精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

【题目】It seems that the great desire among the young is to be popular. The desire to be popular can force you into looking and acting like everyone else. You can lose yourself in a sea of identical hairstyles and thinking styles.

I was forced to think about popularity not too long ago in a talk I had with my daughter. Margy had to change schools when my busy work schedule made it necessary for me to move houses. I suppose that, for a girl in her teens, entering a new school is like spending a season alone in the tropical jungles. At least that’s how Margy found it at first. However, as the school year drew to a close, one student after another came to her. I told Margy that I would have been more concerned if she had been an instant social success in her new school. Nobody can please everyone. If you try to do so, you will find values as lasting as soap bubbles blown into the air.

Some teenagers claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in a certain way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon into a larger cocoon.

I know that it has become harder for a young person to stand up against the popularity wave. Our way of life makes a young nonconformist stand out like a Martian. These days there’s a great barrier for the young person who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. Well, go to it. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

【1】Why was the author worried about his daughter’s popularity in her new school?

A.She might find no true friends.

B.She would ignore her academic performance.

C.She had no idea of her own.

D.She might betray her true self.

【2】What does the author think of most teenagers?

A.They’re afraid of getting lost in life.

B.They have difficulty understanding each other.

C.They lack the courage to be truly different.

D.They find it hard to gain popularity as expected.

【3】What is the probable meaning of the underlined word "nonconformist" in Paragraph 4?

A.Someone who cares about others’ opinion.

B.Someone who desires popularity greatly.

C.Someone who behaves in his own way.

D.Someone who wants to please others.

【4】What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A.To persuade readers to pursue valuable popularity.

B.To tell parents how to guide their children.

C.To criticize the present values and beliefs.

D.To suggest a good way to be popular.








【1】D 推理判断。第一段提到为了受欢迎而一味迎合别人的人"can lose yourself in a sea of identical hairstyles and thinking styles"再由第二段中的"Nobody can please everyone. If you try to do so, you will find values as lasting as soap bubbles blown into the air"可作者认为如果他的女儿在新学校已取得人际交往上的即刻成功的话作者认为女儿肯定是违背了真实的自我以取悦他人使自己变得受欢迎。因此答案选D。

【2】C 推理判断。由第三段的内容可知一些青少年想要随心所欲地穿衣搭配但却和大多数人穿得一样一些人在音乐方面想走不同的路但最终却还是和大多数人听一样的歌他们用某种方式思考或做事是因为大家都那样做。由此推断作者认为大多数青少年缺少真正变得与众不同的勇气。因此答案选C。

【3】C 词义猜测。由第四段中的"I know that it has become harder for a young person to stand up against the popularity wave"可知此处指想要变得与众不同走自己的路变得更难了。由此可推知画线词"nonconformist"指的应是不遵循常规的人。因此答案选C。

【4】A 推理判断题。由全文内容可知作者从自己女儿换了新学校后迅速受到新同学欢迎的事实谈起批判了那些为迎合他人而放弃自我的行为方式,并就受欢迎表达了自己的观点做真实的自己别人也会尊重你的本真。因此作者的写作目的在于劝诫读者追求有价值的受欢迎而不要去一味地迎合他人。因此答案选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It’s the time of year when graduates are looking forward to putting constant exams behind and moving on to a more exciting stage of their lives. But in the digital age, not everything is so easily left behind, because they have created a digital footprint that’s often not easy to cover up. However, there are various actions they can take to make that online presence(网络形象) more appreciating. 1

Clean up your Facebook account

Clean up your Facebook page and get rid of anything that could be considered offensive (冒犯的,无礼的) or held against you. Remember, the test is no longer “Would you want grandma to see it?” but “2

Use a professional looking photo

3, so make sure that first impression is a good one. Again, what worked at school is unlikely to impress the employers. Also, be consistent (一致的)and use the same photo on all your online platforms.


While it’s important to make the transition(过渡)from school to the workplace, you don’t want to leave everything behind. Make a point of keeping in touch with your school friends, teachers, professors, sports coaches, or anyone who could be helpful to you as you establish a career.

Be yourself

Nobody can be more like you than you. 5 Turn your social networking pages into your own personal website, and start marketing your own individual ,brand!

A.Grow your network

B.Search your memory

C.A picture is worth a thousand words

D.Whom would you want to see it?

EWould you want a future employer to see it?

F.Make sure your online presence is representative of who you really are.

G.Here are a few suggestions that you might want to pass on.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Social media in China is gaining more popularity than ever, studies show, while user groups with different age shows various ________, according to Kantar.

A. inspirations B. interests C. prejudices D. preferences


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


During a research experiment a marine(海洋) biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small fish into the tank. 【1】_______

The marine biologist then inserted a strong piece of clear fiberglass(玻璃纤维)into the tank, creating two separate parts. She then put the shark on one side of the fiberglass and a new set of small fish on the other.

Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark hit the fiberglass divider and bounced off. 【2】_______ Meanwhile, the small fish swam around unharmed in the second part. Eventually, about an hour into the experiment, the shark gave up.
This experiment was repeated several dozen times over the next few weeks. 3】_____ Eventually the shark got tired of hitting the fiberglass divider and simply stopped attacking altogether.

The marine biologist then removed the fiberglass divider, but the shark didn’t attack. 【4】_____ So, they swam wherever they wished, free from harm.

Like the shark in the story, many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. 【5】____ In other words, we continue to see a barrier in our heads, even when no ‘real’ barrier exists between where we are and where we want to go.

A. At the same time, the shark tried again and again.

B. We believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful.

C. The shark was trained to believe a barrier existed between it and the small fish.

D. It kept repeating this behavior every few minutes fruitlessly.

E. We should keep on trying even if we meet obstacles.

F. Each time, the shark got less aggressive and made fewer attempts to attack the small fish.

G. As you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

In Australia, it's estimated there are 40,000 daigou, which 【1】_____(mean) "on behalf of" in Mandarin. The online shopping agents are almost from mainland China, 2_____ are young migrants or international students 3_____ (look) for flexible ways to help cover their rent and university fees.

The centre of the trade is in Sydney, a city with a growing Chinese community and frequent direct flights to China, which makes doing business 4_____ (quick) and smoother.

Earlier this year, Beijing 5_____ (tight) regulations on cross-border online shopping, but there is still money to be made, especially in baby milk formula, known as "white gold". Many families don't care about the price 6_____ they do care about the quality. However, customers must be convinced the goods they receive are real, and that the supplier is 7_____ (rely). So Daigou have to pack their products again with Australian magazines to help prove their origin. What daigou are doing is build trust between their customers.

Rika, a girl from the 40,000 daigou, thinks that the income from daigou is reasonable compared to other working 8 _____ (opportunity) like working in a restaurant and that sort of thing. Besides, she thinks daigou are good 9_____ the local economy and our business. So she 【10_____ (clear) believes they are a positive force.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


请把对应答案填涂到机读卡上,E涂AB; F涂AC; G涂AD。

Every single human being on this planet has a path and purpose to fulfill, whether they realize it or not. 【1】

List what you love and connect the dots. 2 It may not make sense at first, but all of the things you enjoy doing are part of your path in one form or another, so grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing. Once you have your list, take a step back and see how all these brilliant pieces might connect to the work you are meant to do.

Identify what you do with ease. Often our passion and purpose are staring us right in the face, but it’s so natural to us that we don’t think anything about it. 3 Just because they are easy for you doesn’t mean that’s the case for everyone else. By identifying what comes naturally to you, you have the ability to build on your strengths and help others in ways you never thought possible.

4 Finding your passion is directly related to doing the things that light you up and set your soul on fire. If you love to teach, run, and host live events, then please, do them all! Who says your life purpose has to be just one thing? You are meant to experience life and all that it has offered.

Ask others to help. If you are still feeling stuck in finding your passion and purpose in life, it might be time to ask others for help. It can be difficult for you to see where you truly shine because you are simply too close to connecting the dots on your own. Friends, family members and professionals have a view that you don’t. 5

A. Do what makes you happy.

B. Find what you do with ease.

C. Don’t overlook the things that are easy for you.

D. They can help you to see things within yourself.

E. You cannot count on others to help you completely.

F. Here are ways to find your passion and purpose from now on.

G. Identifying the things you love is the best way to find your passion and purpose.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I find playing computer games______(relax) and it takes my mind off my work.

2Every minute of the day is filled with______(紧急的)matters.

3I______(prefer) staying at home to going out last summer holiday.

4As a______(毕业生),I'm looking forward to getting a suitable job.

5Chess is a very______(challenge) game for me.

6The book is______(design) for the use of beginners.

7The presenter will give a______(present) of how Chinese people fought against the Japanese troops.

8I'm collecting for the Red Cross.Please contribute______(generous).

9Stop fighting you two—shake hands and talk with each other______(平静地)!

10The letter between friends is always written in an______(formal) style.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is a photo of a similar car I own. It’s a photo of a Skoda Fabia, I drive one too. A young guy also got out of a similar car as I was getting close to mine. I laughed and was prepared to leave. The young guy continued to have a conversation with me.

He asked me how I found the car. It turned out that it was his first day to drive the car and it was new and it was a gift from his parents and he’d just passed his driving test today! What a coincidence (巧合)!

Well, this was a special moment for Nicholas. Who gets a new car the day they learn to drive and then drives into a garage and has a talk with a woman who’s driving the same model of car? Yes, beautiful synchronicity (同步性) in full view.

I wanted to make this moment special for Nicholas, and I wanted to gift him something. Thinking on my feet, I thought I’d buy him a lottery ticket (彩票) but it wasn’t special enough.

I got into my car and removed my Guardian Angel key ring which I had attached to my front mirror. It was there to keep me safe. My birthday is on Guardian Angel’s Day too, so this is very special to me. I gave it to Nicholas and he was happy to receive it. Nicholas gave me a big hug.

Nicholas was not an overconfident guy. He also told me his mum was only out of hospital and now he’d be able to help her get about.

I’ll order myself another Guardian Angel key ring for my car for fear that my Guardian Angel will not be protecting me without the key ring. As for Nicholas, well, I wish he and his passengers a lifetime of safe driving.

1What caused the conversation between the author and the young guy?

A. A similar car.

B. The author’s curiosity.

C. The young guy’s excitement.

D. The photo of a Skoda Fabia.

2What did the author think of the guy’s experience?

A. It was doubtful.

B. It was a coincidence.

C. It was unlucky for him.

D. It was untrue.

3What did the author do for the guy?

A. She drove him home.

B. She bought him a ticket.

C. She offered him a birthday gift.

D. She gave him a special present.

4What was the author going to do next after meeting the guy?

A. Give him more confidence.

B. See his mother in hospital.

C. Buy a key ring for her car.

D. Tell him to drive quickly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Skillswise Delivery(递送)Services

Christmas Job Opportunities(机会)

Aged between 16 and 65 years?Need some money for Christmas?

Are you available to work at short notice?

Can you work early in the morning or late at night?We are looking for careful and patient people to help to sort and deliver parcels in the Reading area from late November until the end of December.

Pay for weekdays,including Saturdays and Sundays,will be:

Ages 16 to 17—£4.80 per hour.

Age 18 and over—£6.10 per hour.

So if you have good communication skills and are able to work as part of a team,we would like to hear from you.

To get an application form(申请表)please write to:

Elaine Grey,Personnel Officer,Skillswise Delivery Services,Windsor Road.

Reading,RG5 4BR

Tel:0118 932 814 (24 hr.answer phone)

Closing date: 10th November

1Skillswise Delivery Services is looking for people who .

A. are young adults B. live in the Reading area

C. have good qualities and certain skills D. can work full-time

2If you're 16 and work 8 hours on Sunday,you'll get .

A. £48.80 B. £19.20

C. £24.40 D. £38.40

3To get the Christmas job,you must .

A. phone Elaine Grey

B. fill in a form

C. get an application form before late November

D. go to the office of Skillswise Delivery Services

4What should he do if a teen,Tom wants to get this job?

A. He must hand in his form before 10th October.

B. He must be sixteen years old or older.

C. He must work at noon.

D. He must call 0118 932 824.

