminded him of the bed time

C. he was much more tired from lacking sleep

D. his parents might punish him for staying up late

【4】The parents' attitude towards Andy's change can be described as ______.

A. curious B. disappointed

C. worried D. Joyful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

3. 必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。

Under the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult work. Just clicking your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out the room. It seems easy and quick. And there's always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from that you want, or the size is either too small nor too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not to buy clothes online. Once you put up the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people in the street wearing the same clothes like you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Spring is just around the corner and its a time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Here is a selection of festivals around the country that are a great excuse to get back in the spring sunshine.

Dana Point Festival of the Whales

Dana Point, California

March 7 to 8 and 14 to 15, 2010

Each year, over two sunny weekends in March the town of Dana Point, California celebrates the return of migratory California Gray whales to this part of the Pacific Ocean. Festivities include whale-watching, an arts festival and educational hands-on activities for the entire family. Prices start at $ 29 per adult and $ 19 for children. For more information, visit www.dpfestivalofwhales. com

Chandler Ostrich Festival

Chandler, Arizona

March 13 to 15, 2010

Chandler is the center of Ostrich(鸵鸟) ranching in the U.S. You can see jockeys ride these feathered beasts around the ostrich track at Tubleweed Park. General admission is $ 9 for adults, $ 8 for seniors, $ 7 for children aged five to 12 and kids four and under are free. For more information visit www.ostrich festival.com

Festival of Houses and Gardens

Charlestib, South Carolina

March 19 to April 18, 2010

The Historic Charleston Foundation gives curious travelers the opportunity to explore gardens of some of the finest private residences in America. Each three-hour tour(afternoons from 2 to 5 p.m. and evenings from 6 to 9 p.m.)lets you to visit eight to ten properties dating from the American colonial period. Prices range from $25 to $45. For more information, visit www.historic-charleston.org.

Tulip Time Festival

Holland, Michigan

May 1 to 9, 2010

You dont need to travel to the Netherlands this spring to see and smell some of the worlds finest tulips (郁金香). The town of Holland is home to millions of colorful bulbs. The 81st annual Tulip Time Festival, one of the largest flower festivals in the country will begin with fireworks on May 1. Admission fee ranges from $ 6 for the childrens area to $ 38 for theatre tickets. Tickets and more information are available at www.tuliptime.com.

【1】Which of the following is truer of Tulip Time Festival?

A. It is held in a town in the Netherlands.

B. It will start with fireworks on the first day.

C. It is the largest flower festival in the country.

D. It has been held every year for the past 81 years.

2A group of travelers who want to have fun in mid-April will go to ________.

A. Dana Point Festival of the whales

B. Chandler Ostrich Festival

C. Festival of Huouses and Gardens

D. Tulip Time Festival

3A couple with their 4-yer-old son will go whale-watching, they have to pay ________.

A. $58.B. $38.C. $48. D.$77.

